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15.A second,far more numerous class of obsessives consists of people who suddenly realize that their Brand X children aren’t going to make the cut。另一种偏执狂父母数量更多,他们突然意识到孩子们不可能走那条他们规定好的路。

16.take one’s toll 报应来了。Grandiose庄严的 delivery-room mumble含糊的说 bashfully羞怯的 glamourless无魅力的

Skulk off to偷偷摸摸的去。Idiot 白痴 17.But once again, reality has a way of upsetting the worst-laid plans of mice and Mensa。Some kid are late bloomers。可是,现实总是一次又一次的证明?人算不如天算?,有些孩子是大器晚成。 18.prestigious受尊敬的hurdle障碍,困难 disown 否认

20.Matriculation fixation reaches its dottiest form during the obligatory campus visit。Here it is never entirely clear what parents are looking for,particularly in high-profile institutions whose renown has in some way preceded them。父母对子女的录取的偏执态度在参观校园的时候回达到荒谬可笑的顶峰。我们从来都不知道父母们究竟在学校里寻找什么,尤其是一流的大学,这些学校的卓越声誉在诱惑着他们。

21.juncture 交汇处 interject介入repertory全部剧目dragoon迫使 interminable 持续过长的 sedulous 坚持的,勤奋的

Fork over 付钱 poke fun at 取笑


词汇:1.diplomat(外交官) 2.wit(风趣) 3.orator(讲演者) 4.illegitimate(私生,非婚生) 5.ingratiate(讨好)6.complaisance(讨好,恭维)7.depend upon it(without any doubt)8.trifling(微不足道)9.tedious(乏味的)10.exceedingly applicable(极其恰当)11.impertient(无理得不切题的)12.infallibly(绝对无误的)13.clamor(喧闹)14.coolly(沉着)15.divest(脱去,剥夺)16.insipid(枯燥乏味)17.Nay(不但如此)18.preamble(开场白)19.relator(叙述者)20.endeavor(试图,尝试)21.predominant(显著地)22.prevailing(主要的,占优势的)23.idle(无聊的) 24.vanity(虚荣心)25.en passant(顺道,顺带)26.prevaling vanity(主要的虚荣心)27.gallantry(勇敢,殷勤)28.abject(凄惨的,绝望的)29.indulging(放纵)30.antipathy(反感)34.genteelly(有教养的)32.aversion(厌恶)33.trifle(琐事)34.make ample amends for it(做足够的改良,35.atone补偿(贬义的)) 36.counterbalance(offset)补偿 37.abhor(憎恨detest) 38.vice(堕落) 39,deform 缺陷40.Vulnerable 敏感

1.The art of pleasing is a very necessary one to possess,but a very difficult one to acquire(取悦他人是一门很有必要掌握,但又很难学会的艺术)

2.―Do as you would be done by‖己所不欲,勿施于人

3.If you are pleased with the complaisance and attention of others to your humors,your tastes,or your weaknesses,depend upon it,the same complaisance and attention on your part to theirs will equally please them(如果别人对你的幽默、情趣或嗜好所给予的恭维和关注令你高兴,那么毫无疑问,你对他们的幽默、情趣或者嗜好给予同样的恭维和关注也同样令他们高兴)

4. (line 13) be serious, gay, or even trifling, as you find the present humor of the company: adjust your mood to suit the mood of the company you are in; this is an attention due from every individual to the majority.


5..Whaterever you think your own excellencies may be,do not affectedly display them in company(不论你认为自己有何长处,你也不要装模作样地在公众面前展示)

6.nor labor,as many people do,to give that turn to the conversation,which may supply you with an opportunity of exhibiting them(即使谈话为你提供了展示这些优点的机会,你也不要像许多人那样,拼命地把他们转移到话题中心)

7.Remember that there is a local propriety to be observed in all companies(记住:在所有社交聚会中都有一?入乡随俗?的原则遵守)propriety:礼貌规矩;正当,妥当

8.The particular characters, the habits, the cant of one company may give merit to a word,or a gesture, which would have none at all if divested of those accidental circumstances (某个圈子中的人物、习惯和惯用语可能会着重某个词、某个手


