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in a lower quantity demanded.


For example, prices for recycled paper materials, such as old corrugated cardboard , fluctuate significantly based on their supply and demand .The supply of old corrugated cardboard does not vary much , because there are well-established recycling programs in place that capture over 70 percent of discarded corrugated cardboard .However, the demand fluctuates significantly depending on several factors .A primary factor that determines demand is the

general state of the economy. When the economy is strong ,people buy things and those thing are typically shipped in corrugated cardboard containers. This results in an increases in demand and an increase in the price cardboard manufactures are not buying things, less packaging is needed, demand is the strength of the export market .When other countries are buying old corrugated cardboard ,less is available for the domestic market and the price increases . Finally , when the price of old corrugated cardboard approaches $125 per ton , cardboard producers can buy pulpwood at about the same price and begin to switch from using old corrugated cardboard to pulpwood .



Similarly , food production depend heavily on petroleum for the energy to plant , harvest ,and transport food crops . In addition , petrochemicals are used to make fertilizer and chemical pest-control agents .If the demand for energy exceed the supply , the price of petroleum increases . As petroleum price rise , farmers reduce their petroleum use . Perhaps they farm less land or use less fertilizer or pesticide .Because farmers are using less energy , they will produce less food , so the supply of food decreases .Thus , an increases in petroleum prices results in an increase in petroleum prices results in an increase in food prices . As the prices of certain foods rise ,consumers seek less costly foods.



When the supply of a commodity exceeds the demand , producers must lower their prices to get rid of the product ,and eventually , some of the producers go out of business .Ironically, this happens to farmers when they have a series of good years. Production is high ,prices fall , and some farmers go out of business. 当一种商品的供应超过需求,生产者必须降低价格来摆脱产品,并最终,一些生产商破产。具有讽刺意味的是,这种情况给农民时,有一系列的好年。产量高,价格下跌,一些农民破产。 Assigning Value To Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services
