新版PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit3---4复习题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章新版PEP小学英语四年级下册Unit3---4复习题更新完毕开始阅读a9d2be47f32d2af90242a8956bec0975f465a427



1.水wat r 2.小鸟b rd 3.胳膊 rm 9.汉堡包 hamburg r 1.叉子 3.高的

4.墙壁 w ll

5.护士n rse 6.小汽车ca 7.球 all 8. 马h rse 10.电脑comp ter 11.世界地图wor d m p



4.这是一只老虎。This is a . 5.那是陈杰的作业。That is Chen Jie’s . 6.我妈妈的晚餐My mom’s

三、找出不同类的单词或短语,将序号填在括号里。 1 .( )A. breakfast 2. ( )A. snowy

3. ( )A. tomatoes 4. ( )A. carrots

B. dinner

B. warm B. rainy

C. library C. potatoes C. windy C. go to bed C. art room

B. forty

C. thirty

5. ( )A. go to school 6. ( )A. music class

B. first floor B. English class

7.( )A.cow B.hen C.green beans 8. ( )A.first B.three C.second 9. ( )A.Sydney B.cool C.cold 10. ( )A.Beijing B.New York C.degree 四、根据汉语意思补全句子。

( )1. 天冷吗?Is it___? A.cool B. windy C.cold ( )2.这些是胡萝卜吗?Are these _____? A.carrot B. carrots ( )3.今天悉尼是炎热晴朗的。Today it’s ______and______in Sydney .

A. warm snowy B.hot sunny C.cloudy cool ( )4. 教师办公室紧挨着图书馆。The___is next to the library.

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A.teachers’office B. playground C.library ( )5.到吃早饭的时间了。

It’s time for______.A.lunch B.brerakfast ( )6.他们是奶牛。They are ____ .A.now B.cow C.cows ( )7.哈尔滨是凉爽而且多云的。Today it’s ______and______in Harbin . A. warm snowy B.hot sunny C.cloudy cool ( )8.那些是什么?他们是鸭子。What are____? They are ducks.

A.these B.those C.this

( )9.你有许多动物You have lots of !A. animals B.animal ( )10.它很热。It’s very . A.cool B.cold C. hot 五、问答配对:

1.( )Where is the art room? 2.( )What are those? 3.( )Is it cold?

A.No , it isn’t. B. Yes, we do.

C. It’s on the first floor.

D. Those are horses.

E. No, you can’t.

4.( )Can I go outside now? 5.( )Do you have a library?

( )1.Is this the teacher’s office? A. It’s 9 o’clock.

( ) 2.How many horses do you have ? B. It’s cold and snowy.. ( )3Are they hens? C. Seventeen horses. ( ) 4. How many students are there in your class ? D.Yes, it is. ( ) 5.Can I have some soup? E. No, you can’t. ( ) 6.What’s the weather like in Beijing? F.No,they aren’t. ( ) 7.What time is it? G. Forty students. 六、抄写下列句子,注意首字母大写、格式及标点符号 1.What time is it? 2.This is the library.

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3.These are cows. 4.Is it windy?

5.What’s the weather like in Moscow ?

6.It’s time to go home.

七、根据每题情景选择合适的句子,将序号填在括号里。 1.( )打电话时,介绍自己是马克,应该说: A. I’m Mark.

B. This is Mark.

B. This is my classroom.

B. It’s very hot. B. You’re funny!

2.( )欢迎来到我们学校时说: A.Welcome to our school. A. It’s very cold.

3.( )南方的朋友不知道哈尔滨冬天的天气如何,你可以怎么介绍? 4.( )作为小向导,你怎样向来学校参观的人带路? A. This way, please.

A.Good morning.

5.( )作为天气预报员,播报天气预报说早上好:

B. Good afternoon.

6. ( )当你想询问图书馆在哪里时,你应该这样问:

A.It’s time for PE class. B.Where’s the library? 7. ( )你想知道现在几点了,应该这样问:

A.What time is it? B.It’s ten o’clock. 8. ( )你想知道北京今天的天气怎么样,应这样问:

A.This is the world weather. B.What’s the weather like in Beijing? 9.( )介绍这是天气预报时应该说:

A.This is the weather report. B. Here’s the world weather. 10.( )提醒别人小心时应该说:A.Be careful. B.It’s hot. 八、综合题1.判断下列说法是(√)否(×)正确。

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( )1.lunch一词指的是早餐。 ( )2.hot和sunny都属于weather。

( )3.Hurry up!这句话可以用来催促同学快一点。 ( )4.What time is it?这句话不是用来询问时间的? ( )5.因某事要打扰别人时不可以说Excuse me. ( )6.Be careful 是小心,当心的意思。 ( )7.绵羊sheep的复数是sheeps。

( )8.单词tomato和potato的复数形式都是在末尾架es。 ( )9.单词fork和horse中的字母or发音相同。 ( )10.单词degree是指美国的华氏度。


①( )下列单词中哪一个是sheep的同类词? A. hen B. potato ② ( )下面哪一个是warm的反义词? A.cool

B. big

B. farm

③( )下面单词哪一个是表示蔬菜类的?A. carrot

④( )哪一个是Is this your cat?的否定回答A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. ⑤( )下面哪一个句子是Thank you的同义句A. Thanks. B. Of course. 八、阅读短文.判断对(T),错(F). Hi,John!

How are you?I’m in Sydney now.It’s great!It’s hot and sunny here.The water is warm.I can swim outside.Is it cool and windy in Beijing?Can you fly your kite? Love ,Dad.

( )1.John’s dad is in now. A. Beijing B.Sydney ( )2. It’s and sunny in Sydney. A.cool B. hot ( )3. The water is in Sydney . A. warm B.windy ( )4. John”dad swim outside. A.can B.can’t ( )5. It’s cool and in Beijing. A. windy B.sunny

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