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be in fashion正在流行中;be out of fashion过时了;in a strange fashion 方式怪异

fashionable adj.流行的,时髦的?

299 fatigue ?n.疲劳

300 feasible ?? adj.可行的,可用的 名词 feasibility?301 feeble ?adj.虚弱的?

a feeble old man身体虚弱的老人;feeble-minded 低能的;愚蠢的

302 feedback ?n.反馈?

302 fierce ?adj.凶猛的,猛烈的?

the fierce sea 波涛汹涌的大海;a fierce storm 猛烈的暴雨;the fierce wind 猛烈的风;a fierce dog 凶猛的狗

304 figure ??n.数字; 体形;人物 v.认为,猜想?

figure on(在作计划时)估计到,打算;figure out 算出,想出,理解

305 finance ?n.财政,(复数)财源 vt.为(某人或项目或组织)提供资金?

形容词financial 财政的,金融的

306 flash vi. / n.闪烁,闪现

commercials flash插播商业广告;news flash 插播新闻;in a flash瞬间;即刻

307 flavor ?vt. 给(菜)调味 n. 风味?

a street of local flavors小吃街; accent with a foreign flavor

308 flexible ?adj. 灵活的,柔韧的 名词flexibility?

flexible investment policies灵活的投资政策;flexible learning strategies灵活的学习策略 “灵活;柔韧”。

309 flourish ?vi.茂盛,繁荣?

a flourishing business生意兴隆;flourishing children健壮的孩子

310 focus ?n.焦点,焦距 v.(使)集中

focus on集中于;focus one’s attention on sth把注意力集中于某事;take sth. as the focus把某事作为重点

311 foresee ??vt.预见,预知 形容词foreseeable可被预见的 ?

foresee the future预见未来;foresee the earthquake预见地震

312 forgive ?vt.饶恕,原谅 名词forgiveness宽仁,宽恕?

forgive sb. for doing sth 宽恕某人做了某事


313 former adj.以前的,在前的,前者的?

314 formula ?n.方案,公式(复数formulas 或 formulae)?

formulate vt.构想出(计划,方案等),规划(制度等)?

formulate a new plan构思新的计划;formulate some regulations制定条例

315 foundation ?n.基础,根据,基金会

lay a solid foundation for sth 为某事打下坚实的基础;on the foundation that +从句“在。。。基础上”。

316 frequency ??n.频率,次数?317 frighten ?vt.使惊恐,吓唬

be frightened at 因(看到,听到,想到)某事受了惊吓(惊恐不安); be frightened of / about sth.害怕;be frightened out of one’s wits被吓呆了

318 fruitful adj.多产的,富有成效的?

a fruitful writer多产的作家;a fruitful mind富有创造力的头脑;a fruitful career



319 frustrate ?vt.使沮丧,使灰心,使受挫折 名词frustration挫折,失落?

frustrate one’s aspiration 消磨某人的志气;frustrating令人泄气的;frustrated失意的,受了挫折的

320 fulfill ??vt.履行,实现 名词fulfillment?

fulfil one’s promise履行诺言;fulfil one’s duty履行义务

321 fundamental ?adj.根本的,基本的?

322 further adv./ adj.进一步地,更远地 vt.促进,助长


323 gain ?n. / vt.获得,得益,(复数)好处

gain weight发胖;gain time(钟表)走的快;gain ground改进

324 generate ???vt.产生(光,电,热等) 名词generation?325 generous ?adj.大方的,宽宏大量的?

be generous with (one’s money) (用钱)大方

generosity ?n.慷慨,宽宏大量?

326 genius ?n.天才,天赋?

be a genius for 有。。。的天资

327 genuine adj.非人造的(真的),真诚的?

328 globalize ?vt.使全球化 名词globalization?

economic globalization 经济全球化

329 goal ?n.目标;进球得分?

set one’s goals树立目标;achieve / attain one’s goals 实现目标

330 grateful ?adj.感激的?

be grateful to sb. for sth 因某事而感激某人

gratitude n.感激?

have gratitude to sb. for sth. 因某事而感激某人

331 grieve ?v.感到悲伤,为…而伤心?

grief ?n.悲痛,悲伤的事?

bring sb. grief (使某人)遭受不幸,伤害或灾难

332 gross ???adj.总的,毛的 反义词net?

gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值

333 ground ??n.理由,根据?

be / have grounds for 有…之理由或根据;on the grounds of 因为

334 guarantee ?n.保证书 vt. 保证,担保?


335 halt ???n.停住 v.(使)停住?

come to a halt 停止

336 handle ??n.把手 vt.处理,对付?337 handy ?? adj.手边的,方便的?

