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Meaning: Many young people postpone getting married, having children and taking a job during their odyssey years.

proportion:n.[C,usu.sing](~of) a part of number or amount, considered in relation to the whole部分;份额 It is a sad reality that children make up a large proportion of the world’s population who suffers from hunger.儿童占世界上遭受饥饿人口的很大部分,这是一个悲哀的现实。

16 The odyssey years can saddle young people with enormous pressure to

move forward quickly.(Para.6) Meaning:The odyssey years can make young people feel much stressed to move ahead quickly. saddle:

V. put a saddle on a horse给(马)装鞍具;装上马鞍

Why don’t we saddle a couple of horses and go for a ride?我们为什么不给几匹马装上鞍具去跑一圈呢? n[C] a seat,often made of leather, used on a horse,bicycle,motorcycle,etc.马鞍;(自行车、摩托车等的)车座

When i watch horse racing on television, I wish I was back in the saddle.我在电视剧上观看赛马时,我希望自己又回到了马鞍上。

saddle sb. with sth.:give sb, sth, that is difficult to deal with 使某人承担苦差事;使某人负重担

The company is saddled with debt due to the consequence of an increased cost of production,生产成本的提高使该公司陷入了债务。

17 As the sole heir and focus of their parents’ expectations, hopes and

dreams, some react with rebellious and prideful attitudes and behavior toward their parents.(Para.6)

Meaning: Being the only heir and focus of their parents’ expectations, hopes and dreams, some young people behaved rebelliously and proudly toward their parents.

heir:n.[C] the person who has the legal right to receive the property or title of another person when they die 继承人

The king’s eldest son is the heir to the royal seat of power.国王的长子是王位的权力继承人。 rebel:

n.[C] sb. Who opposes or flights against people in authority造反者,反叛者

A Red Cross car drove into the rebel territory to help the wounded.红十字会的车开进反叛军的领地去帮助伤员。

vi. Oppose sb. in authority accepted ways of doing things造反;反抗(权威或常规)

The people rebelled against the harsh new government.人民反抗苛刻的新政府。

rebellious:a. deliberetely nor obeying people in authority or rules of behavior叛徒的,翻盘的,反抗的。

Her teachers regard her as a rebellious, trouble-making girl, but in fact she never causes any trouble.她的老师认为他是一个有逆反心理、且会制造麻烦的女孩,可事实上她从来都不会惹麻烦。

18 They often resent the pressure they’re felling and keep a distance

from their parents or even run away from home.(Para.6)

Meaning:They often feel upset about the stress have and stay away from their parents or even secretly leave home.

resent:vt. Feel angry or upset because you think you have been treated unfairly or without enough respect对...感到愤恨(不满)

The young girl bitterly resented her father’s new wife.这个年轻女孩极为憎恨父亲的新妻子。

keep a distance from: stay far enough away from sb. or sth, be safe保持距离

When driving fast on the highway, you should always keep a distance from the car in front of you to avoid hitting that car.在高速公路上快速行驶时,应该总是跟前面的车保持一定的距离,以免撞上。

run away from:leave a place.esp.secrectly,in order to escape from sb. or sth.(尤指)秘密地逃跑,出逃

Her mother's continual criticizing drove her into running away from home.她母亲不断批评她,促使她离家出走。

19Their confusion comes from the difficulties to make parents understand

them and the fluid journey of discovery they need in this phase of their lives.(Para.6)

Meaning:They get confused because it's hard to communicate with their parents and also because the journey of self-discovery they need in this particular life stage is full of uncertainty.

Meaning beyond words:In addition to the uncertainty of this newly added life stage,there is a generation gap between parents and children,which could be frustrating to young people. fluid:

a. likely to change 不固定的;易变的

The military situation is still very fluid.军事局势仍然非常不确定。 n.[C,U]a liquid 液(体)

If you have a fever,you should drink plenty of fluids.如果发烧,就需要吸入大量的液体。

20To get away from this confusion an?d upset,many young people resort

to computer games,iPods,iPhones,or iPads to help distract them from their pain and stress.(Para.6)

Meaning:In order not to be bothered by this confusion and frustration and to forget

about their pain and stress, many young people turn to computer games,,iPods,iPhones,or iPads.

