高三英语复习完形填空培优题(附答案) 联系客服

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borrow “借入”。尽管我们确实需要钱来给孩子们买东西,但我们也应该尽最大努力去帮助需要帮助的人,由此语境可判断选A。

(20)考查动词。A:prepared“准备”;B:forced“强迫”;C:supposed“假设”;D:forbidden “禁止”。尽管我们确实需要钱来给孩子们买东西,但我们也应该尽最大努力去帮助需要帮助的人,be supposed to do固定短语,“应该做......”。故选C。



My mom is an awesome human being just like all other moms. She knowingly and unknowingly 1 me a whole lot of things about the world. The 2 which I'm going to share today determined the way I 3 everybody.

I was four years old. One fine afternoon, my mom and I were 4 outdoors, she reading and I watching a line of 5 . I was never a naughty kid: 6 I was known for keeping quiet even when things were not going my way. So I don't remember why I did this but I broke off the lines of ants and I liked it when they looked so 7 . I even went ahead and stepped on a couple of them! My mom saw this and she wasn't 8 with me but she said something I still 9 today. She said, \are. Everybody is different and we shouldn't treat them 11 .

I got upset when I heard this because I thought I had 12 my mom. 13 my little heart started thinking about the family of ants I had killed. It has been more than 25 years now and I've 14 so many things that have happened in my life: 15 , I still do my best to be kind to everybody.

We should teach our young kids never to be mean to anybody. It makes a 16 when people praise other people for their efforts 17 being envious, we're proud of people achieving their goals however 18 they may be. When you're kind to other people, it's a 19 that goes on. It's the kind of chain reaction that uplifts the whole world—one heart at a time. I believe in the magic of, 20 ! 1. A. offered 2. A. accident 3. A. respect 4. A. staying 5. A. trees 6. A. incase 7. A. troubled 8. A. patient 10. A. familiar

B. left B. treat B. chatting B. kids B. in fact B. excited B. familiar B. cruel

C. promised D. taught C. question D. doubt C. wandering D. playing C. ants

D. cars

C. above all D. at first C. frightened D. threatened C. annoyed D. honest C. similar

D. cool

B. information C. incident D. conflict

9. A. benefit from B. suffer from C. draw from D. differ from

11. A. seriously 13. A. Yet 14. A. accepted 15. A. thus 16. A. decision 17. A. instead of 18. A. rare 19. A. debate 20. A. love

B. hopelessly C. directly B. Still B. repeated B. however

C. Though

D. unfairly D. Also

12. A. disappointed B. convinced C. comforted D. terrified

C. forgotten D. discovered C. therefore D. besides

D. living D. significant D. circle

B. difference C. deal B. ambitious C. tiny B. process B. life

C. match

B. except for C. along with D. because of

C. kindness D. value

【答案】 (1)D;(2)C;(3)B;(4)A;(5)C;(6)B;(7)A;(8)C;(9)A;(10)B;(11)D;(12)A;(13)D;(14)C;(15)B;(16)B;(17)A;(18)C;(19)D;(20)C;


(1)考查动词。句意:她有意无意地教会了我关于这个世界的很多事情。A. offered“提供”;B. left“离开”;C. promised“承诺”;D. taught“教”。本空与最后一段中的\相呼应。故选D。

(2)考查名词。句意:我今天要讲的这个小事情决定了我为人处世的方式。A. accident“事故”;B. information“信息”;C. incident “小事”;D. conflict“矛盾”。根据下文的“踩蚂蚁事件”可知,作者要与大家分享的是一件小事情。故选C。

(3)考查动词。句意:我今天要讲的这个小事情决定了我为人处世的方式。A. respect“尊重”;B. treat“对待”;C. question“问题”;D. doubt“怀疑”。第二段中的\与本空呼应,来说明如何对待其他人。故选B。

(4)考查动词。句意:一个晴朗的下午,我和妈妈待在户外,她在看书,我在看一队蚂蚁。A. staying“待在,停留”;B. chatting“聊天”;C. wandering“漫步”;D. playing“玩耍”。根据常识可以判断出,只有待在户外才有可能够看到蚂蚁。故选A。

(5)考查名词。句意:一个晴朗的下午,我和妈妈在户外散步,她在看书,我在看一队蚂蚁。A. trees“树”;B. kids“孩子”;C. ants“蚂蚁”;D. cars“汽车”。根据下文的\lines of ants\可知,本空属于原词再现。故选C。

(6)考查介词短语。句意:我从来不是一个淘气的孩子:事实上,即使事情不顺心,我也会保持安静,这是出了名的。A. in case“万一”;B. in fact“事实上”;C. above all“首要的是”;D. at first“首先”。冒号后的句子是对前一句的解释。所以in fact“事实上”符合句意。故选B。

(7)考查形容词。句意:所以我不记得我为什么要这么做,但我阻断了这队蚂蚁,我喜欢它们看起来混乱的样子。A. troubled“混乱的”;B. excited“兴奋的”;C. frightened“害怕的”;D. threatened“受到威胁的”。作者阻断了这对蚂蚁,所以在受到惊吓时,蚂蚁会很慌乱。故选A。

(8)考查形容词。句意:妈妈看到了我的这一举动,她并没有生我的气,但她说的话让我终身受益。A. patient“耐心的”;B. familiar“熟悉的”;C. annoyed“恼怒的”;D. honest“诚实的”。根据下文可知,母亲只是教育了作者,并没有生作者的气。be annoyed with sb固定短语,“生某人的气”符合句意。故选C。

