2020-2021年七年级英语下册完形填空专项练习经典 联系客服

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一、七年级英语下册完形填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.完形填空

Dorothy lived in a small house in Kansas, with her uncle, aunt and a little black 1 called Toto. Sometimes there was a cyclone(飕风)in Kansas. It could, blow everything away. 2 usually there were cellars(地窖)under all the houses. People went into their cellars when a cyclone came.

One day, a cyclone was coming. So they 3 went into the cellar, but the dog Toto was so 4 that he ran under the bed. Dorothy had to pick 5 up. But 6 she got to the cellar door with Toto, the cyclone arrived and the house was moving!It went slowly up into the sky. Dorothy was afraid. “But we 7 do anything about it, ”she said to Toto, “So let's wait and see. \

When Dorothy 8 , the house was on the ground. She opened the door and found she was in a new place. Then, she saw three short men and a little old woman 9 a white dress. The woman walked up to Dorothy and said, \!You killed the Witch(巫婆)of the East, and you 10 us. \ Dorothy was really surprised. 1. A. cat 2. A. So 4. A. lucky 5. A. her

B. dog B. But B. afraid B. them

C. mouse D. bird C. Then C. sad C. him C. then C. can't

D. And D. happy D. you D. soon D. mustn't

C. quickly D. usually

3. A. slowly B. strictly

6. A. before B. after 7. A. won't B. needn't

8. A. woke up B. listened to C. slept up D. went along 9. A. buying B. wearing C. getting D. putting 10. A. saved B. killed B;(10)A;


(1)句意:Dorothy和她的叔叔和一只小黑色的狗叫做Toto的居住在Kansas的小房子里。A.cat猫,B.dog狗,C.mouse老鼠,D.bird鸟。根据后文提到the dog Toto,可知空缺的意义为狗,填入dog,故选B。




C. loved D. got

【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)C;(6)A;(7)C;(8)A;(9)

害怕的,C.sad悲伤地,D.happy高兴地。根据句子提到run under the bed,可知狗狗很害怕,填入afraid,故选B。


(6)句意:在她和Toto一起到达地窖的门之前,飓风到来了。A.before在……之前,B.after在……之后,C.then那时,D.soon很快。根据后文提到they went to sleep,可知飓风在线,故填入before,故选A。

(7)句意:我们对于它不能做什么。A.won't不会,B.needn't不需要,C.can't不能,D.mustn't不必。根据句意可知,空缺处的意义为 不能做,填入can't,故选C。

(8)句意:当Dorothy醒来。A.woke up叫醒,B.listened to听,C.slept up睡,D.went along沿着走。根据前文提到她们继续睡觉,可知空缺的意义为醒来,填入woke up,故选A。

(9)句意:一个老妇女穿着白色的裙子。A.buying购买,B.wearing穿着,C.getting变得,D.putting穿上。根据woman和a white dress表示伴随,填入wearing,穿着,故选B。

(10)句意:谢谢,你杀掉了东方巫婆并且你拯救了我们。A.saved拯救,B.killed杀掉,C.loved爱,D.got得到。根据前面提到kill,可知空缺的意义为拯救,填入saved,故选A。 【点评】考查完形填空, 首先通读一遍文章,跳过缺失的单词,再根据上下文来判断所缺单词的含义,最后对选项进行区别,选出正确的那一项。


A fox is 1 food. He is very hungry. Now he stands near a wall. He sees 2 fine grapes on the wall. He smiles and says, \jumping. He jumps and jumps, 4 the wall is too high. He 5 get the grapes. The fox says \ 1. A. seeing B. finding out C. looking for D. finding 2. A. a little B. few 3. A. What B. How 4. A. and B. or 5. A. can't B. can

C. much C. What a C. but C. hasn't

D. a lot of D. How a D. where D. isn't

【答案】 (1)C;(2)D;(3)B;(4)C;(5)A;


(1)句意:一只狐狸正在寻找食物。A. seeing看到,B. finding out(通过努力)找出,C. looking for寻找,D. finding找到,根据 He is very hungry , 可知狐狸很饿在觅食,故选C。

(2)句意:他看到墙上有很多美味的葡萄。A. a little一点点,加不可数名词,B. few没有多少,表否定,加可数名词,C. much许多,加不可数名词,D. a lot of很多,加可数名词



