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such___________ diversity in the country.

4.Preadolescent(青春前期的)groups are _________;that is, members are usually of the same sex and come from the come from the same neighborhood.

5.The travel agency will make every arrangement for your trip and the expenses, all _________ are estimated at$300.

6. All developed nations maintain a variety of social_________ programs to help unemployed or underemployed people to function more fully in society.

7. Lying is defined as _________someone about certain matters or facts.

8. The _________my boss showed was simply due to my failure to make a favorable comment on his arrangement.

9.The ______that educational psychologists have found to be important in classroom teaching include the time teachers allocate to instruction, the amount of content they cover, the percent of time that students are engaged in learning, and so on.

10.The Austrian physician and founder of psychoanalysis ,Sigmund Freud ,used his psychotherapy to _________painful and forgotten memories in his patients.

11.An instance of__________ is the suggestion, put forward with apparent seriousness by the English satirist Jonathan Swift in his A Modest Proposal, that the poor people of Ireland should rid themselves of poverty by selling their children to the rich to eat.

12. Human learning and memory have been studied mostly with_______ materials (such as word lists and stories) or with tasks requiring motor skills (such as learning to type or to play an instrument).

13. Babies will___________ learn to walk on their own when they are offered a reward.

14. When depressed, these patients experience painful sadness, negative thinking, and __________to things that used to bring them happiness.

15. The probability of an outcome is represented by a number between 0 and 1, with probability 0 indicating __________that an event will not occur and probability 1 indicating________ that it will occur.

16. IQ scores may vary according to testing conditions ,and thus it is advisable to understand results of the tests as falling within certain range ,such as average or _________.

as often as not consist of due to go through with in part in reality in terms of live/measure up to

1. The major method of instruction for schools of the United States and many other countries stresses the educational development of the child _________________individual needs and interests.

2. The explosion in use and popularity of the Internet in the 1990s is most likely ____________the World Wide Wed.

3. A quality control inspector is responsible for making sure that every product _______________the specified standard before it goes into circulation.

4. If you do what you are really interested in and try hard, you’ll find, _____________________ that you are living with contentment.

5. The Greek philosopher Socrates was also a great teacher, whose method _________________asking questions that forced his students to think deeply about the meaning of life, truth, and justice. 6. His plan is an ambitious one and I doubt whether he will really ______________________________. 7. The secretary general ,like the rest of the UN staff, is supposed to be

independent ,but______________ he must rely on member countries, especially the five permanent Security Council members, to get anything done .

8. it’s been argued that the problem with teaching have been brought about _____________ by inadequate facilities.

1.______________________________________________(正如课文中的例子所说明的),the nonverbal communication between a teacher and his students contributes to their success.

2._________________________________________________(正如前面提到的),labeling is a way of thinking that excludes individuality and variations.

3._______________________(众所周知),a balanced diet and exercise keep one fit and healthy. 4.The lease lasts two months, from January 1 to March 1 inclusive,_____________________________________(按照合同上达成的协议)。

5.The tour guide took us the Palace Museum in the morning and to the Summer Palace in the afternoon ,______________________________(正如起初安排的那样).

would rather?than? 1. Just think of our parents’ devotion!____________________________________________________________________________(overwork themselves to make life better for our sake, spend the hard-earned money on themselves). 2. He’s reserved. During the journey he_____________________________________________________________________________. (read a best-seller, chat with others). 3. If when you study abroad you_______________________________________________________________________________________, just because the culture is strange to you, you are unlikely to benefit much from the experience. (Confine yourself in the library, go out to meet and talk with local people).

4. If this opportunity can get me some somewhere in the future, I________________________________________________. (Give up mu short-term interest, let it slip away) 5. At some points in our lives, we _______________________________________________________________________.(not tell our parents what’s in our minds, sit down and communicate with them like friends)


1. 学校应该避免仅按学生考试成绩来判别孰优孰劣并以此对待他们。相反,好的教育体制应使每一位学


2. 大学生课后有问题时,往往在办公室时间之外不容易找到老师。这是由于教师繁忙的学术研究。而不


3. 这个班级由40名学生组成,他们中大部分按英语水平过去常被归在中等之列。但由于这位老师从不在


4. 在美国,教书变得越来越难了,部分原因是学生越来越多样的种族背景以及需要另外培训才能掌握的


5. 英国人经常被归类为保守型,显然这一归类带有成见。实际上,英国在名族特性方面与其他欧洲国家



afflict correspondence craving emulate ignorance inevitable intense interval maximum miniature outrage practically request sizable succeeding 1.The first artificial intelligence conference in 1956 inspired researchers to undertake projects that ____________ human behavior in areas of reasoning ,language comprehension , and communications.