9. Here people very commonly err;----by being ill-timed or misplaced. Insipid枯燥乏味,offensive

在这方面人们经常会犯错误,他们喜欢在某个圈子里令他们愉快的某样事情,而在某些情况下又在另一个圈子里特别强调地重复它,而在这另一个圈子里,由于时间或地点不宜,它要么是枯燥乏味的,要么可能是无礼唐突的 10.and do justice to the one,and something more than justice to the other(对前者嫁衣赞赏,随后者加以奉承)

11 .(line72—76) Those, therefore, who flattered skillfully, said little to him of his abilities in state affairs, or at least but en passant, and as it might naturally occur. But the incense which they gave him, the smoke of which they knew would turn his head in their favor, was as a bel esprit and a poet.

于是,那些善于献媚的人几乎不提他的治国才能,即使说也只是一笔带过,仿佛自然顺带提到而已。只有恭维他为才子和诗人才会令黎塞留飘飘然并垂青于这些献媚的人turn sb’ s Head 使某人骄傲 in one‘s favor使某人欢心 12.touch him but their,and you touch him to the quick(跟他谈这个,你就能触及他的要害) 13. (line 83) little open to flattery upon that head: (not too vulnerable to that kind of flattery) 夸奖其才干通常令他无动于衷。Vulnerable 敏感

14.(line 85) but his prevailing weakness was, to be thought to have a polite and happy turn to gallantry — of which he had undoubtedly less than any man living: 可是他的主要弱点是希望被人认为他具有骑士般彬彬有礼的快乐天性,而他无疑比任何人都欠缺这种品质。

15.If they are both bad, she comforts herself that she has grace, a certain manner, a je ne sais quoi still more engaging than beauty 16.An undoubted,uncontested,conscious beauty is,of all women, the least sensible of flattery upon that head(一个确确实实的,毫无争议的,意识到自己美貌的美人是所有女人中对美貌的奉承最不敏感的)

17.But there is no living in the world without a complaisant indulgence for people’s weaknesses,and innocent,though ridiculous vanities(但生活在这个世界上就不能不讨好性地宽容人们的弱点和虽然荒谬但却无害的虚荣)

18.I would rather make them my friends by indulging them in it,than my enemies by endeavoring(and that to no purpose) to undeceive them(那我宁愿在这方面纵容他们,和他们交朋友,也不愿竭力(无缘无故的)去揭人之短而为自己树敌) 19.There are little attentions,likewise,which are infinitely engaging,and which sensibly affect that degree of pride and selflove,which is inseparable from human nature,as they are unquestionable proofs of the regard and consideration which we have for the persons to whom we pay them。(于细微处见关怀,同样也是极其动人的,因为它毫无疑问的证明了我们对被关怀者的关心和体谅,这种关怀明显会影响一个人自尊、自恋的程度,这也是人之常情)

20. Such attention to such trifles flatters self-love much more than greater things, as it makes people think themselves almost the only objects of your thoughts and care.对此类细节的如此关注较之大处更能取悦自恋者,因为这令他们觉得自己几乎是你考虑和关心的唯一对象。

21. These are some of the arcane necessary for your initiation in the great society of the world.(以上这些事你初涉世事所必备的一些秘诀)

22. and shall not grudge it if you reap the advantage.(而你能从中有所收益,我将不胜宽慰)


1.eulogize(称赞) 2.sheer(完全的) 3.as a matter of course(认为是理所当然) 4.portray(描述) 5.ethic(道德,伦理) take a dive(故意输掉比赛) 7.jump the gun(不等抢响) 8.viciously(敌意的,恶意的visual[?v??j??l, -zj-] ) 9.brutal(无情的) 10.neck to neck(并驾齐驱)11. rival(竞争对手) 12.referee (裁判员) 13.umpire (裁判员empire帝国) 14.arbiter(仲裁者) 15.susceptible(易受影响的,反义词immune免疫)16. enticement(诱惑) 17.is stationed at(被安排在) 18.anachronistic(时代错误的) 19.absolved(赦免) 20.ferocious(凶猛的) 21.rivalry(敌对) 22.antiquity(古代ancient) 23.hail from(来自) 24.lest(唯恐,免得) 25. besmirch(玷污) 26.hasten to say that(赶紧声明:) 27.iconoclastic(打破旧习的) 28.bizarre(怪诞的) 29.anecdote(轶事) 30.revive(回复) 31.shenanigan(恶作剧,诡计)32. refinement(改良) 33.spectator(观众) 34.fair and square(公平) 35.cramp up(痉挛,cramp有限制的意思)36.ominous(不幸的)37.stimulant(兴奋剂simulate模仿,stimulate刺激,反义词tranquilizer镇静剂)38.en route to(在途中)39.collapse(倒塌,崩溃)40.adversary(对手)41.naughty(顽皮的; 不听话的)42.conjecture(推测)43.impersonator(演员)44.cynical(愤世嫉俗) 45.deem to be..(认为是) 46.to

