2021版英语全能大一轮复习外研版练 检测提能·全过关 必修4 Module 4 Great Scientists 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2021版英语全能大一轮复习外研版练 检测提能·全过关 必修4 Module 4 Great Scientists更新完毕开始阅读a599363ef66527d3240c844769eae009581ba290

练 检测提能·全过关


Ⅰ. 语境填词

1. The government is attaching more importance to educating the younger generation. In a sense, it is the duty of every educator to do what they can for the cause of education of China. (educate)

2. That old boiler exploded last night. The explosion could be heard two kilometers away. (explode)

3. Large quantities of oil are imported (import) from abroad every year. 4. Mike often attempts to escape being fined (fine) whenever he breaks traffic regulations.

5. He is devoted to the agricultural (agriculture) development.

6. The children all have very different personalities (personal), so we should treat them in different ways.

7. I think you should go back to your original (origin) plan.

8. College students hold a graduation (graduate) ceremony to encourage themselves before they set off on their life journey. Ⅱ. 单句改错

1. He earned living by singing in the underground station. (earned后加a或his)

2. I said and talked brief about some of the goods I was going to order.


3. As natural architects, the Pueblo Indians figured exactly how thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days. (figured后加out)

4. We are now looking for volunteers to support of people with learning disabilities to live active lives! (去掉of)

5. I felt very tired when I got home, and I went straightly to bed.


6. Large quantities of water has been polluted already. (has改为have) 7. He managed to escape the enemy’s prison. (escape后加from) 完成句子

1. Our company gained profits after the new boss came to/into power. 新老板上台之后我们公司盈利了。

2. Shangrila is known for its quiet natural scenery. 香格里拉因其恬静的自然风光闻名。

3. As a result of the earthquake, thousands of people lost their homes.

由于地震, 成千上万的人失去了家园。

4. Memorizing a large number of words is the key to improving your English.


5. Short of financial support, I found it difficult to keep the company

going smoothly.

因为缺少资金的支持, 我发现很难使公司正常运行。

6. Many airports in Europe were closed down, stopping thousands of passengers from returning home before Christmas.

欧洲的许多机场关闭, 结果造成数千名乘客圣诞节前不能回家。 7. The students are not allowed to carry their mobile phones in the classroom.


8. He earned his place in the team by training hard. 他通过刻苦训练而在队里取得了地位。


Ⅰ. 教材语篇变一变

根据课文内容, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Yuan Longping is a leading figure in the rice-growing world. He was born and 1. brought (bring) up in China. When he was a boy, he was educated in many schools and was given the nickname, “the student who 2. asks(ask) questions”.

He was interested in plants from an early age, and he studied agriculture in college. As a young teacher he enjoyed 3. experimenting (experiment) with crop breeding. He thought there was only one way 4. to have (have) more rice quickly. That was to cross different species of

rice plant. The results of 5. his (he)experiments were published in China in 1966. Then he began his search for a special type of rice plant. It had to be male and sterile. When the 6. naturally (nature) sterile male rice plant was discovered in 1970, it was 7. a breakthrough. As a result of his 8. discoveries(discovery), Chinese rice production rose 9. by 4 7. 5% in the 1990s. Yuan Longping’s rice was exported to other countries. The new hybrid rice, 10. whose yield is much greater than that of other types of rice, has been developed by the Yuan Longping High-tech Agricultural Company of China. Ⅱ. 核心知识用一用

写一篇短文介绍母亲对孩子的影响。 Step 1 补全句子

1. 对每一个人来说, 很显然什么也代替不了母亲的爱和照顾。 It is clear to everyone that nothing can replace mother’s love and care. 2. 他的母亲, 有许多优秀品质, 在他的教育上花了大量的金钱。 His mother has many fine qualities, and she spent a large quantity of money on his education.

3. 从山东大学毕业后不久他就成为他所在的领域里的杰出人物。 After he graduated from Shandong University, he became an outstanding figure in his field soon. 4. 上周他的第一本书出版了。