2. In 1979 the U.S.Supreme Court ruled that states may require the consent of one parent of minor ________an abortion.

3. By 1951 industrial production had exceeded prewar peaks; it continued to rise in the _____________.

4. That park contains _________reproductions of such famous sights in China as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.

5. According to our professor ,unemployment is an _________consequence of free market economics. 6. There are nearly 2900 radio stations associated with ABC, as well as ____________publishing group.

7. Don’t worry .The danger from these snakes is _________ nothing.

8. A crowd of people gathered, ________ by the way the police officers were hitting the two men. 9. Psychological drug dependency is characterized by a _________ for the drug and belief that one cannot function without taking it.

10.The bomb was designed to cause the _______amount of harm to the _________number of people. 11. Although breast cancer primarily _________females, about 1400 male breast cancers were also reported in the US in 1997.

12. Some people’s attitudes towards foreigners are based on sheer________ and prejudice. 13. When he stood up from his seat, he suddenly felt an__________ pain in the lower part of his back.

14. We see each other at regular _______---usually once a week.

15. I read a very interesting biography of Marx’s last week, which is based on his ________with Engels over 40 years.

1. Tom‘s boss asked him to take control of the office for a couple of weeks while she was away. 2. As he fell down from the cliff the mountaineer was lucky enough to grab a branch with his left hand. 3. Such projects as road or dam building, mining, or large-scale farming can cause great hardships to people whose lives depend on the land.

4. The government began to support small business when it realized that were the key to economic growth.

5. Adrenaline helps the body to get used to sudden stress by increasing heart rate and raising blood pressure.

6.A central purpose of drama has always been to provide a means for a society to think carefully about itself and its beliefs.

7. I had seen the signer before on TV, but she looked very different when I met her personally. 8. Chicago’s O’Hare Airport was closed as a result of the snowstorm.

9.Cindy ,Linda and Naomi went to the benefit fashion show, as did Claudia and Christy, all known as the “supermodels” of the 1990’s.

10.The rocket roared into space ,increasing its speed to 38000mph shortly after. 11. I’m sorry, but someone else has borrowed the book you want.

12. On seeing General Powell, the soldier threw out his chest and saluted.

1. Come on! Now that you have told me a little about your secret ____________________________________________(你不妨把全部情况都告诉我)。

2.________________________________________________________(我看我们还是买下这台电脑吧)。We’re not going to find anything cheaper.

3.You never listen---___________________________________(我还不如对着一堵墙讲呢)。

4.Our holidays were ruined by the weather;________________________________________________(我们当初还不如呆在家里呢)。

5. Farming is no longer profitable._____________________________________________(我还是卖了农场去别处享福吧)。

Unit 8 IV

brutal continuity crude eminence esteem flourish glimpse permission persuasion precise restraint ruthless spiritual tedious vigor vulnerable

1. While attending college in Brunswick, Longfellow wrote to his father,”I most eagerly aspire after future

_________in literature.”

2. Television gives its viewers a __________of real-life tragedy, as when it covers the victims of war, natural

disasters, and poverty .

3. He is putting on weight again because he eats anything he likes without his doctor’s__________.

4. Boxing began thousands of years ago, and for much of its history was an extremely ___________sport . 5. When the typist got sick another typist was employed to keep up the ___________of the work.

6. Prehistoric people invented the first ___________”writing.” They drew pictures of wild animals on the

walls of caves and rock shelters.

7. Latin, because of its__________expression, was a perfect language for law and government.

8. He expected that success would bring him freedom and power; but it brought only power that was in itself

another kind of___________.

9. Having published more than a dozen papers in first-rate journals, she is held in high ___________by her


10. The Mayan civilization reached its period of greatest development about A.D.250 and continued to

___________for hundreds of years.