2011-2012年九年级英语期中试题(外研版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2011-2012年九年级英语期中试题(外研版)更新完毕开始阅读b004b67a27284b73f2425030


英 语

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I、单项选择(20分) 1. --This is __________ useful book. I think. --So it is, and it’s __________ unusual one.

A. an, 不填 B. an, an C. a, an 2. –Could you tell me how long __________ the book? --Three days.

A. I can keep B. can I borrow C. I can borrow D. can I keep 3. The policeman told them __________ in the street.

A. not play B. not to play C. didn’t play

4、Is that the newspaper? Is there anything interesting on it? A、last B、later C、latest

5、 of them knows Japanese, so I have to ask a third person for help. A、Neither B、Either C、None

6、Nobody noticed what the little boy at that moment. A、has done B、had done C、was doing 7、I enjoy my life here. I have ____ friends, and we meet quite often. A. few B. a few C. little 8、 -----Have you seen Harry Potter V ?

----- Of course, it is one of _____ movies this year.

A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular 9、Bob, it’s 7:30. Hurry up, ______ you’ll be late for school. A. but B. and C. or

10、 ----You should read this magazine, because there is ______ about our school. ---- Really? I’ll read it.

A. something interesting B. anything interesting C. interesting something 11. Today the forests have gone. People must down too many trees.

A. stop from cutting B. stop to cut C. be stopped from cutting 12. They didn’t feel after the game.

A. enough well B. enough good C. well enough D. good enough

13. The mountain is 7850 meters .

A. tall B. wide C. long D. high

14. You must _____ what your teacher said in class. A. look after B. pay attention to C. take care of

15. The T-shirt is made _______ cotton, and it’s made ______ Shanghai. A. of; by B. up of; in C. from; in D. with; by II、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分)

All of us know 1 because we drink it every day. But it’s the most 2 of all the things we eat and drink, do you know? 3 some people can’t understand this. But it is really 4 . We 5 still be alive even do some things if we don’t have 6 food for several days. But 7 we don’t have any water for only two or three days, we will 8 of thirstiness(渴).

Many of us don’t know 9 water the human body needs so they don’t drink enough water, especially hot water. Most people drink water only when they are 10 . But they don’t know it’s too 11 to supply (补充)enough water for their bodies in time. And when they do sports, they need 12 water than usual, so they should drink a little more. Water is 65 to 70 percent of a man’s body. So we know how important 13 . If we don’t have enough water to support (支撑)our bodies, we 14 feel tired or be ill.Now do you know what the best 15 is?

( ) 1. A. food B. books C. water ( ) 2. A. interesting B. exciting C. important ( ) 3. A. May B. Maybe C. Must ( ) 4. A. true B. truly C. truth ( ) 5. A. do B. don’t C. can ( ) 6. A. some B. any C. few ( ) 7. A. before B. if C. next ( ) 8. A. die B. died C. to die ( ) 9. A. how much B. how many C. what ( ) 10. A. hungry B. happy C. thirsty ( ) 11. A. early B. fast C. late ( ) 12. A. more B. much C. most ( ) 13. A. it is B. is it C. it does ( ) 14. A. should B. must C. will

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( ) 15. A. food B. drink C. clothes III.补全对话:

A:Choose the best

A: What’s the matter with you, young man?

B: Oh, doctor. I’m not feeling well. (1)____ I think I will die. A: Die? I don’t think so. Take it easy. (2)____ B: Ahh... I must have a terrible illness.

A: Em... (3)____ I am sure you will be all right soon. B: But I really feel very terrible. What should I do now? A: (4)____ B: Is that all?

A: You should drink more water and you shouldn’t eat spicy food. B: (5)____

A: No, you needn’t A. Take this medicine three times a day. B. Must I stay in bed? C. You only got a cold. D. Please say “Ahh”. E. I have a lot of headaches, and I feel tired. F. You should see the doctor. B:Complete the dialogue:

A: Summer holiday is coming. 1. ______________? B: Yes, I'm going to my hometown. A: 2. _________________________?

B: For about a month. 3. ____________________?

A: I want to travel to Hainan Island. It's a beautiful place of interest.

B: 4. _________________________. But I have to visit my grandparents in my


A: It doesn't matter. If you stay in your hometown for fewer days, you'll have enough time to go traveling.

B: 5. _______________. Then I will go to my hometown as soon as the holiday begins.

A: OK! I will wait for you until you come back. B. That's a deal! Thank you.

IV、 阅读理解 (共25小题,A、B、C每小题1分,D、E每小题各2分)




( ) 16. In English class, my classmates often laugh at my poor spoken English. ( ) 17. I find I am too busy to have any time for my own entertainment. ( ) 18. My family is very poor. My study is bad. I want to drop out of school and

find a job.

( ) 19. My parents are working all day. I feel lonely. No one can understand me. ( ) 20. I don’t have any friends maybe that’s because I come from a poor family. Advice


You are too young to find a job. If you want to get rid of (摆脱) the poverty

(贫穷) in the future, you need to study hard and get a job later.

B. Never lose your heart(信心). Get up earlier and practice your spoken

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English. Practice makes perfect. Believe your English will get better and better.

