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68.Why did the author spend four years to graduate from his high school?

A.He didn't want to go to his university too early. B.He hasn't made enough money for his scholarship. C.He had to look after his sick mother at home then. D.He was trying to making his social life colorful then. 69.When did the author study at home to get his degree?

A.From 6:30am to 4:30pm every day. B.From 7:30am to 3:30pm every day. C.He would spare nine hours every day. D.He would spare some hours without fixed time. 70.What did the author do in his spare time during the four years?

A.Try to make his social life rise like others.B.Hang out and have fun with the others. C.Manage to make money online. D.Stay at the public libraries. I.翻译下列单词或短语(15分,每题1分)

1.共有;共用 __________________2.在…的帮助下 ____________________ 3.走过;过去 ___________________ 4.在某种上 ____________________ 5.看守;监视 ___________________ 6.依…看;据…认为___________ 7.处理信息 ______________________ 8.祢补;补足_________________________ 9.技术革命 ______________________ 10.为人类服务 _____________________ 11.解决一个数学问题 _____________ 12.允许某人做某事__________________ 3.轮流做某事 ____________14尽管虽然 ______15.每年一次____________ II.根据汉语或英语提示填上合适的英语单词。(10分,每题1分)

Before going on a journey, we must c_______ the cost of it, so we can be well prepared for it. 2. You must be careful while working. Accidents a_______ from carelessness. 3. I met with an old friend while w_______ in the street. 4. Man is said to be c_______ by God.

5. His boss asked him to present a detailed _______ (分析) of the market.

6. As a s_______ boy, you can’t operate the machine which calls for patience and carefulness. 7. Since it has broken down. I will look into the matter to see if it is a ________ (技术的) problem. 8. Computers have brought about a great r______ in people’s life. 8. revolution 9. With so many _______ (人造的) flowers on the wall, the house looks more beautiful. 10. As a detective, he is a person of high _______(智力). III.完成句子(10分,每题2分)

1. 从某种程度上,她的英语有进步,但对她来说,道路还很长。 _________, her English has improved but____________________. 2.我喜欢被相距遥远不能交谈的人们用来彼此联系。

I ___________used to connect people _______________ to speak to each other.

3.但是我总是孤独地立在那里,直到60年代早期,他们把我与因特网连在了一起。 But I was always ___________standing there by myself, until ___________, they gave me a family connected by a network..

4.从我出生以来。我就是真心真意地为人类服务而构建自己的。 I have truly been built to _____________since my birth. 5.大多数人认为美国队会打赢。 IV.翻译句子(10分,每题2分)

1.学生们应该在课堂上轮流发言。(take turns to do)

____________________________________________________________________ 2.在他看来,失去这个工作在一定程度上是件好事。 (in one’s opinion; in a way) ________________________________________________________________________ 3.这个孩子太小以至于不能照顾自己。(so…that)

________________________________________________________________________ 4.随着社会的发展出现了许多问题。(arise)

_________________________________________________________________________ 5.我一直等到老师跟我父亲谈完话。(until)

__________________________________________________________________________ V.将下列句子变为被动语态。(10分,每题2分) 1.My friend has bought a new personal computer.

___________________________________________________. 2.The shop has repaired my computer very quickly.

____________________________________________________. 3.An unknown virus has just attacked my computer.

_____________________________________________________. 4.We have not solved the problem yet.

______________________________________________________. 5.The company has given its computers away to a local school. _____________________________________________________. VI.(15分,每题1分)

1Three more bridges __________ over the Yangtze River in the past years. A. have built B. were built C. will be built D. have been built 2. The story is not true. It is ________ by the writer. A. made up B. made into C. made up of D. made out of

3. You can’t talk to her that way. __________, she is your mother. A. And B. At all C. First of all D. After all 4. ----Do you mind if I record your lecture? ----_________. Go ahead. (2008江苏)

