2018-2019学年湖北省天门市、仙桃市、潜江市高一下学期期末考试英语试题(解析版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2018-2019学年湖北省天门市、仙桃市、潜江市高一下学期期末考试英语试题(解析版)更新完毕开始阅读ac37363374c66137ee06eff9aef8941ea66e4b51

钟甚至更长时间。事实上,它们可能是所有动物唱的最长的歌。)可知,座头鲸的歌声长且复杂。A错误,故选A。 【15题详解】

细节理解题。由第2段中When swimming with the whale, Chadwick could see that the whale was aware of him,和最后一段第1句Another member of the research team, photographer Flip Nicklin, recalls a special moment he had while interacting with a humpback.可知,他们的共同点是“他们和鲸鱼一起游泳。”故选B项。

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Every year, wildfires destroy millions of hectares of forest land. ____16____ Smokejumpers help to stop this.

___17___ Smokejumpers are a special type of firefighter. They jump from planes or are lowered by helicopters into areas that are difficult to reach by car or on foot, such as the middle of a mountain forest. They race to put out fires as fast as they can.

At a fire site, smokejumpers first examine the land and decide how to fight the fire. Their main goal is to stop a fire from spreading. Using basic equipment such as shovels and axes, smokejumpers clear land of burnable material, like plants and other dry material.___18___

Although the majority of smokejumpers are men, more women are joining.___19___ For example, smokejumpers employed in the U.S. must be 120 to 200 pounds(54 to 91 kilograms) so they don’t get blown away by the strong winds or get hurt when they land.

Smokejumpers must also be capable of surviving in the wilderness. In Russia, many smokejumpers know how to find food in the forest and even make simple furniture from trees. ____20____But for these firefighters, smokejumping isn't just a job. They love being able to jump out of planes, fight fires, and live in the forest. As 28-year-old Russian smokejumper Alexi Tishin says,\A. What is a smokejumper?

B. How do smokejumpers do it?

C. More important are your height and weight.

D. It means the work is dangerous and takes a long time. E. And homes are damaged, and thousands of people die. F. They carry water with them, too, but only a limited amount.

G. Hot weather and fast-moving winds often make these fires more dangerous. 【答案】16. E 17. A 18. F 19. C 20. D 【解析】

本文是一篇说明文,介绍了smokejumpers这一特殊的职业。 【16题详解】

根据后一句话Smokejumpers help to stop this. “this”指的就是火造成的损失和伤害,所以说选择E项“同时,家园被毁,生命失去”,与前文森林被烧毁是并列关系。故选E。 【17题详解】

这一段解释了什么是smokejumpers。空格处与Smokejumpers are a special type of firefighter. 构成了自问自答的关系。故选A。 【18题详解】

前文谈到了smoke jumpers在工作期间需要携带的东西,因此这一空进一步阐述他们也会携带水,too是关键词。故选F。 【19题详解】

从后文的例子可知,说到了这一职业对于体重的要求,所以选择C项表明“比起性别,更重要的是体重和身高”。故选C。 【20题详解】


第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



It seemed like a typical November day, two years ago after my grandmother had passed away.

Feeling tired and hopeless, I began walking to my ___21___ after my shopping. As I looked up into the sky in the public parking lot, a million questions ___22___ my mind. Why did this happen to me? Aren’t we supposed to get ___23___ from the people that passed away? Why did I not feel her ___24___ anymore? Is there a heaven?

___25___, a woman rolled down her window and distracted (打断) my unanswered ___26___. “Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me ” she said loudly. Thinking she was going to ask for my parking spot, I ___27___ pointed to my car. “No, excuse me,” she said again.

At this point, I felt I had no choice but to see what this ___28___ lady wanted. Then, I realized that this woman was ___29___ something in her bag. Surprisingly, I was ____30____ by a sense of relief when the lady was searching. Under a clutter (混乱) of makeup, money, and other____31____, she finally reached to the very bottom of her bag and ____32____ me a three-page pamphlet.

I looked down at the mysterious and obviously used pamphlet and the front cover ____33____“What Hope for Dead Loved Ones?”

It took me only a few seconds to understand the____34____ with this woman, but by the time I looked up, she was ____35____.

I felt a sense of relaxation as I opened the first page. It explained how people____36____, but their spirit remains. I finally felt hope from the ____37____ change in events. And this was the first time ____38____ my grandma had left that I felt her ____39____me.

It was a common day in November when my life turned back around and I began to feel ____40____again. It was a miracle. 21. A. school 22. A. run into into 23. A. news

B. signals

C. signs

D. advice

B. home B. crowded into

C. car C. turned into

D. seat D. burst

24. A. presence 25. A. Naturally 26. A. needs 27. A. surely 28. A. disappointing 29. A. searching for down

30. A. overcome discouraged 31. A. books 32. A. sent 33. A. forecast 34. A. connection greetings 35. A. lost 36. A. passed down away

37. A. surprising frightening 38. A. as 39. A. against 40. A. satisfaction

B. appearance B. Gradually B. thoughts B. still B. interesting B. looking at

C. courage C. Immediately C. requests C. simply C. kind C. picking up

D. concern D. Suddenly D. words D. exactly D. annoying D. setting

B. attracted C. changed D.

B. belongings B. left B. told B. exchange

C. keys C. threw C. shared C. explanation

D. pens D. handed D. read D.

B. left B. died away

C. gone C. died off

D. removed D. passed

B. correct C. crazy D.

B. before B. beyond B. hope

C. because C. with C. success

D. since D. for D. freedom

【答案】21. C 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. A 31. B 32. D 33. D 34. B 35. C 36. D 37. A 38. D 39. C 40. B 【解析】

本文是一篇记叙文。两年前作者的奶奶去世。作者偶然遇到一个女人,通过看到这个女人留下的小册子,作者第一次感觉到奶奶和自己还在一起。作者最后重新感觉到了希望。通过这个故事表达了作者对奶奶的思念。 【21题详解】