上海市黄浦区2013年中考二模英语试卷 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章上海市黄浦区2013年中考二模英语试卷 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读aefd88106bd97f192379e905

93. Where did the poor student live?

________________________________________________________ 94. When did the owner hear the student talking to his friend?

________________________________________________________ 95. The poor student was not interested in his room, was he?

________________________________________________________ 96. Why did the owner decide to take the student to the court?

________________________________________________________ 97. What was the attitude of the people in the court?

_______________________________________________________ 98. What do you think of the judge?


VII. Writing. (作文) (20分)

99. Write a short passage at least 60 words according to the given information. (根据所给信息写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)


分。) ..

Last month thousands of dead pigs appeared on the Huang Pu River. People were very upset about the event. What do you think? (上个月黄浦江水域出现大量死猪。人们对此事很焦虑。请你就这个事情谈谈你的看法。)

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part 1

1.A 2.E 3.G 4.D 5.B 6.F

7.D 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.T 18.F 19.T 20.T 21.F 22.F 23.T

24.2011 25.reduce 27.habit 28.foot 29. health 30.minutes part 2

31.C 32.A 33.C 34.C 35.B 36.A 37.D 38.D 39.A 40.A 41.D 42.B 43.D 44.D 45.B 46.A 47.A 48.C 49.C 50.A 51.D 52.H 53.E 54.B 55.A 56.C 57.I 58.G

59.second 60.universities 61.sercvice 62.German 63.beautifully 64.operate 65.attractive 66.unusual

67.won't any 68.How can 69.made decision 70.were put 71.instead of 72.so that 73if had part3

74.A 75.C 76.B 77.C 78.D 79.A

86.However 87.members 88.tierd 89.heavier(harder) 90.together 91.house 92.exchange

93.He lived in a very small room over a restaurant

94.One day the restaurant owner was working quietly in his kitchen when he heard the poor student talking to his friend by accident. 95.No, he wasn’t.

96.This studen was stealing his smells from his kitchen. 97.They all laughed.

98. The judge was wise and fair.