中考英语总复习------动词填空练习汇编及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章中考英语总复习------动词填空练习汇编及答案更新完毕开始阅读a7920254bc64783e0912a21614791711cc7979fc


1. Li Ping often _____ (read) English in the morning. 2. _____ he _____ (clean) the windows once a week? 3. The workers _____ (have) sports on the playground now. 4. How long ___ you __ (stay) there the day before yesterday? 5. Who _____ (listen) to the music?

6. When I ____ (be) a middle school student, I often ___(sing). 7. His parents ____(go) to the Great Wall tomorrow morning. 8. ____ they _____ (study) Japanese next term?

9. What time _____ you _____ (do) your homework everyday. 10. Look! The students ____ (clean) the classroom. 11. —What ____ your after ____ (do) yesterday? —He ____ (write) two letters.

12. There _____ (be) a football match on TV this evening. 13. My father _____ (leave) for Japan tomorrow morning. 14. Tom _____ (not listen) to the radio every morning. 15. ____ (be) there any hospitals here twenty years ago? 16. I _____(come) to see you again before long.

17. _____ there ____ (be) an English evening next Saturday? 18. ____ your uncle _____ (have) a meeting last Friday? 19. What _____ the young pioneers ____ (do) on the hill now? 20. They __________ (not go) fishing on Sunday.

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21. How many classes _____ you _____(have) every day? 22. It's seven in the evening, Tom's family _____ (watch) TV. 23. He ___ (join) the army in 1985. He __ (be) still in the army now. 24. I _____ (visit) my friend next Sunday.

25. If it snows tomorrow, we _____ (play) with snow. 26. I _____ (make) a lot of mistakes in my test yesterday.

27.— _____ it __________ (snow) outside now? —No, it __________. 28. Where ______ they ____ (live)? They ____ (live) in Shanghai. 29. If it _____ (rain) this morning, we won't go shopping. 30. Listen! Who _____(sing)in the next room?

31. The teacher _____(not teach)us a Chinese song,he _____(teach)us an English song two days ago.

32. If I am free this evening,I _(help)you with your maths. 33.— ________you ________(be)there tomorrow? —No,I ________. 34. Where _________(be)your parents last year? They ________(be)in Xi'an.

35. —Why _______ they _______(go)to the library after school yesterday?

—Because they _________(want)to borrow some books. 36. What _______ you _______(do)these days? 37. Don't make a noise. Grandma _________(sleep).

38. Sometimes he ____(help)his mother with the housework.

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39. Please write to us as soon as you _________(get)there.

40. We ________(show)the foreign friends around Beijing when they get here.

41. We'll wait till you _______(make)up your mind. 42. They ______ just _______(talk)about you.

43. —Where _____he ______(be)? —He _________(be)to the bank. 44. —______ you______(visit)the Science Museum? —Yes,I________. 45. —______she ______(tell)you the good news? —No,she _______. 46. How long _______ your mother _______(teach)English in this school? ---For ten years.

47. We _______ already _______(draw)five pictures. 48. My grandson ______________(be)ill for a week.

49. —________ the train _________(arrive)? —No,not yet.

50. Our physics teacher ____(not come)to work today,because he is ill.

51. My brother ________(make) many American friends since he went there two years ago.

52. She _______(work) in a factory for three years before she went to college.

53. Mr. Brown ___(live) in London for ten years by the end of last month.

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54. How many English words _________ you _________(learn) by the end of last term?

55. ______ they _______(pick)all the apples before the farmer got there? 56. I didn't return the book to the library,because I _______(not finish) reading it.

57. The boy said that he ___________(not break)the window. 58. Jack said that he ___________ (not go) over his lessons yet. 59. John told me that he ____ (fly) to Japan next Wednesday. 60. Did she say when she ___________ (be) back tomorrow?

61. The head master said he ________ (meet) some foreigners at the station soon.

62. I wondered if our team ___________ (win) this evening. 63. He said he _______ (not make) the same mistakes again. 63. He said he _______ (not make) the same mistakes again. 64. We ____ (have) a meeting at that time.

65. Tom ____ (not have) breakfast yesterday morning. 66. Did he know he ____ (have) an English lest the next day? 67. _____ your father _____ (go) to work by bike every day? 68. Mr Wang _____ (teach) us maths since 1990.

69. They will have a trip to the Great Wall if it ____ (not rain) next Sunday.

70. When I got home my grandmother ________(make) cakes.

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