2020-2021学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市高考第三次模拟英语试卷及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2020-2021学年黑龙江省哈尔滨市高考第三次模拟英语试卷及答案更新完毕开始阅读a93487865af5f61fb7360b4c2e3f5727a4e9244e

for them to make friends—and more likely that society will reject them. Therefore, it is important to recognize and deal with loneliness. Cacioppo emphasizes people who have been pushed to the edges of society should receive help to repair their social networks.

32. It can be concluded from the second paragraph that ______. A. more and more people are suffering from loneliness B. the more friends you make, the less lonely you feel C. loneliness more likely spreads among close friends D. lonely persons are less willing to make friends

33. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Loneliness is a social problem. C.Certain causes of loneliness.

B. The importance of studying loneliness. D. Loneliness is hard to cure.

34. What should lonely people do to get rid of loneliness? A. Interact with others more negatively. C. Refuse the help given by others.

B. Express emotions more often. D. Admit and try to solve it.

35. Which of the following could be used as the topic of the passage? A. Minimizing Social Ties

B. Feeling Alone Or Not? D. Danger ofLoneliness

C. Loneliness Is Like a Disease



With time going on, dogs have developed a special relationship with people. Recently, however, some dogs have taken a different role in people’s lives—therapy dogs.

36 Some therapy dogs visit patients in hospitals or nursing homes, while others visit children in schools and libraries. They are there to help children become better readers.

Reading programs that use therapy dogs have been in existence for more than ten years. All therapy dogs of this program are registered with an organization that tests the dogs to make sure they have the right personality for the job.

37 Both the dogs and the handlers are volunteers with the reading program.

At the start of a reading therapy session, a child and a dog are introduced. The pair is allowed to settle down in a quiet corner together. 38 An adult handler stays nearby but generally lets the dog perform its job without interfering(干涉). Sometimes, a handler may ask a question that encourages the child to work with the dog to help the child feel more comfortable.

Not every child will be able to be part of a reading therapy program that uses dogs. A few children might be allergic to dogs or afraid of them; some children might have cultural traditions that prevent them from touching a dog. 39

Reading therapy programs inspire learning and change for human beings.The readers benefit a lot, gaining confidence and learning that reading aloud can be a relaxing experience. 40 They spend time with human friends. For dogs that love human companionship and a quiet place to rest, being part of a reading therapy program can be a great way to spend a few hours being with humans each day.

A. As the child reads, the dog usually lies quietly and listens.

B. A dog’s handler also takes a class and must pass a test to work in the therapy program. C. When reading to an animal, some children may become relaxed.

D. A therapy dog is more of a companion and is trained to help people in different ways. E.But therapy animals also serve in many other areas.

F.In these circumstances, other animals are available, such as cats and parrots. G.But how do the therapy dogs benefit from it?

第三部分 英语知识运用




Having been married for 20 years, Scott has __41__ 15 pounds. Once a marathon runner, he now runs only down __42__ halls. His hair is becoming less and his body shows the __43__of long working hours and too many candy bars.

When my friend asked me “What will make this love __44__?” I ran through all the obvious __45__: responsibility,unselfishness,physical attraction,communication.Yet there’s more.We still have fun. Last Saturday at the grocery, we split the shopping __46__ and raced each otherto see who could make it to the checkout first.We __47__ being together.

There is sharing.Not only do we share household worries and parental burdens---we also share __48__. Once,Scott sent me a thick historical novel. __49__he prefers thrillersand science fictions,he had read the novel first. He __50__my heart when he explained it was because he wanted to be able to __51__ideas about the book after I’d read it.

There is __52__.When I’m embarrassingly loud and __53__at parties, Scottforgivesme.When he admitted __54__some of our savings in the stock market,I gave him a hug and said,“It’s nothing__55__.It’s only money.”

Finally there is sensitivity.Last week he came home and told me about a 60-year-old woman who’d had a disease and would probably never __56__. He wept as he recalled the woman’s __57__standing beside her bed, holding her hand.I __58__too, because there were still people who have been married 40 years, because my husband is still moved and