新牛津高中英语模块十一第二单元知识点整理及单元练习 联系客服

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1.shave v. 刮脸,剃须 →shaver n. 剃须刀

2.dictation n. 口授;听写 →dictate v. 口授,指令

3.train v. 训练,培养 →trainee n. 受训者,见习生 → trainer n. 训练者,教练

4.import n. 进口 →import v. 输入 → export n. 出口 → export v. 输出

5.politeness n. 礼貌 →polite adj. 客气的,文雅的

1.The interviewees were questioned whether they were honest in the interview.

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2.I am a quick typist . I can type with two fingers without looking at the screen.

3.The smart kid turned smartly and walked away.

4.Her days were employed in doing research on employment and training.

1. interviewees 接受面试的人在面试中被问到他们是否诚信的问题。

2. typist 我打字很快。我能用两个手指不看屏幕进行打字。

3. smartly 那位机灵的小伙子迅速地转身走开了。

4. employment 她的日子全花在对就业和培训情况的调查上了。 根据中文填单词完成句子,每空一词(记忆时,用下列横线上的新单词造句记忆)


Some interviewees always have butterflies in their stomach in time of an interview.

1. 不假思索地 off the top of one‘s head 2. 怕得发抖 quake with fear

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3. 注视,直视(某人) look somebody in the eye 4. 点头 nod one's head 5. 省略;遗漏 leave out

6. 倾盆大雨 rain cats and dogs 7. 昂贵的代价 an arm and a leg 8. 有变化,有影响 make a difference It gives sb. the impression that… 它给某人……印象。 1、edge

n. (微弱的)优势; 刀刃;(尤指灾难的)边缘 vt.(使)渐渐移动;给……加边;略为增加或减少 由edge构成的短语有: be on edge 紧张不安,烦躁

hold the edge in sth.在某事中处于优势

be at the cutting edge of sth. 处于先锋地位、最前沿 take the edge off 削弱;挫伤……的锐气 edge sb. /sth. out (of sth.) 逐渐将……排挤出 have an edge on / over sb. 略胜过某人 give sb. the edge of one's tongue 痛骂某人 get the edge of one's tongue遭受某人的痛骂 edge in 侧着入内;悄悄挤入 edge one's way 挤过

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①The Democrats hold_the_edge in the Senate. 民主党人在参议院中占优势。

②If you put that pot on_the_edge_of the table it will fall off. 你要是把罐子放在桌子边上,它会掉下去的。

③Her pupils often got her rough edge of her tongue when they disobeyed her.


④Those who disagreed with the director's viewpoint were gradually edged_out_of the company.

那些与经理意见不一致的人慢慢被挤出公司。 2、辨析smart, bright, clever, wise




wise意为“聪明的、明智的、英明的”,可指人或物,强调经验、学识丰富,判断能力强。 用上面的词语填空

①She is a smart businesswoman.

②Look! How quickly the bright boy is learning. ③She has a pair of clever hands.