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限时规范练19(必修4 Unit 4)




A mobile phone game will be used to help international students deal with “culture shock” and university life in Britain.

The game — called C-Shock — is the idea of University of Portsmouth games technology expert Nipan Maniar who,himself,arrived in the UK from India five years ago as an international student.Nipan said the game would act as a “mobile mummy” for new students.“I found some parts of British culture very different to what I was used to in my own culture in India,” Nipan said.“I thought it would be great to have a learning tool to help people deal with the culture shock because if you have not experienced such things before,it’s hard to know how to act properly.”

The game follows an international student arriving in the UK for the first time.The aim of the game is to reduce the character’s “culture shock” by performing a series of tasks that introduce things and pictures that are related to culture shock.

The game’s beginning is a student’s first day at university in the UK.The student is shown a map of the university and is given tasks to find certain locations.Clicking on pictures along the way warns the student about what to expect in terms of culture shock — for example,it is acceptable for students to drink alcohol.

“C-Shock could be used to guide students through events such as course registration (注册) and help them with basic information like getting to a bank.You could put a whole city guide into the game so the new student can settle into a new city very quickly,” Nipan said.

The game is in the final stage of development and is expected to be downloaded from the University of Portsmouth website later this year. 1.What caused Nipan to develop C-Shock? A.A new student’s story. B.The university’s support. C.His personal experience. D.His friends’ encouragement.

2.What can be learned about the character in the game? A.He’s a “mobile mummy”. B.He’s a student from India. C.He visits the UK very often. D.He needs to complete some tasks. 3.What information can C-Shock users get? A.Maps of city roads. B.Different types of alcohol.

C.Where to get a tourist guide. D.How to register for a course.


Spider-Man is one of the most successful characters in history.But the character nearly didn’t get off the ground,the creator Stan Lee admitted.Lee told reporters in Tokyo he came up with the idea while watching a fly climb a wall and wanted to create a superhero with the same abilities.“Somehow calling him ‘flyman’ didn’t sound dramatic (戏剧化的) enough.What else could he be? Mosquito man? Then I said:Spider-Man.And it sounded so dramatic,” said Lee.

Lee decided to make his new creation a teenager and give him “many personal problems.” “He won’t have enough money,he lives with his aunt who is ill and needs medicine and he has to take care of her.And he’s also got to fight the bad people,” he said.He took the idea to his publisher,who said,“Stan,that is the worst idea I have ever heard.” Superheroes have to be adults and cannot have any problems and that’s why they are superheroes,said his boss.

Lee was allowed to add a Spider-Man story into the last edition of a book,though.It became an immediate hit.“Just for fun,to get it out of my system,I put Spider-Man in that last edition and forgot about it,” he said.“A month later,after all the sales numbers were in,my boss came running into my office and said,‘Remember that character Spider-Man we both liked so much? Let’s make him a regular feature.’”

“And that’s how Spidey was born,” said Lee,who admitted to driving around the streets of Tokyo in a “Super Mario” car the previous evening,was asked how he kept so active.“Being busy is the best medicine there is.As long as you’re not busy being a bad person,” he said.As for how he came up with the idea of Spider-Man,the answer was simple:“I’m very lucky.” 4.What did Stan Lee mean by the underlined part in Paragraph 1? A.Spider-Man was unable to stand on the ground. B.Spider-Man didn’t have a successful start. C.Spider-Man didn’t have a proper name. D.Spider-Man was climbing all the time.

5.What was the biggest problem Lee faced back then? A.He was poor. B.He was in bad health. C.His idea wasn’t accepted. D.His boss wasn’t kind to him. 6.What can we infer from Paragraph 3? A.Lee took his boss’s suggestion seriously. B.Lee’s boss loved Spider-Man at first sight. C.Lee’s boss changed his mind about Spider-Man. D.Lee always knew Spider-Man would be popular.

7.What words can be used to describe Lee? A.Creative and humorous. B.Honest and friendly. C.Brave and patient. D.Polite and caring.


Finding motivation,especially study motivation,is not always easy. 1 Here are some ways of doing it:

Offer yourself encouragement.

Yes,you should give yourself a prize or some kind of reward when you’ve done a task. 2 Remember,you have to know the exact conditions that you need to meet in order to receive the wonderful cake.


You need to feel confident about your studies.I am sure all of us have succeeded on several occasions.Remember these past successes and you will feel more motivated to continue! Write down your goals.

Don’t just think about them;don’t just say them;write them down! 4 And that’s why you find salesmen always want you to write something down before you actually buy something.By writing your name down,you are in a sense giving your support for their cause.If then you are asked to buy what they are selling,you are more likely to do that than if you hadn’t signed the paper! See your goals.

5 Put them up on the wall and paste (粘贴) small post-it notes all over the place.You have to keep on reminding yourself of the purpose behind your studies and what type of results you’re expecting to achieve.

A.Remember past successes. B.The written word is very powerful. C.Don’t forget about buying yourself a gift.

D.Don’t just write them down and leave them like that. E.Moreover,talking about your goals with others helps a lot.

F.However,with a little effort we can learn how to increase our motivation. G.It could be something as simple as sweets or something greater like a vacation.


Recently,while in a meeting,I asked someone,“Do you agree that there is a problem?” He hesitated a moment and then 1. (nod) his head.“Yeah,I guess.” Immediately,I read his body language and listened to his 2.me less angry by 4.

(word) and thought,“He doesn’t really.He just expects 3. (make) (say) what I want to hear.Actually,he doesn’t think there’s a problem.”

difficult it is

That’s what I inferred from his body language and what he said.But knowing 5.

to correctly read body language,I asked,“You hesitated.Do you really think there isn’t a problem?” He replied,“Oh no.There 6. (certain) is.I just don’t like admitting it out loud.”

So the hesitation was a result of his unwillingness to admit it aloud.It wasn’t what I thought.If I hadn’t asked the question,I would have gone on believing something 7.

wasn’t true.

If you read someone’s body language incorrectly,it could lead 8.

misunderstandings.Body language is the result of many things.Thoughts,fears,joys,confusion and nervousness 9. (be) just a few of the things affecting a person’s body language.Don’t be too 10.language.


(confidence) in your ability to know what a person is thinking just because of his body

限时规范练19(必修4 Unit 4)


1.C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“I found some parts of British culture very

different...my own culture in India”可知,Nipan自己的文化冲击经历促使他开发这款游戏。

2.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The aim of the game...performing a series of tasks.”可知,游戏中的人物需要完成多项任务。

3.D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“C-Shock could be used to guide students through events such as course registration”可知,C-Shock的用户会获得课程注册方面的信息。 【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了风靡全球的畅销书角色蜘蛛侠的创作过程。

4.B 句意理解题。根据第二、三段的内容可知,Spider-Man的诞生可谓一波三折。由此可推知,Stan Lee是说,一开始这个角色的市场化并不成功。

5.C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“He took the idea to...said his boss.”可知,一开始Stan Lee关于Spider-Man的构想并没有得到认可。

6.C 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“A month later,after all the sales numbers...make him a regular feature.’”及第二段中的“Superheroes have to be adults...superheroes,said his boss.”可知,看到销售数字一路攀升,Stan Lee的老板对于Spider-Man的看法有了改观。