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Doctor Smith’s lecture accounts to saying that a child who displays high EQ early on in life will succeed eventually in the face of all kinds of difficulties.


Since many marriages end in divorce in the United States psychologists have suggested that couples in all families communicate with each other more often an solve their problems before it becomes too late.Unit 7

1.随着长大,我渐渐接受了这一事实:我永远不会实现成为一名作家的梦想。 As I grew up, I made my peace with the fact that I would never fulfill my dream of becoming a writer.


Michael had got stuck trying to figure out the word essential to the word puzzle for two days before he threw up his hands in frustration.


The singer was taken aback by the pirated editions of his songs on the market, and he vowed not to let the thiefs off.

4.感谢您购买我的锅炉。作为回报,我们将免费为您处理旧锅炉。 Thank you for purchasing our furnace. In return we will get rid of your old one for free.


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Susan and I filled each other in on what had happened after we parted,from which I learned that she had had several children's books in print.


Her bookstore having been frozen out by a giant chain, the middleaged Lillian was at a loss as to what else she could do.


You need somebody to urge you constantly to see the task through to completion.

8.因为害怕新建购物中心会破坏社区的宁静,许多居民反对这一计划。 For fear that a new shopping center would ruin the peace of the community,many residents opposed the construction plan.


1.如果能对冗长的讲座不感兴趣,那么从头至尾把它听完实在是毫无意义。 It is really pointless to sit through a tedious lecture if you do not take 30 any interest in it.

2.由于他在生态学领域的卓越地位,我们学校的学生都非常敬重他。 The students at our university all hold him in high esteem because of his eminence in the field of ecology.


Though he claims that his new novel has nothing to do with his own life,it has caught the fancy of many young readers,who believe that this novel has given them a glimpse of the author's childhood.

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Since computer technology ushered in what is known as the Information Age,some writers have done away with their pens, for they

can now write everything with their computers.


We have to admit,as much in sorrow as in shame,that there are some people among us who do think of themselves as the center of the universe and care very little about public affairs.


First and foremost, we should get the precise data on the population of the city.If retired people outnumber the teenagers,we should adjust our development plan to the needs of this large group of people.


Nothing pleases Nancy more than to see the rapid progress made by her seven-year-old son, whose playing would put many a professional pianist to shame.


The point I want to make is that as modern university students, we must hold knowledge in high esteem,especially its quest,and place great value on tradition, social restraint and continuity.

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