2015年菏泽市初中学业水平考试英语试题 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2015年菏泽市初中学业水平考试英语试题 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读a7a9af86581b6bd97f19ead6

37. A. before 38. A. girl 39. A. looks 40. A. excited 41. A. her 42. A. on the left 43. A. and 44. A. because 45. A. running

B. after B. baby B. sad B. your B. or B. so

C. at C. boy C. is lookingC. angry C. his C. in the frontC. but C. if C. eating

来源:Zxxk.Com]来源:Z+xx+k.Com]B. is looked

B. in the middle

B. sleeping





Grandmother’s Favourite Doll (玩具娃娃)

A little girl had a doll. She loved it so much that she would treat it with great care, even though her friends would laugh at her for being so careful.

As time passed, the girl grew up, moved houses, became an adult, married, had children, and finally became a lovely little old woman with many grandchildren.

One day, she returned to her hometown, found her original house, and went in. Among hundreds of old things, the now-old little girl found her doll. It was as well looked after as before. She took it home with her and gave it to her granddaughter. Her granddaughter loved it.

Each time the old woman saw her granddaughter playing with the doll, tears (眼泪) of joy would roll down her cheeks (脸颊). She was so glad to see now it was in the hands of her granddaughter.

46. The little girl had a ________and she loved it so much.

A. dog

B. doll

C. toy car

D. ball

47. The little girl’s friends laughed at her because she ________.

A. looked so thin and ugly C. treated her doll so carefully A. 豪华的

B. 原来的

B. didn’t get on well with her friends

来源:Z+xx+k.Com]D. didn’t like to play games with them C. 新建的 B. she threw it away

D. she took it home and kept it herself

D. 木质的

48. What does the underlined word “original” mean in the third paragraph? 49. When the old woman found her doll, ________.

A. it looked old and terrible

C. it was as well looked after as before

50. Whenever she saw her granddaughter playing with the doll, she would ________.

A. feel very excited and joyful B. think of her old friends

C. want to buy her granddaughter a new doll D. wish to go back to her hometown again


Do you dream of being a reporter? Are you a good English writer who loves the news? We’re looking for 100 students from around the world. They will join the BBC Kid Reporter team for the 2015–2016 school year.

In the past, BBC Kid Reporters have: ★ Interviewed leaders and other people. ★ Written news stories for BBC For Kids.

★ Talked about their work on television.

Next year our team will continue to report local news stories for BBC For Kids magazine and

来源:Z&xx&k.Com]bbcforkids.com. How to Enter

Visit www.bbcforkids.com and fill in the entry form (报名表). Be sure to read the rules and share them with your parents, who must sign (签名) your form. Entries must be done by June 19, 2015. You must be OVER 13 years of age. Good luck!

51. 100 students from around ________will join the BBC Kid Reporter team.

A. the world

B. the nation

C. the UK D. the USA B. read letters to British kids

D. interviewed leaders and other people

52. In the past, BBC Kid Reporters have ________. A. made a lot of movies C. given speeches in the USA

A. Chinese newspapers B. American televisions C. British middle schools

D. BBC For Kids magazine and bbcforkids.com A. Visit the website and fill in the entry form. B. Read the rules and share them with your parents. C. Ask your parents to sign your entry form. D. Do your entry on June 19, 2015. A. 12 years old.

C. More than 13 years old.

B. 10 years old or so. D. Less than 13 years old.

53. Next year the team will go on to report local news stories for ________.

54. What will you do first of all to enter the BBC Kid Reporter team?

55. How old must you be to join the BBC Kid Reporter team?


Parents can be very important teachers in our lives. However, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally (感情上). Sometimes they can only see their children through the eyes of a protector. For example, a teacher might see a trip to a big city as a valuable experience. However, it might seem too dangerous to a parent.

Another problem is that parents may expect their children’s interests to be similar to their own. If they love science, they may try to force (强迫) their child to love science too. But what if (要是……又怎样) their child’s true love is art, or writing, or car repair?

Parents usually want to pass on their values to their children. But should children always believe what their parents do? When children are young, they believe that their parents are always right. But when they get older, they will have different ways of thinking.

The most important thing to realize is that we all have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach us, our teachers teach us, and our friends teach us. Books and newspapers and televisions also teach us. All of them are valuable.

56. ________ might see a trip to a big city as a valuable experience, according to the passage.

A. A parent

C. Either a teacher or a parent passage.

A. looks A. 路过

B. interests B. 继承

C. habits C. 传递

D. jobs in the future D. 领悟

58. The underlined phrase “pass on” in the 4th paragraph means “________” . 59. When children get older, they ________.

A. don’t believe their parents any more B. should always believe what their parents do C. believe that their parents are always right D. begin to have their own ways of thinking A. Never grow up!

B. Believe your parents forever. C. Are parents always the best teachers? D. How many teachers can we have in our lives?

B. A teacher

D. Neither a teacher nor a parent


57. Parents may hope that their children have the same ________ as their own, according to the

60. What is the best title of the passage?

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共40分)

温馨提示:请将答案书写在答题卡的指定位置。 三、阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



Jeff Gaye, the young American swimmer, is becoming more and more famous. He has his own teacher, driver and even his own cook. Each time people hear him speak on television, they can’t believe he’s only 13. Jeff’s father is an engineer but he is also his son’s manager. He says, “I don’t make Jeff do anything he doesn’t want to do. He chooses which competition to swim in. But he works hard and wins nearly every race. I cut out all the newspaper articles about him and put them in a big box!”

Jeff is very busy every day because people want to write about him or photograph (给……拍照) him for magazines. “When I’m at school,” Jeff says, “I just want to be like my classmates. That’s really important to me.” But Jeff doesn’t have a normal schoolboy’s life. He often has to travel for international races and has little free time. “I go to the pool every day and swim there for at least six hours. When I’m in the pool, I love every minute.”

61. Who is Jeff Gaye? 62. What does Jeff’s father do?

63. How long does Jeff swim in the pool every day? 64. 把短文第二段中划线的句子译成汉语。 65. 给短文拟一个恰当的英文标题。



it nearby and what him for quickly look drop while The Ant and the Dove (鸽子)

One hot day, an ant was __66__ for some water. After walking around __67__ some time, she came to a river. To get to the river, she had to climb up a piece of grass.__68__ the ant was making her way up, she fell into the water.

Just then a dove up a __69__ tree saw her. When the dove saw that the ant was in trouble, he __70__ picked off a leaf and dropped __71__ into the water near the ant. The ant moved towards the leaf __72__ climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground. Just at that time, a hunter (猎人) nearby was going to shoot the dove. As soon as the ant found __73__ the hunter