Module 9 Unit 1Why do you like Australia 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章Module 9 Unit 1Why do you like Australia更新完毕开始阅读a4d5a62c3169a4517723a397

I like NBA.

I like Harvard University. I like Disneyland. 师:Excuse me, children. Time’s limited.

This group wants to show. Let’s see.

生:We want to go to America. Because we like Harvard University. Because it’s very famous and beautiful. We want to go to America. Because we like Disneyland. Because it’s beautiful and funny.. Thank you. 师:Clap for them.

I think one day you will go to Harvard University. Because it’s very famous. Try your best, Boy. Thank you. Good try.

Go back to your seats.

【小组展示总结】这组学生展示了共同制作的美国宣传海报,最大的亮点是Ea型学生阐述自己想去美国的原因是因为对哈佛大学的向往。学生们都感叹其流利的表达和美好的理想,而我也相信他终于一天会把理想变为现实。 师:Which group wants to show? You four, please.

生:We want to go to Australia. Because we like Australian animals. Because they are very lovely. 师:Good job. Thank you.

Go back to your seats. Clap for them.

24 children want to go to America. 12 children want to go to England. 18 children want to go to Australia. So this summer we will go to America. I believe we will have a perfect study tour. Let’s go.

【活动总结】这个活动是对本课所学句式的综合性运用,设计的任务能够针对小组内不同风格学生,比如有的撰写海报,有的准备展示词,有的选择并粘贴图片,有的设计海报版面等。整个活动过程中,人人参与,发挥各自优势完成各自任务。最终通过调查与展示,我们确定了暑期的游学计划,使这个活动有始有终。 2. Summary

师:What have you learned this class? Li Yitong.

生:I learned Australian animals and Australia. 师:Wonderful. 3. Homework 师:Homework.

1. Listen and repeat the text. 2. Finish Activity Book P34 1.

3. Talk about the poster with your group members. Thank you very much for this class. Class is over. Goodbye, children. 生:Goodbye, Ms Kong.