(9)考查动词短语。句意:妈妈看到了我的这一举动,她并没有生我的气,但她说的话让我终身受益。A. benefit from“从......受益”;B. suffer from“遭受”;C. draw from“从......取得”;D. differ from“不同于......”。根据下文\可知,我仍然尽我最大的努力去善待每一个人。所以母亲说的话让作者终身受益。故选A。 (10)考查形容词。句意:无论它们多么渺小,你都不应该残忍地对它们。A. familiar“熟悉的”;B. cruel“残忍的”;C. similar“相似的”;D. cool“凉爽的”。根据上文\on\可知,作者残忍地对待了蚂蚁们,但母亲告诫作者不应该残忍地对它们。故选B。 (11)考查副词。句意:每个人都是不同的,我们不应该不公平地对待他们。A. seriously“严肃地”;B. hopelessly“绝望地”;C. directly“直接地”;D. unfairly“不公平地”。妈妈在教育作者,每个人都是不同的,但是不应该不公平地对待他们。这里的双重否定表示肯定。故选D。

(12)考查动词。句意:当我听到这个时,我很沮丧,因为我让妈妈失望了。A. disappointed“使失望”;B. convinced“使信服”;C. comforted“安慰”;D. terrified“使害怕”。作者认为自己的所作所为让母亲失望了,可见作者的感悟与反思很深刻。故选A。 (13)考查副词。句意:而且我的心也开始想起我杀死的蚂蚁。前后句意表示并列关系。A. Yet“但是”;B. Still“仍然”;C. Though“不过”;D. Also“而且”。also有时可用于句首,相当于连词and。故选D。

(14)考查动词。句意:25年多过去了,我已经忘记了发生在我生命中的很多事情:然而,我仍然尽我最大的努力去善待每一个人。A. accepted“接受”;B. repeated“重复”;C. forgotten“忘记”;D. discovered“发现”。根据\可知,时间已经过去了25年,所以作者已经忘记了过去发生在的很多事情。故选C。

(15)考查副词。句意:25年多过去了,我已经忘记了发生在我生命中的很多事情:然而,我仍然尽我最大的努力去善待每一个人。A. thus“因此”;B. however“然而”;C. therefore“因此”;D. besides“此外”。前后句意表示转折关系,所以however“然而”符合句意。故选B。

(16)考查名词。句意:当人们称赞他人的努力而不是嫉妒他人时,结果就不一样了。我们为那些实现目标的人感到骄傲,不管他们的目标有多么渺小。A. decision“决心”;B. difference“不同”;C. deal“交易”;D. living“生计”。根据常识可知,称赞他人的努力而不是嫉妒他人时,结果肯定是不一样的。make a difference固定短语,“有影响”。故选B。 (17)考查介词短语。句意:当人们称赞他人的努力而不是嫉妒他人时,结果就不一样了。我们应该为那些实现目标的人感到骄傲,不管他们的目标有多么渺小。A. instead of“代

替,而不是”;B. except for“除了”;C. along with“和......一起”;D. because of“由于”。根据句意可知,本句在肯定称赞他人的努力,在否定嫉妒他人。故选A。

(18)考查形容词。句意:当人们称赞他人的努力而不是嫉妒时,情况就不一样了。我们应该为那些实现目标的人感到骄傲,不管他们的目标有多么小。A. rare“稀少的”;B. ambitious“野心勃勃的”;C. tiny“极小的”;D. significant“重要的”。本句是对故事的总结,根据故事来说明一个道理。所以tiny“小的”符合句句意。也是上文\的相近词。故选C。 (19)考查名词。句意:当你善待他人时,会产生一个良性的循环。A. debate“讨论”;B. process“过程”;C. match“比赛”;D. circle“循环”。根据\kind of chain reaction \可知,善待他人,别人才能善待你,更可能影响周围的人。所以说这会产生一个良性的循环。故选D。

(20)考查名词。句意:我相信善良的魔力。A. love“爱”;B. life“生活”;C. kindness“善良”;D. value“价值”。根据上文\you're kind to other people......\可知,当你善待他人时,会产生一个良性的循环。所以作者相信善良的魔力。故选C。



It is easy to overlook the role that your body plays in influencing your mood(情绪). When you are 1 , you may find yourself blaming work pressures or an unknown future. However, it could just be that you've been sitting behind your desk too long.

One way to improve your mood is 2 . Psychologically, it provides you with a break from the stresses in your life. Also, in the process, you may aim for 3 goals, like a new personal running record or a better body shape. The achievement of a particular goal makes you feel good and contributes to your 4 . That is why exercise has been shown to 5 your self-respect.

You do not have to train yourself 6 to feel the psychological benefits of exercise. What really matters is 7 , not intensity(强度) of your exercise. You can try walking for 30 minutes five times per week or simply gardening on weekends. 1. A. ill 2. A. play 3. A. clear 4. A. ability 6. A. hard 7. A. time

B. poor B. present B. relationship B. everywhere B. length

C. unhappy D. unsuccessful

D. exercise

C. common D. early C. confidence D. business C. set aside D. give out C. carefully D. late C. form

D. frequency

B. communication C. sleep

5. A. tear down B. build up

