外研版三起点英语三年级上册1-10模块测试题(全册) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章外研版三起点英语三年级上册1-10模块测试题(全册)更新完毕开始阅读adbb08cda31614791711cc7931b765ce04087a35



一、 找出与所给单词同类的一项。(20分) ( )1. A. no B. not C.one ( )2. A. monster B.help C.bird ( )3. A. what B.where C. bag ( )4. A.teacher B. school C.pupil ( )5.A. cat B. dog C. kite ( )6. A.fine B. five C.new ( )7. A.my B. you C. your ( )8. A.look B.point C. four ( )9. A.two B.too C. ten ( )10. A. red B. old C. yellow


( )1. Point to the bird. ( )2. This is my school.

( )3.It's a cap. ( )4.The kite is in the bag.

( )5. --- How many cakes? --- Two.

三、 看一看,勾一勾。(9分)

1. Is it a cat? A. Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

2. Is it a dog? A. Yes, it is.

No, it isn't.

3. Is it a chair? A. Yes, it is. No, it isn't. 四、选择题。(26分) ( )1. --- Is it a monster? ---_________. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. Yes. it isn't.



( )2. ---How old are you? ---__________. A. I'm OK. B. I'm fine. C. I'm five. ( )3. --- Where is the cat? ---_________.

A. Is it in the bag? B. It is a bag. C. It is in the bag.

( )4. ---Where is the pen? --- It's _____ the blue schoolbag. A. to B. at C. in ( )5. --- ____ this? ---It's a cat.

A. What B. Where's C. What's ( )6. --- What's that? --- It's an _______ book. A.English B.yellow C.blue ( )7. --- Is it a bird? ---_________. A. Yes, it isn't. B.No, it isn't. C. No,it is.

( )8. ---_____ is the book? --- It's in the green bag. A. Where B. What C. How ( )9. I'm fine,_______

A. two B. to C. too. ( )10. What's _______ name?

A. you B. yours C. your ( )11. ____ it a panda?

A. Is B. is C. Are ( )12.I _____ know.

A.am not B.aren't C. don't ( )13._____ this?

A.Where B.What C. What’s 五、情景交际。(15分)

( )1 下午你在学校遇见了Ms Smart.你说: A. Good morning, Ms Smart.

B. Good afternoon,Ms Smart.

( )2 当你想告诉别人这是你的教室时,你应说: A.It is my classroom.

B.This is my classroom.

( )3 当你想询问“那是什么?”时,你应说: A. What's this ?

B. What's that?

( )4 你的朋友过生日,你会对他说: A. I'm happy.

B.Happy birthday.

( )5 客人来到你家,你请他坐下,你应说: A. Sit down, please.

B. Stand up,please.



六、 从B栏中找出与A栏相应的答语。(15分) A B

( )1. What's this? A. It's in the bag. ( )2. How many girls? B.It's a chair. ( )3. What's your name? C. Nine.

( )4.Is it a dog? D.I'm Lingling. ( )5. Where's the book? E.No, it isn't.




一、 找出不同类的单词。(20分)

( )1. A.mother B.teacher C.father ( )2. A. driver B.nurse C.brother ( )3. A. black B.green C. pencil ( )4. A.grandpa B. doctor C.grandma ( )5.A. sister B.brother C. panda ( )6. A.she B.me C.he ( )7. A.farmer B. policeman C. Your ( ) 8.A.name B. where C.what ( ) 9.A.kite B.bag C.help ( ) 10.A.family B.farmer C.nurse 二、看图,根据情景选择合适的句子。(15分) A.Here is your present. B.It’s a kite.

C.—Happy birthday!Here’s your cake! —Thank you! D.Oh!It’s a pencil. E.He’s a policeman.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 三、读句子,选出正确的答案。(15分) A. What’s that? B. How many pupils? C. This is my English teacher. D. Happy birthday! E. How old are you? 1.当你想知道对方的年龄时,你应该问: 2.当你想知道远处的物品是什么时,你应该问: 3.你的好朋友过生日,你应该说: 4.你要把你的英语老师介绍给别人,你应该说: 5.当你想知道有多少名小学生时,你应该问: .