ÐÂÊÓÒ°´óѧӢÓïÊÓÌý˵3 quiz ´ð°¸ Unit 1-10 ÁªÏµ¿Í·þ

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ÐÂÊÓÒ°´óѧӢÓïÊÓÌý˵3 quiz ´ð°¸ Unit 1-10 ÕýÈ·ÂÊ 100% ÕâÊÇÂ¥Ö÷ÓÃÉúÃüÆ×дµÄ´ð°¸°¡!!

Unit 1 Quiz µ¥ÔªÐ¡²âÑé 100%

1-5 BACCB 6-15 damage symptoms sharp involved fitness mind over

(8) Thelso may remember things better by mentally connecting them to other meaningful things (9) Stress, anxiety, or depression can make a person more forgetful

(10) much pain and suffering can be avoided if older people, their families, and their doctors recognize dementia as a disease 15-20 BCBAD 21-25 BCACA

Unit 2 Quiz µ¥ÔªÐ¡²âÑé 100%

1-5 ABCDB 6-15 For with

opportunity tuition explore

encounter adventure

(8) As with any country, it is not advisable to carry large amounts of cash around with you

(9) Traveler's checks are one of the safest and easiest ways to transport money, because you may have them replaced if they get lost or stolen

(10) It is wise to bring about $100 with you in U.S. cash, so you will be able to manage upon your arrival in the States

16-20 DABCA

21-25 CABDA


Unit 3 Quiz µ¥ÔªÐ¡²âÑé 100%

1-5 CADBC 6-15 at wheel tone expression Honey

divorce speed

(8) I don't want you to try to talk me out of it because I don't love you amy more (9) \(10) No, I've got everything I need 16-20 DABCA 21-25 ADBCA

Unit 4 Quiz µ¥ÔªÐ¡²âÑé 100%

1-5 ACDBB 6-15 ice

Examples parking response provide impression ages

(8) If this is the place where you would be working, they would automatically be worried that you will be late for work everyday

(9) They might be historical questions regarding your previous employment or education (10) Make a statement, then support it by giving a sample of a situation and how you handled it 16-20 CBACD 21-25 DABCB

Unit 5 Quiz µ¥ÔªÐ¡²âÑé 100%

1-5 ABDCC 6-15 resulting demand on trends elderly trend


(8) Look at existing businesses and the products and services they offer, and then determine if there's a need for more of those products or services

(9) Keep an open mind and continue to assess everything you read and hear from a business point of view

(10) Dream, think, plan, and you'll be ready to transform that business idea into the business you've always wanted 16-20 CBDAC 21-25 ADBCA

Unit 6 Quiz µ¥ÔªÐ¡²âÑé 100%

1-5 CCABD 6-15 habit crucial among decade did issues adult

(8) To survey the teens, the questions must be carefully phrased because \you ask them a lot of direct questions ,\

(9) The first phone call generally takes about 45 minutes, with discussion about why the teen began smoking and the extent of the habit

(10) Now 260 teens who have participated in the program are being followed 16-20 ABCBD 21-25 CBACB

Unit 7 Quiz µ¥ÔªÐ¡²âÑé 100%

1-5 CDBAC 6-15 chemicals atmosphere particles trapped lasts



(8) Even in Ancient Rome people complained about smoke put into the atmosphere

(9) Air pollution can have serious consequences for the health of human beings

(10) Cities with large numbers of automobiles or those that use great quantities of coal often suffer most severely from air pollution problems

Unit 8 Quiz µ¥ÔªÐ¡²âÑé 100%

1-5 CDBAC 6-15 tiny identify maintain fuel networks insurance


(8) Ticket prices include a number of fees,taxes

(9) If airlines carry passengers without proper documents on an international flight, they are responsible for carrying them back to the originating country

(10) While airlines as a whole earned 6% return on capital employed, airports earned 10% 16-20 CABDC 21-25 ABDCB

Unit 9 Quiz µ¥ÔªÐ¡²âÑé 100%

1-5 CDAAD 6-15 hang remains symbol performed what that


(8) By the year 1600, some Germans began bringing evergreen trees into their homes. They put fruit, nuts and sweets on the trees

(9) They say he did this to show how wonderful the stars had appeared to him as he traveled one night

(10) The Christmas tree tradition spread to many parts of the world. Today, some form of Christmas tree is part of most Christmas celebrations 16-20 DABCD 21-25 CABCC

Unit 10 Quiz µ¥ÔªÐ¡²âÑé 100%

1-5 ADCDB 6-15 individual owned managed invest ownership shareholders investors

(8) shareholders are often able to own a greater and more diverse number of stocks than if they invested directly in the stock market

(9) the investment management company sponsoring the fund issues new shares to investors and buys back shares from investors wishing to leave the fund

(10) The sponsor does not buy back or issue shares after a closed-end fund is launched, so the investor must trade them through a broker 16-20 DACBC 21-25 BCADA