广东省湛江市2017年中考英语模拟试题(二) - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章广东省湛江市2017年中考英语模拟试题(二) - 图文更新完毕开始阅读ae3e2c61b8f3f90f76c66137ee06eff9aef849a3

more and more of them are traveling abroad. However, their bad manners have given them a bad reputation. (名声,声誉)

A recent U.S. survey of 5,600 people five countries showed that Chinese people are the second worst tourists. The worst are American tourists.

Chinese always talk loudly in places like cafes and museums. They also spit and litter whenever they want and jump queues. Some Chinese tourists also like to write or draw pictures on famous buildings. In Singapore, Chinese tourists are fined ( 罚款) because they were smoking in Non-smoking areas.

Some people may say that they can do everything that they want because they spend money in the country. In fact, this is not true. Besides enjoying ourselves, we should respect local customs and take care of the environment.

Information Card

B.书面表达(本题15分) 很多

城市都正在创建文明城市。 文明城市的创建需要靠每个人的努力。 你在公共场所有没有看见一些不文明的行为呢?请你写一封倡议.。 内容包括:

1.你在公共场所经常见到的两个不文明的行为。 2.提出文明准则,至少两条。

3.号召大家做一个文明的人。(a polite person)


2. 语句连贯,词数80个左右。 开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Citizens,

The country which Wu Yifang studies in The game that the Chinese people played on the 82. train The thing that gives Chinese tourists bad 83. reputation The worst tourist in those five countries The reason why Chinese tourists were fined in 85. Singapore 84. 81. As we all know, our city is aiming at being a civilized one. Everybody should make an effort. __________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

Thank you all.



一. 听力部分

1-5 BCAAB 6-10 ACAAA 11-15 BCBBC 16-20 ACABB

21. March 22. pop singer 23. soccer 24. guitar 25. twelve/12 (years old) 二.单选:

26-30: CBDBD 31-35: CACBD 36-40: BCCBB 41-45: DDCCC 三、完形填空 46—55 BADBC ABDCC 四、阅读理解

56—60 CDCAB 61-65 CBCDA 66-70 FGBDA 五、短文填词

71.paid 72. an73.so74.medicine 75.take

76 their77.supposed / expected 78.possible79.after 80.necessary 六. 信息归纳 81 Britain 82 A game of cards 83 ( Their ) bad manners 84 American tourists

85 Because they were smoking in Non—smoking areas. / Because of smoking in Non—smoking areas 作文:略