C. Arrange(安排) your study and work well and you can save some time to

relax. Don’t worry. Just happy.

D. Talk to your parents at dinner table and let them know you more. And

make more friends with your neighbors or classmates or teachers. There are still many people around you.

E. You are never too old to learn, no matter how old you are or what you have

done, nothing should ruin(破坏) your decision for your study, just go on, the new life is waiting for you.

F. People like you mainly(主要地) because you are an interesting and lovely

person. If you can open yourself to talk to and share with other people, you can find a lot of friends. Don’t feel ashamed(害臊)of your poor family. If you work hard, you can be rich one day. G.

Try to make friends with your classmates. Be friendly to them.

It’s not polite to break others when they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say, “Excuse me” first, and then begin talking. You should also do so when you begin to cough or make any noise before others.

Let’s learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”. 6. You should say “Thank you” when ________.

A. you say something kind to others B. you help others C. someone helps you

7. From the passage we know “Thank you” is________.

A. widely used in the world B. used more often than “Excuse me” C. used only by Americans

8. You should say “Excuse me” if you want to _________.

A. speak to others B. you help others C. BothA and B 9. When you are going to ask someone to tell you the way, you should say “_________”.

A. Thank you B. That’s very kind of you C. Excuse me

10. This passage mainly tells us the way ____________. A. to be happy B. to be polite C. to help others

C House For Sale Red Rose Garden, Pudong 3-storey home. 509 sqm total land area. 428.8 sqm built-in. 312.9 sqm garden. Asking for RMB 13 million. MP: 13761973547 Tel: 021-58609228 Fax: 021-58609728


American people like to say “Thank you” when others help them or say

something kind to them. People of many countries do so, too. It is a very good habit(习惯).

You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table,

when someone walking ahead of you keeps the door open for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters.

“Excuse me” is another short sentence they use. When you hear someone say so behind you, you know that somebody wants to walk past you without touching you.

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Job Wanted Cherry, 24, a shining girl, good at oral English and Putonghua. Now I am working at an international trade company in Guangzhou. I am kind-hearted, hard-working and healthy, and would like part-time weekend work offering Putonghua lessons to foreign friends. If you are interested, please email me at cherrylf@hotmail. com. Beijing Snow World Ski Park Price: 18 yuan(Ticket). 50 yuan/hour on weekdays and 70 yuan/hour on weekends. 120 yuan/four hours on weekdays and 190 yuan/four hours on weekends.

56. If an Australian student wants to learn Chinese, he or she can _____ . A. call 021-58609228 B. fax 021-58609728 C. email at cherrylf@hotmail. com.

57. How many square meters is the garden of the house for sale?

A. 509 sqm. B. 312.9 sqm. C. 428.8 sqm 58. Where is Cherry working now?

A. In Guangzhou. B. In Shanghai. C. In Beijing.

59. If he goes skiing on _____ in Beijing Snow World Ski Park, Nick has to pay more money than on Tuesday.

A. Thursday B. Sunday C. Wednesday

60. If you want to ski for four hours on weekdays, how much money will you pay at least?

A. 200 yuan. B. 280 yuan. C. 138 yuan. D

Mr Brown was born in a poor family. He couldn’t go to school when he was young. Now he’s a porter(搬运工) and works at a station. He doesn’t think it’s necessary to know some knowledge of science. His son,Bill, began to go to school last year. The boy likes nothing except playing. He doesn’t listen to the teachers in class and can’t do his homework after class. It’s the hardest thing for him to do maths exercises. And he wants to drop it.

Last evening Mrs Brown heard Bill crying in the next room while she and her husband were watching TV. She came up to him and asked. “What’s the matter,Bill?”

“I can’t do my maths homework.” Said the boy. “I won’t go to school tomorrow!”

“No,no. Don’t do that!”said the woman. “Maybe your father can help you.”

Then she asked her husband to help their son with his maths. Mr Brown said,” But I don’t know maths, either.”

“It doesn’t matter,”said his wife. “You’ll only coax(哄骗) him out of crying.”

Mr Brown had to do as his wife said. This afternoon Bill came back and showed his exercise book to his father. The man had a look at it and shouted to his wife,”Come here quickly, dear!I got an A in maths!”

Fill in the blanks according to the passage, only one word for each blank. Mr Brown is a porter. He knows (1)________ knowledge. His son, Bill

(2)________likes playing. He doesn’t study at all. Maths is the most (3)________ for him. One day, he cried (4)________ of the maths homework. Mrs Brown asked her husband to make the boy not cry. He did so. The next day,Bill got an A. His father was

happy because he (5)_______ he could get an A,too.


People didn’t use to throw things away. They used to mend their clothes and reused them until they wore out. When they bought things, they used to carry shopping

baskets. But now we don’t reuse things well and more rubbish has been produced. We throw away 25 million tones of waste in our dustbins every year. That means one family throw away about one thousand kilos of waste.

We have a strong reason to take it as a serious problem! The fact is that lots of rubbish we throw away could be reused or recycled. The so-called rubbish isn’t really

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