外研版必修一英语:Module2 My New Teachers. 教案2 联系客服

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Module 2 My New Teachers

The Sixth Period

The General Idea of This Period

In this period, we'll discuss which of these English language areas is the most difficult for the Ss and which is the easiest. Write out the reasons.

Teaching Aims

1. Practice speaking and listening. 2. While listening, grasp the stressed words.

Teaching Important Points

Pronunciation, Function and Speaking

Teaching Difficult Point

How to improve the students' abilities in listening and speaking

Teaching Methods

1. Individual and pair work to get every student to work in class. 2. Discussion.

Teaching Aid


Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss Li.

T: Sit down, please. We will study the Everyday English and Writing part. Step 2 Pronunciation

1. Listen and repeat these words. Notice the stressed sound.

The teacher read the words and make sure the students understand them. Play the tape as the students read the words. 2. Underline the stressed sound in these words.

T: Form in pairs and underline the stressed sound. Then listen and check. Play the tape as students check their answers.

Call back the answers from the class. Play the tape again and have the students practice the words,paying particular attention to word stress. Answers:

pass result senior school subject topic translation Step 3 Listening Practice

Listen to Conversation 2 again and complete these sentences. 1. At Bill's school, they teach English, _________ and _________. 2. Bill is studying _________and _________.

3. He doesn't like _________ because the _________ is difficult. 4. He'd prefer to study _________. 5. Ella is studying _________.

6. She also likes to do _________because she wants to go to Russia one day.

7. Both students would rather learn _________because it's going to be important in the future. After listening, work in pairs and check your answer. Answers:

1.Japanese;Russian 2.English;Japanese 7.Chinese

Step 4 Functions and Speaking

1. Look at these statements from the Listening passage in Listening and Vocabulary. Choose the correct answers.

T: Well, I'll read the sentences, and you, boys and girls, choose the right answers. Are you ready? S: Yes.

T: Now, the first one, I'd, who'll try? Wu Dong: I'd means I would. T: Great! Next?

Lily: Let me have a try. I'd prefer is followed by the verb with to. T: Great. You've done a good job. And now the last one? Harry: I'll try. I'd rather can be followed by that. The answer is b. Show the answers on the screen: (1)a (2)a (3)b

2. Write the answers to the following questions, use the words provided and add other words where



Read through the sentences for the students to follow.

They can write the answers individually,then check with a partner.

Call back the answers from the class,with one student asking the question and the other answering.

(1)I'd rather stay at home and/to revise. (2)I'd prefer to do work on grammar. (3)I'd prefer to study at home.

(4)I'd rather play tennis than badminton. (5)I'd prefer to work with Zhou Kai.

(6)I'd rather discuss twentieth-century literature than nineteenth-century literature. Answers: Extension

Put the students in pairs to ask and answer the questions in activity 2.

Ask them to make up a few suggestions of their own for their partner to answer using I'd prefer/rather.

3. Work in pairs. Which subject/course would you prefer to have? Explain why. Read the instructions and the example. Make sure the students know what to do. Circulate,monitor and help where necessary. Finish off all the other activities. Step 5 Everyday English

Complete the conversations with these expressions.

Read through the expressions as the class follow,and make sure that the students understand them all.

Ask them to complete the sentences,then check with a partner. Call back the answers from the class. Answers: No. Answers (1) it's up to you (2) Take a look (3) a couple of things

(4) Have you got that? (5) that's settled (6) kids Step 6 Writing

Look at the position of commas in these sentences.

Read through the sentences, pausing when there is a comma.

Now punctuate this paragraph. Use full stops, capital letters, question marks and commas where necessary.

Have the students do this individually,then put them in pairs to check their answers. Call back the answers from the class. Possible answers:

What is a good teacher? I don't think there is one answer only to this important question,because good teachers can be strict,kind,lively,quiet,amusing or serious. However,there are some things that a good teacher must do. For example,he or she must plan his lessons carefully and must explain things clearly. If not, students will have problems.

Also it's very important for teachers to have discipline in the class,don't you think so? Finally,a good teacher needs to like his students and enjoy teaching. I believe that's very important. Step 7 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Everyday English

1.it's up to you 2.Take a look 3. a couple of things 4.Have you got that? 5. That's settled 6.kids Step 8 Activity and Inquiry

Work in pairs and follow these steps:

1 Write a paragraph about your favourite teacher. Use the paragraph in activity 1 as a model. Don't use the teacher's name in your description. 2 Copy your paragraph without any punctuation. 3 Exchange paragraphs with other pairs of students. 4 Punctuate the paragraph.

5 Guess which teacher the paragraph describes.