外研版三起点英语三年级上册1-10模块测试题(全册) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章外研版三起点英语三年级上册1-10模块测试题(全册)更新完毕开始阅读adbb08cda31614791711cc7931b765ce04087a35

I’m Lili. ( )

六、根据词语选择恰当的单词: ( )1、也 A、good B、too C、girl D、fine ( )2、男孩 A、girl B、and C、name D、boy ( ) 3、名字 A、girl B、and C、name D、boy ( ) 4、下午

A、morning B、afternoon C、good

( ) 5、什么 A、good B、what C、girl D、fine


( )1、______ is your name? A、What B、How C、Hi D、Hello

( )2、How are you? I’m fine,thank you. _____________



Hi, I’m Sam. .

A、What is your name? B、And how are you? C、Good morning. D、Good afternoon.

( )3、Good morning ,boys and girls.I’m Ms Smart. ______________,Ms Smart.

A、Good morning B、Hello C、Good afternoon 八、判断下列句子与图片是否相符,在括号内打勾叉。

1. [ ] Hello, I’m Sam. I’m a boy. 2.[ I’m a girl.

3. [ ] Hi, I’m Daming. I’m a girl. 4.[ I’m a boy. 九、争做小翻译家。

1、Good morning ,boys and ,girls. _________ 2、How are you? ________________ 3、I’m fine,thank you. __________ 4、Hello,Ms Smart. __________ 十、找到正确问答语,并用线连接起来。 1.Hello! I’m Sam. A. I’m fine, thank you. 2.How are you? B. My name is Lili.


] Hello, I’m Amy.

] Hi, I’m Ms. Smart.


3.Good morning, boys and girls. C. How do you do? 4.What’s your name? D.Good moring,Ms Gao. 5.How do you do? E. Hello! Sam



( )1 The A、门 ( )2 door B、这(那)个 ( )3 please C、窗 ( )4 window D、黑板 ( )5 blackboard E、请 ( )6 bird F、指 ( )7 sit G、名字 ( )8 stand H、坐 ( )9 point I、鸟 ( )10 name J、站 二、看图连线

Window chair desk door

二、选择题,将正确的答案的序号填在括号内 ( )1 Good (早晨),Ms Smart



A、afternoon B、morning C、name ( )2 (起立),Lingling

A、Stand up B、Sit down C、Goodbye ( )3 Point to the (窗) A、Girl B、door C、window ( )4 Point to the (黑板) A、Boy B、blackboard C、bird ( )5 Point to the (椅子) A、Chair B、door C、bird ( )6 Point to the 课桌 A、Name B、window C、desk

四、找出不同类的单词,将序号填入题前的括号内 ( )1 A、Amy B、Daming C、bird ( )2 A、dog B、desk C、cat ( )3 A、hello B、hi C、goodbye ( )4 A、chair B、bird C、desk ( )5 A、cap B、boy C、girl ( )6 A 、dog B、cat C、cap

