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保 密 类 别 编号 20100801012


毕 业 论 文


系 别 电气工程与自动化 专 业 电气工程与自动化 年 级 2010级电气一班 学 号 20100801012 姓 名 李小蒙 指导老师 吴铁洲


武汉大学珞珈学院 2014年 5 月16日


摘 要

随着全世界汽车数量的增加,人类对能源的需求越来越大。电动汽车作为未来汽车的发展方向,越来越受到人们的重视。要使各种电动汽车能与传统内燃机汽车相竞争,关键是提高动力蓄电池的性能。就目前使用的动力电池来说,怎样建立对电池有利的充放电控制模型、实时监控电池荷电状态、防止电池过充与过放来延长电池的使用寿命,怎样对电池进行实时或定期的自动故障诊断和维护,最大层度地保证电池的可靠运行,这些问题都需要通过开发有效合理的基于实时总线的电池管理系统来加以解决。 可由于电池管理系统所工作的环境异常恶劣,时时受到外界强电、噪声等干扰,使提高电池管理系统的通信可靠性成为了系统研制成功的一个关键。提高管理系统通信可靠性的技术可分为硬件和软件两个方面,仅采用硬件技术,如电磁隔离、去祸滤波、噪声补偿等,仍有一些频段的干扰侵入系统,不能完全满足应用系统的要求。还需要采用一些软件抗干扰的技术。硬件技术和软件技术的巧妙结合,是提高系统可靠性的有力手段。



关键词:电池管理系统 CAN总线 消息模型 调度算法




With the increasing of cars around the world , human's demands for energy is growing. Electric cars are the future direction of vehicles. More and more attention has been paid. In order to let a variety of electric vehicles compete with conventional internal combustion engine cars , the performance of power battery must be improve. Recently, the problem of power battery is, how to establish an suitable battery charge and discharge model, real-time monitoring of battery state of charge to prevent overcharge and over-discharge of the battery to extend battery life , and how to carry out real-time or regular battery automatic fault diagnostics and maintenance , the greatest degree of assurance that the battery level reliability. All these problems can be resolved through the development of effective and reasonable battery management system (BMS).

Battery management system due to the unusual circumstances surrounding the poor work place in strong external power noise and other interference improvement in reliability of communication system has become the key to success of battery management system. The improvement in the reliability of communications systems can be divided into aspects. It includes hardware and software technology. Just using the hardware technologies such as magnetic separation coupling filtering noise compensation there are still some band interference invading systems and can not fully meet the