5B Unit9 The English club 教案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章5B Unit9 The English club 教案更新完毕开始阅读a6ff646a1eb91a37f1115cc6


教学内容:Part A& Part D 教学目标:

1. 能正确地听、说、读、写单词city, club, visit, visitor, New York .

2. 能正确地听、说、读、写句型 Do you speak ...?及其答语Yes, I do./No, I don?t. I speak...

3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型Are you from different countries? I?d like to visit it.

4. 能用简单的语言介绍自己的国籍。

5. 能正确理解对话内容并能朗读和初步表演对话。 教学重点:

1. 能正确地听、说、读、写单词city, club, visit, visitor .

2. 能正确地听、说、读、写句型 Do you speak ...?及其答语Yes, I do./No, I don?t. I speak...

3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型Are you from different countries? I?d like to visit it. 教学难点:

能比较流畅地朗读对话及正确理解对话内容,并能在掌握对话的基础上分角色表演对话。 教学准备:

多媒体课件 录音机 教学过程: Step 1 Free talk

T: How do you spend your weekends? What do you usually do on Sundays? Step2 Presentation

1. Learn the title: the English club

T: Do you want to know my weekends? S: Yes.

T: I often surf the Internet. But sometimes I go to the English club. 2. Learn: different countries Show the picture of the English club. T: Do you like the English club? S: …

T: I like it very much. Because I can make friends there. And they are from different countries.

(出示各个国家的国旗,帮助学生理解different countries 的意思。) Step3. Presentation (Learn the text.) 1. 学习文章前言部分

T: Do you want to go to the English club? S: Yes. T: The first, let?s go to see a new friend.

Today, the English club has a visitor. Learn: visitor

(PPT出示Tony的图片)Look , what?s his name ? Let?s listen to the tape. S: He is Tony White. 2.学习课文对话部分

a. T: Where is he from? You know we?re from China .What about him? Do you know? S: …

T: OK, let?s listen to the tape and find the answer . S: He?s from the USA.

T: Oh, he?s from the USA, so he?s American, right? T: Does he speak Chinese? S: No, he speaks English. T: And he lives in New York.

Learn: New York

b. T: There are many students at the English club. Who are they?

Please open your books and read the dialogue, then find their names. Please write their names down.

c. They are Wang Bing , Nancy , David , Ben and Liu Tao .Where are they from ?

Please read again .Then choose the best answer .( the UK , the USA , Beijing , Shanghai )

_______________ _________________ _______________ _________________ _______________ is from _________________ _______________ _________________ _______________ _________________

d. 请学生根据已知讯息,判断每个人物是哪里人,分别说什么语言。 eg: Wang Bing is from Beijing , so he is Chinese , he speaks Chinese .

(通过层层递进的方式学习课文,让学生每一次的读课文都有事可做,通过多次阅读,让学生对课文内容印象深刻。) .Step 4 Listen, read and act

1. 完整播放录音一遍,学生模仿跟读。 2. 学生自由朗读,教师巡视并给予指导。 3. 学生分角色朗读对话。 4. 学生小组操练。 Step 5 Look and say

1.T:You did a good job,Tony White speaks English, do you speak English?引导学生回答完整的句型S:No, I don?t. I speak Chinese.

2.出示句型 A: Do you speak...?

B: Yes, I do. I speak ..., too. /No, I don?t. I speak...以及D项图片。学生练习。 3. 学生表演。

4. 如果时间允许可以让学生用第三人称单数进行拓展练习。 练习设计:

完成D部分的句型。 板书设计:

Unit 9 The English Club

A: They are from different countries. visit visitor

Are you from different countries? B: Yes, we are. / No, we aren?t. A: Do you speak...? B:Yes, I do. I speak ..., too. / No, I don?t. I speak... 教学反思:

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