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英 语


第一部分 语音知识



陕西卷 字母 发音 类别 2013 1 gh f 清辅2 c s 清辅3 ar d: 单元音 4 ai ei 双元音 5 e i: 单元音 1 g g 浊辅音 2 u ju: 双元音 2012 3 ch t∫ 清辅音 4 ie i: 单元音 5 -es s 后缀 1 a э 单元音 2 s s 清辅音 2011 3 i di 双元音 4 ou du 双元音 5 th θ 清辅音 音 音 预测题: (D) 1、private (B) 2、strike (C) 3、soft

A disaster A magazine A collect A example A steady

B taleat B tidy

C damage C possible C oppoise C explain C meant

D situate D native D comfort D examine D break

B ocean B exercise B theatre

(C) 4、extend (B) 5、realize 衔接点:

(1) 元音字母a e i o u 在不同单词中的发音 (2) 元音字母组合:ea ai oa ou ie ei oo ou au 的发音 (3) 字母组合:ar al aw air are ay 的发音 (4) 字母组合:ear ex ow ur ui ir 的发音 (5) 辅音字母:c d f g h n s t x 的发音

(6) 辅音字母组合:ch ck cc ng gh ph th wh sion tion sc 的发音 (7) 动词过去:v-ed及v+s/es发音 (8) 名动:n+s/es 发音

第二节 情景对话


(1) 通读全篇对话,弄清对话的语境及内容(购物、问路、看病、预约、求职、计划等)。 (2) 前后照应,注意对话的连接性。 (3) 注意对方地道性,切忌中式英文表达法。 (4) 要准确理解每个句子的确切含义。

龙门教育 — 21 — 龙门品牌

2014年陕西高考考前预测及试题趋向分析 英语

实战技巧:(补充) 预测:

Henry: sorry, I’m late.

Wood: How was your end-of-term English exam? Henry: Not bad.I’m sure I did very well.

Wood: I have some good news, too. I’ve got the train ticket and I’m going home the day after tomorrow. Henry: Great!So what do you want to do now?

Wood: I would like to buy a gift for my dad.

Henry: Why don’t you try the East Department Store and get him a shirt instead? They have a big selection of Men’s things.

Wood: OK. I hope it’s not so expensive and I can afford it. Henry:

Wood: He likes yellow and blue best.

Henry: And don’t forget to get the gift wrapped. Wood: Good idea.

A、I’ll go and buy one for him B、You’re successful C、Congratulations

D、Do you know what color he would like? E、That’s OK

F、I’ll go and get him a pen G、His birthday is on Friday

1、E 2、C 3、F 4、A 5、D

第三节 语法和词汇知识



词汇大舞台 名词、代词、形容冠词 介词 词、副词 谓语大舞台 动词、动词动词词组 的时态、语态 2013 2012 2011 合计 1 0 1 2 2 2 1 5 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 4 2 2 2 6 非谓语动词 情态虚拟语气 2 2 2 6 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 定语句子大舞台 名词句 并列句、状语从句 1 1 1 3 0 2 1 3 2 2 2 6 特殊情景动词、从句 性从结构 交际 学子至爱 — 22 — 龙门教育


强调审题,辩题,认清题目的确切考点: 预测:

(C)Tom is carefully observer in life, so her success hasn’t come as surprise to her teachers and classmates. A.不缺; a 衔接:

1、a/an+adj+名词→表示抽象意义具体化。 2、a/an+抽象性名词→表示“一切词+名词”。


3、the+名词(后定特指)→ 定语从句

非谓语动词 同位语 语境对话

(12)Mr zhange showed me around the town when 2 traveled there, was very king of him. (C) A.what




B.the; the

C.a; a

D.a; 不缺


名词/代词[+关系词+clause] 补充先行词(those, one, the one)

1) 从句缺成份→which, that, who, who, as(关系代词) 2) 从句缺成份→关系副词:where,why, when(就近原则) 3) 从句不缺成份表所属关系→whose+名词=of + which / whom

4) 省略→先行词在从句中作宾语用that, which, who可省略,作状语时(the way → that /in which省略),保留 in 1、主谓一致 2、时态一致 衔接考点:

1) clause,不定代词/数词+of +which/ whom +v/ be + o/p 2) clause, and /but+不定代词/数词+of+人称代词宾格+v/be+o/p

3) clause, as + s + v→(except, promise, discover, prove, indicate, suggest等) 4) s + v / be + such/so the same+名词+ as +clause (缺s/o) 5) as + is often the case ,clause

6) clause a/the + adj →er / more +adj +of +which / whom +clause 7) clause, one/the one +clause(缺o)

8) clause,形容词性物主代词+名词+v-ing/p.p 9) 只能用that而不用which的用法

(13)-Look! Our car , looking like a new one. ( C) -Our father must have done it.

A.is being washed B.washes C.has been washed D.will be washed 考查:时态语态

龙门教育 — 23 — 龙门品牌

2014年陕西高考考前预测及试题趋向分析 英语

方法:先语态,后时态的原则(排除法):一看时间 二看结构 三图示结合法 考点:

1) 表事物的属性,特征,规律,自然现象,客观事实通常用一般现在时且主动语态被动意义。 2) 连词if, before, when, since的用法

3) For+一段时间与一般过去时和完成时态的用法

4) Over/ lase /past+时间→表近…以来用于s + have/ has +p.p式s+ has +been +v-ing 5) 瞬间性动词用于进行时态

6) 情态动词表推测与表客观事实的一般过去式的考点。

(14)(A) impressed me most was not merely the theme of the play, but the way they put it across. A.what B.it C.which D.as 考查名词性从句:(辩题区别于定语从句) 原则:确定是否从句缺成份

知识架构:[ ?(还原) +clause]+……… 确定全句中做什么成份。

1) 从句缺成份→what, whatever, which, whichever, who, whoever 2) 从句不缺且语意完整→that

3) 从句不缺成份且语意不完整 where Why How (if仅限于宾语从句) whether


(1) 宾语从句中的感叹句

s + u + ? +adj+名词+s+v

(1) 两大两小(many/much/little/few)选择how (2) 除上述情况外选择what.

(2) S1+V+whatever/whoever+v/be+o/p (3) S1+V+whatever/whoever+S2+V

(4) wh-ever引导名词性从句和让步状语从句,但No matter + wh-只能让步从句。 (5) The+名词+( )+is/was+ ? clause(不缺) 时间→when 地点→where Reason→that 从句表达式→how 从句表是否→whether (6)同位语从句:


1、 news, idea, fact, stoty, order, dream, thought, plan等 2、 -tion/-sion, -ce, -se, -ef, -ty, -th

(15)The teacher together with students discussing Reading skills that newly published in American. (D) 学子至爱 — 24 — 龙门教育