2020年春季学期课程作业大学英语(3)第3次13714765-重庆大学网络教育学院-参考资料 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2020年春季学期课程作业大学英语(3)第3次13714765-重庆大学网络教育学院-参考资料更新完毕开始阅读a58acd9131d4b14e852458fb770bf78a65293a14




一 、 句子翻译(英译汉) (共 8 题、0 / 40 分 ) 1、The next step is to know what you shoulddo. 参考答案是:


2、The root helps the tree take in water fromthe soil. 参考答案是:


3、The earthquakes leave scars in the earth’s crust. 参考答案是:


4、Can you speak either English or French? 参考答案是:


5、Because of lacking experience, he oftenrose to the fly. 参考答案是:


6、We are sure to benefit from the story. 参考答案是:


7、He dropped out of school at the age of 10because his family was too poor to afford the tuition.



8、The city is surrounded by a mountain range. 参考答案是:


二 、 作文题 (共 4 题、0 / 20 分 )

1、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on Renting an Apartment off Campus. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 1. 现在大学生在校外租房的现象很普遍

2. 这种现象产生的原因 3. 我的看法 参考答案是:

Renting an Apartment off Campus

Nowadays, an increasing number of college students would rather rent an apartment off campus than live in a dormitory. This phenomenon has raised considerable concern among parents and college faculties about living off campus, which is caused by the following reasons.

To begin with, living conditions of an apartment off campus may be better than those of a dormitory. A rented apartment is often equipped with an independent washroom and a shower equipment which may be of great advantage over the school dormitory. In general, a typical dormitory often accomodates four or six, or even eight students and it is too crowded and noisy for those who prefer private space as well as quiet circumstances. In addition, instead of being regulated by dormitory rules, students may enjoy more freedom in a rented apartment.

If college students intend to rent an apartment, I think they should give top priority to safety. It is important to make a survey of the surroundings first to ensure the security. Besides, when they tend to enjoy the freedom, they should have a better sense of self-control and make good use of their time.

2、Directions: In this section, you are asked to write a composition with the title “The Biggest Dream of My Life.” You should write at least 120 words and cover the following points.

1. What is your biggest dream?

2. Why do you have it? For how long have you got it? 3. What are your plans to achieve your dream? 参考答案是:

The Biggest Dream of My Life

I know many people whose biggest dreams are things such as what career they want to get into, how much money they can earn. My dream is nothing like that. My biggest dream has always been and will always be to travel around the world. I have one life here on Earth, so I don’t want to die regretting that I didn’t see it all.

Actually I have had this dream ever since I was in primary school. In one geography class, when the teacher presented us the globe and national ? ags of various nations, I thought I found the dream in the depth of my heart. And the moment I came to college, I had always envisioned myself of becoming a nomad. I would roam around the world. No permanent address. Any place can be my home and I am home within myself.

Meanwhile, I am aware that it’s really a costly dream. The first step I need to take is to begin to save money to support it. And I think it’s a good idea to start exploration from my hometown and the city where my university is located. Just as a saying goes: a big dream begins with the first step.

3、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition titled To Clone Or Not to Clone. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given