Meaning beyond words: As young people can’t bear such big stress, they try to do something which will make them feel better to temporarily enjoy themselves and get rid of their parents.

get away from: avoid sth. That is difficult or unpleasant, or sth. That limits what one can do in some way摆脱(困难或不愉快的事,或某种限制)Playing tennis is good exercise and also allows me to get away from thinking about my work.打网球是一项很好的运动,它也能让我不去想我的工作。

resort:vi.(fml.)(~to)do sth. Extreme or unpleasant in order to solve a problem采取,诉说(不好的事物)I think we can solve this problem without resorting to legal action.我认为我们可以不诉诸法律就解决这个问题。

distract: vt. get sb’s attention and prevent them from concentrating on sth.分散,转移(注意力)I decided to ignore the rumor as I did not want anything to distract me from writing the paper.我决定对谣言不予理睬,因为我不希望有任何事打扰我写论文。

21 Likewise, their parents are feeling more anxious.(Para.7)

Meaning: Their parents become more restless as well.

Meaning beyond words: As their grown children would not listen to their advice, parents are getting more worried about what direction their children may move to.

22 They may make allowances for a transition phase from student life to adult life,

but they get upset when they see the transition of their grown children’s lives moving away from their expectations and stretching five years to seven years, and beyond.(Para.7) Meaning: Parents may accept their grown children to delay the transition period from student life to adult life, but they find their children moving away from what they expected and when they extend the period to too many years. allowance:n.

1)(make ~s for) accept behavior that you would not normally accept because you know why sb. Has behaved that way体量;原谅

You should make allowances for him; he’s been quite ill recently.你应该体谅他,他最近身体相当不适。

2)[C,usu,sing.] an amount of money that sb. Receives regularly in order to pay for the things they need定期补贴;津贴

I couldn’t have managed at college if I hadn’t had an allowance from my parents.如果没有我父母的补贴,我根本念不完大学 transition:n.[C,U] (fml.) the process of changing from one situation, form, or state to another过渡;转变;变迁

The health-care system is in tremendous transition at the moment, but unfortunately not all of the changes are positive for patients.医疗保健系统目前正处于重大转变期,可是很不幸,不是所有的改变都对病人有利。

23 The parents don’t even detect a clear sense of direction in their children’s

lives. They look at them and see the things that are being delayed. (Para.7) Meaning: The parents even lose track of their children’s lives, so they just look at them and see how the things that should be done are being postponed.

Meaning beyond words: Parents are very worried about their grown children’s future but simply don’t know what to do to help.

24 It’s hard to predict what’s next. New guidelines haven’t been established

yet, and everything seems to give way to a less permanent version of itself. (Para.8) Meaning: It is hard to say in advance what will happen next. Since no new social rules or instructions have been set up yet, everything seems to be temporary or unfixed.

predict: vt.say sth. That will happen before it happens 预言;预料;预测

It’s still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.地震的发生仍然无法准确的预测。 Predict, anticipate

predict和anticipate 都是动词,都含有?预言;预料?之意。 1 predict 表示?预言;预料?之意时,往往是根据内心感受、经验、证据或迹象;anticipate 表示?预言;预料?之意时,往往根据以往的经验、自己的向往、设想来推测。例如:

In fact, no one can predict whether his idea will end up with a great success for our business.事实上,没人能预测他的想法是否最终会使我们的业务取得成功。

I anticipate a lot of interest in my newspaper advertisement.我预料我在报纸上登的广告会一起人们很大的兴趣。

2 predict是及物动词,后可接名词词组名词作宾语,后接动词不定式时常用语被动结构。 Unemployment is predicted to increase to 700,00 by the end of the year.预计事业人口到今年年底将增至70万。

Anticipate 是及物动词,一般接名词、动名词或名词从句作宾语,可用于被动结构;anticipate 后不能跟动词不定式。

A good manufacturer must try to anticipate what his customers will want and decide what shall be produced.一位优秀的制造商必须努力预料顾客需要什么,然后决定生产什么。

guideline: n. [C,usu,pl.] rules or instructions about the best way to do sth. 指导方针;指导原则 The European Union has issued guidelines for appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers.欧盟已发布有关支付兼职体力劳工适当酬劳的指导原则。

give way to: be replaced by sth. else 被…取代

He was greatly disappointed over his boss’ decision against giving him a pay raise, and soon his disappointment gave way to anger.他对老板不给他加薪的决定感到非常失望,很快他的失望变成了愤怒。 version: n.[C]

1) a form of sth. that is different from other forms or from the original版本;改编形式The computerized version, which contains all the same information, costs


only a 10 of the price of the printed book.电脑版本包含了印刷本的所有信息,而成本只是印刷本价格的十分之一。

2) a description of tth. that happened according to one person(根据个人的观点对