2019年外研社版英语七年级上册 Module 10 单元检测 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2019年外研社版英语七年级上册 Module 10 单元检测更新完毕开始阅读a3217ef524c52cc58bd63186bceb19e8b8f6eca8


38.C 由第一段中的“His dad and uncle are watching the boat races(比赛)on TV.”可知答案为C。

39.A 由第二段中的“But there isn't a Dragon Boat Festival in the us,so it's like any other night for Zhang Qian and his host family(寄宿家庭).”可推断,美国人不过端午节,也没有为这个节日而设的活动,故答案为A。

40.C通读最后一段后部分的内容可知,Zhang Qian的寄宿家庭很好,但并不是他的家,故答案为C。 Ⅳ.41.call; rooster

42.People are busy shopping and cleaning their houses.

43.在新年的第一天,人们,尤其是孩子们,穿上他们的新衣服去拜访亲友。 44.to welcome

45.It's very interesting.I like it very much.(符合题意即可) V.46.What is;wearing 47.Yes;is 48.isn't;anything 49.I think basketball is very interesting 50.Does;get Ⅵ.One possible version:

Spring Festival

Spring Festival is an important festival for Chinese people.It always comes during the winter holidays.Children usually wear their new clothes.People usually visit their friends and relatives.When they meet,people give good wishes to each other.Everyone in China enjoys Spring Festival.