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Phonics & sight words to simple reading and writing

在带 phonics 与 sight words 的教学中,不要忘记适切引用以phonics和 sight words 编写的基础阅读教材,除了将 phonics真正的运用于阅读,检测孩子的学习成效以及不断复习学过的 sight words外,更藉此培养孩子初阶的阅读能力。例如:

A fat cat sat on the mat. The cat sat there with a rat. They want to go out and play. It was too cold to go out. It was too wet to play. The cat was sad. And the rat was sad, too.

加底线字为 phonics 单字,其余为 sight words。只要学生具备简单初阶的字母拼读能力,及熟悉 sight words 常用字,便能自己阅读这样的短文。甚至就在这个阶段带以 phonics 与 sight words 为基础的听写活动。除了不断加强 sight words 的学习外,也检测孩子的 phonics 学习状况。这个阶段的听写活动建议以读过的短文为主,甚至还可以鼓励孩子以学过的句型,来简单的创作。如果时间安排上得宜,不妨让初阶的孩子每星期至少能读两~三篇这样的短文,为日后进阶阅读打基础,并培养孩子自我独立阅读的能力。

Example 1 : Simple short vowel story —

phonics + sight words reading


Sam is a dog. Sam can run.

Run fast Sam. Sam runs to van.

Get in the van, Sam. It is fun to go in the van. Sam can wag.

Wag, Sam, wag. Good dog, Sam.

Sam can dig. Bad dog, Sam.


Example 2 : Simple long vowel story —

phonics + sight words reading

A play

Lee and Pete had a play at school. The Tortoise and the Hare

“I am fast. I can go faster than you.”

“I cannot go fast, but I will race you. I think I will win.” “1, 2, 3, go!” said the starter.

“I will take a nap. I can sleep by this tree. He is not fast. I will still win the race.”

“I did not go fast, but I will not stop. I will win the race.” This is a funny play.

It was fun to see Lee and Pete in the play.


The Cat in the Hat

---By Dr. Seuss

The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house All that cold, cold, wet day.

I sat there with Sally. We sat there, we two. And I said, “How I wish We had something to do!” Too wet to go out And too cold to play ball. So we sat in the house. We did nothing at all.

So all we could do was to Sit! Sit!

Sit! Sit!

And we did not like it. Not one little bit.


学习单引用自”引导式英文写作” by Archie 2006.01东西出版社出版