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41 .Who runs a slow food snack bar called Good Food? A .Karen.B.Mark.C.Joshua. D.Susi. 42.What does Mark teach children about?

A .Farms. B.Food. C.Business. D. Restaurants. 43 .Joshua wants to find out more about slow food

A. at the school B.in the bar C.on the Internet D. in the library B

I was the typical“I can't”child-whatever my mother told or asked me to do was immediately

followed by my cry,“I can't.”As a result,very few tasks or goals that I set out to achieve were ever completed. One evening,my mother called me into the family room.“I want you to read this article,” Mother began.“It's about Marlo Thomas.She tells how a simple poem that she was forced to learn by her father changed her life·She went from saying‘I can't’to‘I can’·According to this article,



she was able to reorganize her life and her career by learning the principles(原则)in the poem.”

I took the small magazine from Mother and looked down at the pages.There was Marlo-my idol. Beside her photo was the poem my mother had spoken of,a simple poem entitled,“I Can”. “I want you to memorize that poem,”Mother said firmly.“Mama,”I belly-ached.“I can't learn

that poem.It's too long.”

“It's not too tong and you can learn it.1 want you to know it perfectly by this time tomorrow,” said my mother. Unwillingly,I went back to my bedroom with the magazine.With a heavy heart,I

threw myself into the bed and began my task. “Can't is a word that is the enemy to ambition,”I began.I repeated the line.I repeated it

again and again.“An enemy ambush to shatter your will…”I continued the process until I proudly

recited the poem the following evening. It has now become my principle.Marlo 1 homas did not

know me,but her story forever changed my life.

Saying“I can”helped me to get through the worst moments of my life: Saying“I can” encouraged me to complete things I would have otherwise seen as out of my reach. A simple poem

learned at seven is a poem that will support me to seventy-seven,maybe even longer. 44 .One evening my mother asked me to , A .read an article B.meet Marlo C .write a poem D. take photos

45.The underlined part“I belly-ached”in Paragraph 3 probably means“ ”. A. I was hungry B.I was relaxed C. I felt unhappy D. I ate too much 46.On the following evening,I .

A. repeated the lines on TV B.read more stories about Marlo C. proudly recited the poem D. had a long talk with my mother 47 .What can we learn from the passage'?

A .Marlo is very popular among teenagers. B .I become interested in poems all my life. C .Marlo always encourages me to work hard.

D .Saying“I can”has helped me get over difficulties. C Every minute,someone is setting up an Internet company somewhere, in the world.Each one is searching for the one great idea

that could make his web company click in a big way.Ano they are trying all kinds of tricks to attract people towards their




some websites offer sounds,cartoons and amazing photos on screen to

make their sites almost a movie-like experience for the viewers,others provide free downloads and competitions.

A company in California,US,has decided to offer online smells to people who visit its website. That is,if a pizza image comes on screen,your nose will catch the smell of bread and cheese!All

you need to do is to connect a device(设备)called“iSmell”with your computer. This smart little

device contains(包含)some chemicals that can create different kinds of smells.

The company has invented software that changes the chemical composition(成分)of different

smells into digital signals(数字信号).An onscreen image,which is programmed with the proper digital signal,will start the“iSmell\device.The device will use the software to change' the digital

signal again and let go of the correct smell. This device reads the digital smell code(代码)from

the website and creates the proper smell from its store of chemicals.This smell is then made to blow

softly in the direction of the user with the support of a small fan.

In order to let go of the correct smell,the company has created a“Scent Registry”,which

contains a digital index of thousands of smells.The company plans to allow website developers to

integrate(合成)the proper smells in digital code to their games and images. The company is also

hoping that Hollywood filmmakers will use the smell technology in their movies.Imagine audiences

getting the smell of rocket fuel as a spacecraft takes off on the cinema screen!Of course,filmmakers

will have to be careful not to shoot in dirty neighborhoods,which have a lot of rubbish lying around.

48.Internet companies try their best to search for great ideas to . A. join in the Internet fever B.offer movie-like experience C. provide free downloads and contests D.attract people to their websites 49.According to the passage,people experience smells online by . A. using“iSmell\ C. buying special software D. changing chemicals

50.What does“iSmell”do after being started by the onscreen image? A. It reads the smell code and sends it to the user.

B .It blows the smell to the user with the help of a fan.

[来源:Z*xx*k.Com] 学习好帮手


C .It rechanges the signal and lets go of the correct smell. D. It changes the chemical composition into digital signals. 51. , The best title of the passage probably is“ ” A. Some Useful Devices B. The Internet Fever.of People C. An Unusual Company D. A New World of SMells Online ` D

Some people love going to museums,while others absolutely hate it and would rather stay at

home,enjoying their favorite TV shows.Increasingly,museums are being seen as outdated and

boring by today's youngsters.I have just returned to the UK after travelling around the USA.While

there,I visited lots of museums I must say,museums are typically educational, either to develop knowledge gained at school in particular subjects,or to enhance knowledge of other cultures In Chicago,we visited the world-famous Art Institute of Chicago.It was filled with paintings,

drawings and sculptures by a huge variety of artists,such as Picasso,Monet,Matisse and Dali. There was a mixture of traditional and modern art,including colorful stained glass windows and

abstract art.

When we were in Washington D.C.,we visited a few of the Smithsonian museums. These are

all free to visit-which is great if you just want to see a few things,and not spend all day inside.

The Air and Space Museum was particularly good:it had lots of aircrafts and rockets on display,

interesting information and also some interactive parts.We also went to the National U. S. Holocaust (纳粹大屠杀)Memorial Museum. Naturally,it was sad to read about the horrors of this tragedy which affected so many people in World War II .However,it was also incredibly interesting to read

the stories of those who survived the Holocaust,as well as those who helped others. Last but not least,I also found the 9/11 Memorial and Museum to be of great interest. This

museum is dedicated to those who lost their lives,as well as their families,when the Twin Towers in

New York City were attacked by terrorists in 2001 .It tells you how the terrorists planned the attack,

how they hijacked the planes,and ultimately what happened as a result of their actions.Surviving

pieces of the towers are shown in the museum,alongside damaged fire engines. It was a truly thought-provoking visit,which made me value my own life that little bit more.