(4)句意:他跳呀跳,但是墙太高了。A. and和,并且,表并列或承接,B. or或者,表并列或选择,C. but但是,表转折,D. where哪里,根据 jumps and jumps和the wall is too high,可知这是个转折关系的句子,故选C。

(5)句意:他没有得到那些葡萄。A. can't没能够+动词原形,B. can会,能+动词原形,C. hasn't+done表示现在完成时,D. isn't其后是形容词后过去分词构成被动语态,get是动词原形,根据 the wall is too high,可知是够不到,故选A。


3.完形填空 One day a small boy was walking along the street in London. His name was Tom. It was a cold winter day in 1900. 1 he could have no breakfast 2 lunch. He wanted to buy bread, but he didn't 3 any money.

His father 4 when he was very young. His mother was often very ill, so she could not 5 Tom and his brother, Mike. 6 had to work to help their 7 mother.

He was small but his dream was very big. His wish was 8 a great man in the world of film. So he worked very hard 9 singing and dancing. Then,a man came to him and asked,\10 for my film?\asid,\

Thirty years 13 ,this same boy was 14 the most famous people in the world. He made many good films. A lot of people liked 15 . 1. A. This day 2. A. and 3. A. has 4. A. died 5. A. look after 7. A. sick 8. A. to get 9. A. on

B. That day B. or B. look for B. worked B. look for B. hungry B. to become B. for

C. On the day C. with C. have C. lived C. look at C. bad C. to be like C. in C.

Will work C. best C. so an C. later

D. A boy D. also D. lend D. dead D. look out D. worried D. to work for D. with you

D. Will you like D. well D. such an D. after

6. A. Two of them B. Every of them C. All of them D. Both of them

10. A. Do you work B. Do you enjoy 11. A. good 12. A. such 13. A. before

B. better B. so a B. past

14. A. among 15. A. it

B. between B. them

C. with C. films

D. beside D. that


【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文讲述了Tom成名的艰辛历程.他小时候父亲就去世了,母亲又常常生病不能照顾他和弟弟,于是他不得不去工作来帮助妈妈,虽然他人小,但他的梦想很大,他想成为电影界有名的人,于是他努力地唱歌跳舞,一天一个人问他\你能为我的电影工作吗\,他说\当然\并尽最大的努力去做,最后他成为了世界上最有名的人. (1)考查时间状语。句意:在那天他没有吃早餐和午餐。根据It was a cold winter day in 1900.那是1900年一个寒冷的冬天,可知此处是指那一天发生的事情,用that day,故选B。


(3)此题考查动词短语辨析。句意:他想买面包,但是他没有一点钱。根据上文he could have no breakfast or lunch.可知他没钱买东西吃。has有,主语是第三人称单数, look for寻找; have有,动词原形, lend借给,句子时态是一般过去时,是否定结构,借助于助动词didn't,谓语动词用原形,故选C。


(5) 考查短语辨析.A.表示照顾;B表示寻找;C表示看;D表示向外看.由His mother was often very ill可知她是不能照顾Tom和他的弟弟,选A。

(6) 考查不定代词.A表示他们中的两个,但them的数量要大于二;B表示他们中的每一个,them要是三者及以上;C表示他们中的所有,them要是三者及以上;D表示他们两个,them就指两个.此处的Tom和Mike是两个人,选D。

(7) 考查形容词辨析.A表示生病的 B表示饿的;B表示坏的;D表示担心的.上文提到了His mother was often very ill,ill与sick同义,此处他们两个不得不去工作来帮助他们生病的妈妈,选A。

(8)此题考查动词短语辨析。句意:他的愿望是成为电影界的一个伟人。愿望都是好的,所以是希望成为那样的人,get 得到,become变得,be like像.......一样,work for为.....工作,故选B。

(9)考查介词辨析。句意:因此他在唱歌跳舞方面工作非常努力。on在......上, for为了, in在......方面, with具有,此处指他在唱歌跳舞方面很努力。故选C。

(10)考查语境理解。句意:一个人走近他说“你想为我工作吗?”可知还没有工作,故句子时态是一般将来时,根据下文 And he did his best in it.他在工作上尽最大的努力。可知此处是为他工作,故选C。

(11)考查固定短语。句意:他在工作上尽最大的努力。do one's best表示尽某人最大的