四川省自贡市2017-2019年三年中考英语试卷分类汇编:书面表达 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章四川省自贡市2017-2019年三年中考英语试卷分类汇编:书面表达更新完毕开始阅读acfe2fcc0a4e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52acec79cdc



第四节 书面表达(共1题;满分20分)

45.(20分)初中三年的学习生活让人难忘,毕业之际,你校将举行\感恩\为主题的英文演讲比赛,请你根据以下提示,写一篇英文演讲稿. 要点提示:

1.感谢父母,教我如何生活,…… 2.感谢老师,教我许多知识,…… 3.感谢同学,给我美好回忆,…… 写作要求:

1.词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出(不计入总词数); 2.可适当增减词汇,使语句流畅、完整; 3.文中不能透露个人真实信息.

Good morning, everyone. I'm glad to be here to speak in front of you. Here I'd like to thank everyone of you. ______ ______

That' s all. Thank you. 【分析】高分句型一:

I still remember when I failed in an exam,you encouraged me to keep trying.我还记得当我考试不及格时,你们鼓励我继续努力.

I still remember 后跟了宾语从句,宾语从句中包含了when引导的时间状语从句,

encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事 高分句型二:

Dear classmates, you've helped me a lot in my studies since I came to this school.亲爱的同学们,自从我来这里以来,你们在我的学习中帮了我很多忙.

since自从,引导时间状语从句,主句用了现在完成进行时,从句用了一般过去时. 【解答】Good morning,everyone.I'm glad to be here to speak in front of you. Here I'd like to thank everyone of you.How time flies! We 'll graduate soon. I have so many words from my heart to say.At this moment,I want to say thanks to my parents,my teachers and my classmates.(开篇点题)

Dear dad and mom, you've taken good care of me in the past three years.When I was in trouble,you used to encourage me and cheer me up.You taught me how to get on well with my classmates.(感谢父母亲的关心,鼓励……)

Dear teachers,thank you for teaching me so well.I won't forget how interesting your lessons are and how friendly you are.I still remember when I failed in an exam, you encouraged me to keep trying. 【高分句型一】When I had trouble in life, you told me to be brave. Because of your help,I have made much progress.(感谢老师在学习上和生活上的帮助)

Dear classmates, you've helped me a lot in my studies since I came to this school.【高分句型二】When I was in trouble,you used to encourage me and give me some advice.I never forget the days when we studied together. (感谢同学的帮助,鼓励,留下的美好回忆) Words can't show my thanks to you!I'll remember all of you. That' s all. Thank you.




请以《家人的爱》为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文,文中须包括以 下要点:

1、当我刚刚睁开双眼时,看到的是爸妈的笑脸; 2、当我刚刚学走路时,听到的是妈妈鼓励的声音。 3、我还记得生病时,是爸爸深夜带我去医院; 4、但是,很多时候,我对他们并不了解。

5、通过十几年的了解,我知道他们也和我一样有很多自己的爱好和烦恼。 6、我在家人的关爱下一天天成长起来。

注意:1、可适当增减内容,使短文意思完整、连贯; 2、书写规范,文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。 Family Love 第三节:书面表达(共1题,满分15分> One possible version:

When I just opened my eyes , I could see my mom and dad’s smilling face . When I just learned to walk , I could hear mother’s encourage voice . I still remember when I was ill , daddy took me to the hospital deep in the night .

But , most of the time , I didn’t understand them . Through more than 10 years of understanding, I know that they also have many hobbies and troubles , just like us . I am growing up day by day with my family love .



最近,我市发现了 H7N9禽流感,它是可防、可控的。假如你是学生会生活委员张建, 请你根据提示,从以下几个方面给大家提一些建议。 要点:1.卫生习惯方面......; 2.健康饮食方 面......;

3.你应该告诉父母去市场时注意……; 4.如果生病发烧,你应该......。

注意:1.词数80左右,文章开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数; 2.可适当增减词汇,使语句流畅、完整; 3.文中不能透露个人真实信息。

(参考词汇:hygiene卫生;live poultry活禽)

Hello, everyone! I am Zhang Jian. H7N9 bird flu has been found in our city now. It can be prevented and controlled. I have some advice for you.


That's all. Thank you for your listening. 话题分类:疾病预防 One possible version:

Hello, everyone! I am Zhang Jian. H7N9 bird flu has been found in our city now. It can be prevented and controlled. I have some advice for you. First, it’s important to develop good personal hygiene habits. Wash yours hands more often. Clean your rooms every day.

Second, you’d better have healthy eating habits. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Drink enough water.

Third, when your parents go to the market, please tell them to be careful. It’s necessary to keep away from the live poultry.

Last, if you are ill and have a fever, you must go to the doctor at once. That’s all. Thank you for your listening.