begin with(in the first place) 47.multitalented(versatile有多种学问) 48.calumniate (诽谤) 49.frailty(脆弱) 50.superiority优等

1.In fact, the mythology of a perfect Olympics is the modern invention of snobs and self-styled purists, perpetuated by sports writers—and television commentators at a loss to fill air time(事实上,曾经有过完美的奥林匹克运动的神话只是现代的势利小人和一群自封为纯粹主义者的家伙杜撰,通过文章撰写人和转播期间闲得发慌的电视评论员流传下来) 2.here is the not-so-rosy truth(真实情况并非如此美好) 3.By fair means or foul(无论手段是否光明正大) 4.would be naive to think that 这样想就太天真了

5.Promoters of minor track meets—which were often held to advertise local products—would fork over plenty to have the hottest runners of the day merely show up(当时一些小型比赛的发起者,通常是为了给的产品做广告?)fork over 付钱 6.And yet when he crossed the finish line, he was a little ―high‖ on more than joy –having fortified himself along the road with swings of sugared wine.(尽管在冲过终点时他显得与其说是兴奋还不如说优点醉醺醺的,因为他在途中大量饮用了糖的葡萄酒保持体力)

7.under one’s own steam(独立完成,没有其他人帮助)

8.I feel that I have presented an excessively bleak picture of an inherently glorious event(我感到自己把这项具有辉煌历史的体育盛事描绘得过于黑暗)

9.Though the misbehavior described is tragic but true,I still do not share the pessimism of the writer whose most famous work has given him a near-franchise on the digid―1984‖George Orwell viewed the Olympics as ―bound up with hatred,jealousy,boastfulness,disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence;in other words,it is a war without the shooting‖(尽管文中所述的这些可悲的舞弊行为时真实存在的,但从我内心深处仍不赞同那位因一部名著而对“1984”这个数字几乎享有特权的作家所持的悲观态度。乔治 奥威尔认为,奥运会“交织着仇恨,嫉妒,夸耀,对规则的蔑视,以及从观看暴力行动中获得的变态快感。换句话说,这是一场没有硝烟的战争”) 10.this is going much too far(这句话说的过于偏激了)

11.The Olympics are nothing more or less than a reflection of everything that is good as well as bad in Human nature。The anecdotes of ancient Greek skullduggery prove that the Games have always suffered from what we might benevolently call ―human frailty‖(奥运会反应的只是人性中一切美好和丑陋的方面。对古代希腊体育运动中的欺诈行为的记载证明了奥运会总是不断的受到所谓的“人性的弱点”的影响

12.As long as you are still alive for the victory ceremony,you should get your reward,there is no room for ethics in sports anymore。(只要你还活着就为胜利而庆贺,就应该得到报酬。体育比赛中没有道德伦理的位置)

13.There is no need to conjecture about Dora Ratjen, the German athlete who just missed a gold medal in the women’s high jump in the notorious Olympics of 1936. (para.19 lines 151-153)


Apply for a PhD program

Jian Jin

Dept. of mechanical and Auto motive engineering Hefei university of technology Hefei 230009 P.R. China

January 2, 2010

School of mechanical engineering Harvard Business School Boston, MA 02163 U.S.A

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am a Graduate student of Hehei University of technology in china. I am very interested in studying abroad and I am eager to scale higher intellectual heights by pursuing PhD study in your automotive engineering in the school of mechanical engineering and writing to ask for a package of your application document. Your timely assistance will be greatly appreciated.

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Seeking for a job

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Sincerely, Jian Jin


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