A. Never mind B. No way C. Not at all D. No, you’d better not.

5. I don’t think you can work out the maths problem ________ the teacher’s help. A. Since B. Unless C. Because D. without

6. The reason _________ he is unhappy is ________ he has failed the exam. A. which; because B. for that; that C. why; that D. for; because 7. How do you __________ a car accident after it happens? A. do abou t B. do with C. deal with D. deal about

8. A new situation is likely to _________ when the school leaving age is raised to 16. A. Arouse B. Rise C. Arise D. lift

9. We waited for them to give us the ___________ to move. A. Symbol B. Sign C. Signal D. mark

10. It was crazy _________ you to let ________ young girl to drive your car. A. of; such a B. of; a such C. for; such a D. for; a so

11. The twin sisters have __________ with each other except that they looks alike. A. a lot in common B. little in common C. nothing to do D. no common

12. __________ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared

13.--- How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? --- The key _________ the problem is to meet the demand _______ by the customers. A. to solving, making B. to solving, made C. to solve, making D. to solve, made 14.Don't go ______ that clock. It's fast. A. to B. on C. from D. by

15.He knows ______ to deal with men but when he meets women, he doesn't know ________ to do.

A. how, how B. what, what C. how, what D. what, how VII.改错(10分,每题1分)

1.Accidents can rise from carelessness. 2.I disagree with you to this point.

3.On a way I agree with what you said at the meeting.

4.It’s not surprising you’ve got stomachache .In all, you’ve eaten too much. 5.Peasants are made up of the majority of the population of our country. 6.The bridge is four times the long of that one.

7.The sum hasn’t worked out, but I can’t see where I became wrong. 8.As the years going by, I have been made smaller and smaller. 9.The output of cotton went up to 20%.

10.The English and Australians have a ordinary language.

21B句意:我朝床底下看去,发现了上周丢失的书。此处的bed,book均为特指。 22B句意:既然你已经得到了机会,就应该充分利用。make the most of意思为“充分利用机会”。23d考查动词时态和语态。句意:据说莫言的书已经被翻译成许多种语言。此处的“翻译”发生在“据说”前,为过去发生的一个动作对现在造成的影响,故用现在完24 C考查介词短语。句意:他滑倒了,腿折了。因此,他不得不离开学校两到三个月。in any case“在任何情况下”;after all“毕竟,终究”;as a result“因此”;in this way“用这种方法”。25b考查副词。句意:我不确定明天是否有其他事要做。无论怎么样,我会尽一切所能出席这个会议。even if“即使,尽管”;anyhow“无论如何”;if so“如果这样的话”; instead“反而,代替”。26b考查非谓语动词。句意:很多问题解决了,我感到如释重负。problems和solve之间是动宾关系,应用被动。根据felt,可知动作已发生27B考查名词性从句和动词辨析。句意:我们应该记住醉酒驾驶引起了很多事故。that引导的是宾语从句。arise“出现”;raise“提高,养育”;rise“上升,起立”。28b考查名词词义辨析。句意:——你在寻找一些特殊的东西吗?——不,我只是看看。此处something in particular意为:特殊的东西。total“总的”;particular“特别的”;general“一般的,普通的”;common“普通的,共同的”29B考查so, such作定语的用法。句意:你相信在这么一个富裕的国家里会有这么多穷人吗?第一空所修饰的名词前有冠词,应该用such;第二空修饰的名词前有many,应该用so30a考查形容词。句意:有规律地参加体育锻炼会对身体健康有益。由此处健康、锻炼推知答案31A考查介词短语。句意:不要再责备他了,别忘了他还是个孩子。根据句意推知答案。after all置于句首表示“别忘了,毕竟”的意思。

32b考查连词。句意:随着时间的继续,我们老师的话证明是对的。此处意思“随着……”后面跟句子33C考查动词。句意:他们所盼望着的精彩时间到来了。分析句式they have been looking forward to为定语从句修饰time,句子的主语为time,时态为现在完成时,