鍏ㄦ柊鐗堝ぇ瀛﹁嫳璇?绗簩鐗?绗簩鍐岀鍏崟鍏冪煭璇荤粨 - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章鍏ㄦ柊鐗堝ぇ瀛﹁嫳璇?绗簩鐗?绗簩鍐岀鍏崟鍏冪煭璇荤粨 - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱更新完毕开始阅读ac5d264a0b4e767f5acfce69

4) include or constitute

You can also take in some of the notable architectural monuments.

5) understand

The kid couldn't take in the meaning of the word.

48. Collocation:

take after相似

take back撤销;同意收回;同意回来

take for当作;误认为

take off脱掉(衣服);模仿(别人的神态);(飞机)起飞

take over接任;接管;接收

take to喜欢;沉溺于;养成……习惯;到……去

49. have sth./ little / much / nothing to do with:

have some /little /much connection with

His job has something to do with accounting.

What the boy does at home has nothing to do with his teacher

工作努力与她的成功大有关系. Hard work has a great deal to do with her success.

50. achieve/have one’s heart’s desire(s):

get sb./sth.you want very much

我希望你能如愿以偿。I hope that you may have your heart’s desire.

He studies hard to achieve his heart’s desires.

51. Collocation:

at one's desire应某人的要求

by desire 应邀

have a strong desire to do sth. 迫切想做某事

leave nothing to be desired完美无缺

one's heart's desire 心愿, 渴望得到的东西

52. a piece of cake: sth. that is very easy to do

Getting the tickets to the concert will be a piece of cake.

53. sophisticated:

adj.1)worldly-wise; showing knowledge of the world

a sophisticated girl 一个老于世故的女孩子

a sophisticated columnist 老练的专栏作家

2) advanced or complicated

eg. the latest and most sophisticated technology 最新最尖端的技术

sophisticated modern weapons 复杂的现代武器

a sophisticated discussion 高深的讨论

sophisticated music 矫揉造作的音乐

54. I can’t work this sophisticated new equipment.

55. move on to: stop doing one thing and begin dealing with the next

We are about to move on to the next chapter.

The host moved on to talk about something else.

56. Collocation:

move about/around走来走去;老在搬家;经常更换工作

move back后退,退缩;(美俚)使某人花费(多少钱)

move in搬入;靠近,移近;开始新的职务,接手

move on继续前进;走开;动身,出发

move over坐过去一点,躺过去一点;让位

move up向上移,往前移动;(被)提升;上涨,上升

57. investment: n. putting money in sth.

investment in securities 证券投资

state investment 国家投资

prime investment 优等投资

foreign capital investment 外资投资

domestic investment 国内投资, 本国投资

58. It is a sound investment to buy a house in the downtown.

59. She made heavy investments in the new firm.

60. make an investment in 投资于…… invest money in

61. 该词常常用作定语修饰另一个名词

investment analysis 投资分析

investment dollars 投资美元

an investment trust 投资信托公司