338 harmony n.和谐,一致 形容词harmonious 和谐的,一致的?


in harmony with sb. 与某人和谐或一致;out of harmony with sb.与某人不和谐或不一致

339 hate n. / vt.憎恨,厌恶(名词或动名词作宾语)

hatred ?n.憎恶,憎恨?

340 haunt vt.(鬼魂)作崇,使苦恼?

a haunted room 闹鬼的房间;a haunted look 焦虑的表情;be haunted with something为某事所烦;haunting 萦绕于心头的,令人不安的

341 hazard ?n. 危险,公害?

in / at hazard 处于危险或被危害之状态中

342 highlight vt.使显著,突出 n.最精彩的部分 343 hinder vt.阻碍,妨碍 名词hindrance?

hinder sb. from doing sth 妨碍某人做某事

344 hint ?n.暗示?

drop a hint 间接地或策略地给出暗示;take a hint 领会暗示并付储行动

345 hollow ?adj.空心的,沉闷的?346 horizon ?n.地平线,(复数)眼界 形容词horizontal地平线的,水平的

enlarge one’s horizons 开阔眼界

347 hospitable ?adj.好客的?

hospitality n.好客?

hospitality of the host 主人的好客热情

348 hostile ?adj.敌意的 名词hostility?

turn hostile to/against sb. 对某人充满敌意

349 humane adj 有人性的, 有人味的?350 humanity ?n.人性,人道 351 humble ??adj.谦虚的,(地位)低下的?

352 hypothesis ?n. 假说,假设(复数hypotheses)


353 identity n.身份,一致性?

identity card身份证;the identity of the victim受害者的身份

identical ?adj.相同的,等同的?

be identical to / with sth.与某物一模一样

identify 辨认,等同(看作是相同的)????名词identification认出,鉴定?

???????identify errors辨认错误; identify oneself with other people与其他人打成一片 ?354 ignore ?? vt.(有意或无意地)不顾,不理,忽视?

ignorant adj.不知道的,愚昧的

be ignorant of/about sth.不知道某事,对某事一无所知

ignorance ?n.愚昧?

keep sb. in ignorance of sth.不让某人知道某事

355 illustrate ? vt. (用图或例子等)阐明,用插图装饰(书、报等)

illustrate this problem by chart and diagram用图表说明该问题 名词illustration 阐明;插图

356 imagine ?vt. 想象,幻想(名词或动名词作宾语) 名词imagination?



an imaginary character 虚幻的人物;an imaginary girlfriend想象中的女友

imaginative adj.富有想象力, 爱想象的

an imaginative boy一个很有想象力的男孩子;an imaginative artist富有想象力的画家

357 immediate ?adj.立即的,直接的,紧靠的?

an immediate answer立即回答;an immediate cause直接的原因;an immediate seat 紧挨着的座位

358 impact ?n.影响,冲击?

have an impact on sth对某事有影响或冲击;on(upon) impact在撞击时

359 imperative ??adj.紧迫的,必要的?360 implement ??vt.执行 n.工具?

implement a new policy执行新政策;implement a promise /an agreement履行诺言/协议

361 implication ?n.含义?

by implication 含蓄地,暗示性地

362 impose ??vt.把…强加于?

impose on her kindness利用;impose tax on the people对人民课税; impose his ideas on other people把他自己的想法强加给其他人

363 impression n. 印象?

make a lasting impression on sb.给某人留下不可磨灭的印象;under the impression认为

impressive ?adj.给人印象深刻的?

an impressive speaker给人印象深刻的演讲者; an impressive summer resort 令人难忘的夏日胜地;his impressive writing style 他那给人印象深刻的写作风格

364 incline ??vt.(使)倾斜,(使)倾向于?

be inclined to do sth. 很可能或倾向于做某事

365 incredible ?adj. 难以置信的?

an incredible house一套极好的房子;an incredible speed快的惊人的速度;an incredible medicine神奇得令人难以置信的药.

366 independent adj.独立的,自立的 名词independence独立?

be independent of独立于。。。,不依赖于。。。;be independent from不受。。。的支配或控制

367 indifferent ?adj.冷漠的,不关心的?

be indifferent to sb. / sth 对某人冷漠,对某事漠不关心

368 indispensable ?adj.必不可少的, 必需的?

be indispensable for/to sth. / sb. 对某人或事而言是比不可少的

369 individual adj.个人的,单独的 n.个人?

individual possessions私有财产;an individual effort个人的努力

370 inevitable ?adj.不可避免的?

an inevitable failure / success 必然失败/成功

371 infectious adj.有传染性的 名词infection传染(不可数),传染病(可数)?

an infectious laughter有感染力的笑;an infectious disease传染病

372 inferior ?adj.低等的,劣质的?

be inferior to(品质上)劣于,(地位上)低于

373 inflation ??n.通货膨胀?