河北省石家庄市第二中学、唐山市第一中学等“五个一名校联盟”2019-2020学年高一上学期联考英语试题 Word 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章河北省石家庄市第二中学、唐山市第一中学等“五个一名校联盟”2019-2020学年高一上学期联考英语试题 Word更新完毕开始阅读ad93554d690203d8ce2f0066f5335a8103d26668

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余 选项。

Do you have a place you’ve always wanted to visit? If the answer is yes, have you ever considered taking a trip alone there just for a few days?

____16____ Although seeing the world on their own has always been a dream in their hearts since childhood, most people have repeatedly been told that the outside world is dangerous. The thought of going on a trip alone excites and terrifies them at the same time. Few end up stepping out of their comfort zone and going on meaningful adventures.

It is normal to have some trouble traveling alone. ____17____ For example, being alone on the road, you might have to ask strangers to take your photo wherever you go. If you join a tour halfway, you may be asked why you don’t have friends or family around. ____18____

First, traveling alone gives you a good opportunity to do everything you wish to do without worrying about others’ needs and wants. If you want, you can read on a bench beside a river for the whole afternoon without being disturbed (打扰). You are free to walk around on different streets. ____19____ You can also remove that dull daily routine (常规) that always makes you feel tired.

If you make good use of it, traveling alone can also be a wonderful journey of self-discovery, as you’ll finally have time to think about your life.

____20____ All you need to do is pack your bags, take your passport, gather up your courage and go somewhere. Go out and enjoy being alone, explore the unknown, make some friends, read a book, and get to know more about yourself and the world. A. Traveling by yourself is also quite easy.

B. You can go to shopping malls and explore the city. C. For many people, traveling alone can be frightening. D. There are also some unpleasant moments one might run into. E. It is important to take some time off and think about the methods. F. But anyhow, I still suggest that you travel alone at least once in your life.

G. Traveling alone helps us figure out what we really want to fight for in this big world. 【答案】16. C 17. D 18. F 19. B

20. A 【解析】

本文是一篇说明文,通过说明独自一人旅行可能碰到的问题,进而阐述其带来的好处。 【16题详解】

根据下文描述Although seeing the world on their own has always been a dream in their hearts since childhood, most people have repeatedly been told that the outside world is dangerous.(虽然自己看世界从小就是他们心中的梦想,但大多数人一再被告知外面的世界是危险的。),可知,独自旅行是令人害怕的。故选C项。 【17题详解】

根据前一句:独自一人旅行有困难是正常的,后一句讲旅行中碰到的一些具体的状况。可知,本句作为承上启下的作用。因而选项D:There are also some unpleasant moments one might run into.为后文提到的具体的不愉快情况做引子。故选D项。 【18题详解】

结合前文所讲的独自旅行的问题,以及下文讲到独自旅行的好处,得知,此处应该是承上启下,转变话题的作用。故F项“但无论如何,我还是建议你一生中至少一次独自旅行。”符合语境,故选F项。 【19题详解】

结合本段中提到的好处,以及人称代词的使用,主要说带给“你”的好处,结合人称代词you可以选出答案。故B项“你可以去购物中心探索这座城市。”符合语境,故选B项。 【20题详解】


第三部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


It happened when our grandchild, Anne, was three years old. My husband, Paul, asked her if there was anything she wanted to plant in our garden. She had an answer—Fritos (油炸玉米饼).

“Anne, Fritos might not ____21____ in this soil,” he said. But Anne looked at her grandfather and said that if the other ____22____ could grow, so would Fritos. Paul ____23____ this in the

simplest way possible. He sent Anne running to the house for Fritos.

That evening, I asked Paul, “Are you ____24____?”

“She will forget it,” he ____25____. The next day, Anne asked again. To gain time, Paul said it would ____26____ two weeks for Fritos to come out. That should be plenty of time for her to forget, he thought.

For the next two weeks, she arrived every evening to ____27____ her “Frito land”. Anne grew more ____28____. But with each passing day, Paul became more and more ____29____. By the 13th day, he had _____30_____ a plan, and the next morning we began to work. We planted two plants where the Fritos were _____31_____. Then we began the difficult task of tying Fritos around the leaves of the plants. At last, that was quite a _____32_____ off our mind. Anne ran straight to the garden as _____33_____. We were shocked when she shouted, “Grandpa! They’re up! The Fritos came up!”

The story was repeated several times. When Anne was in second grade, it was finally _____34_____ until the day her teacher talked about the topic of _____35_____. As part of the lesson, the teacher asked each child to _____36_____ something that grows in a garden. You can _____37_____ what Anne said!

Anne’s parents _____38_____ it was time to tell the truth. Their daughter sat very still while they talked, and when they finished, she remained _____39_____. Suddenly, Anne burst out _____40_____ and said, “That’s the best joke Grandpa ever played on me.” 21. A. exit 22. A. animals 23. A. dealt with away 24. A. kind 25. A. questioned promised 26. A. pay 27. A. check 28. A. lonely 29. A. frightened

B. spend B. move B. excited B. shocked

C. cost C. decorate C. beautiful C. worried

D. take D. value D. smart D. puzzled

B. humorous B. doubted

C. crazy C. ignored

D. foolish D.

B. grow B. vegetables B. made up

C. make C. families C. cut down

D. work D. fruits D. took

30. A. come across out

31. A. swept 32. A. peace 33. A. normal common 34. A. forgotten punished

35. A. gardening 36. A. buy 37. A. order 38. A. managed wondered 39. A. brave 40. A. laughing

B. picked up C. broken down D. worked

B. burnt B. thought B. usual

C. tied C. weight C. ordinary

D. buried D. anger D.

B. forgiven C. discussed D.

B. working B. plant B. judge B. realized

C. sighting C. name C. guess C. imagined

D. painting D. sell D. offer D.

B. afraid B. crying

C. popular C. shouting

D. silent D. burning

【答案】21. B 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. D 26. D 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. D 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. A 36. C 37. C 38. B 39. D 40. A 【解析】

本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了我的孙女安妮的故事。三岁的孙女安妮知道其它蔬菜能种植,就想在花园里种油炸玉米饼得想法。我就简单地带着她种了油炸玉米饼。之后的日子,安妮常常过来看玉米饼是否长出了。为了安抚孩子,我和妻子做了一个善意的举动:在种玉米饼的地方种了两颗植物。孩子认为玉米饼长出来了,在二年级时,老师讲关于园艺的课时,安妮说了自己种玉米饼的事。之后,安妮的父母给孩子说了真相。安妮说这是爷爷和她开的最好的玩笑。 【21题详解】

考查动词辨析。句意: “安妮,玉米饼在土壤里种植不了。”A:退出;B:种植;C:做;D:工作,结合上文:我问安妮她想种什么和她的回答,此处,应该和上文意思一致,用种植的含义。故选择B项。 【22题详解】