对外经济贸易大学831会计学2004年考研真题附答案 联系客服

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3.权益法与成本法的适用条件是什么?权益法与成本法在会计核算上的主要差异是什么? 4.如何通过现金流量表来判断长期股权投资的质量?


提示:本张试卷分为两部分:英文试题和中文试题。满分150分。 第一部分:英文试题(共70分)

I. Multiple choice questions (please circle the best one for your answer) (13 points) Answers: 1、C 2、D 3、B 4、C 5、A 6、B 7、B 8、C 9、B 10、D 11、B 12、D 13、B Ⅱ. Give a brief explanation for the following terms (9 points)

(1) EPS: Total earnings divided by the number of shares outstanding.Companies often use a weighted average of shares outstanding over the reporting term. EPS can be calculated for the previous year, for the current year,or for the coming year. Last year's EPS would be actual, while current year and forward year EPS would be estimates. (2) Extraordinary item: A non-recurring event that materially affected a company's finances in a reporting period. Must be explained in the annual report or quarterly report.

(3) Capital expenditure: Money spent to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as buildings and machinery. Also called capital spending or capital expense.

(4) Treasury stock: Stock reacquired by a corporation to be retired or resold to the public. Treasury stock is issued but not outstanding, and is not taken into consideration when calculating earnings per share or dividends, or for voting purposes. (5) Cash equivalents: Highly liquid, very safe investments can be easily converted into cash, such as Treasury Bills and money market funds.

(6) Price-earnings (P/E) ratio: The most common measure of how expensive a stock is. The P/E ratio is equal to a stock's market capitalization divided by its after-tax earnings over a 12-month period, usually the trailing period but occasionally the current or forward period. The higher the P/E ratio, the more the market is willing to pay for each dollar of annual earnings. The last year's price/earnings ratio would be actual, while current year and forward year price/earnings ratio would be estimates, but in each case, the \

Ⅲ. Accounting terminology (4 points)

In the space provided after each statement, indicate (write out) the accounting term described.

1.The amount that must be paid to settle a liability at the date it becomes due. Accounts Payable .

2. Depreciation methods, which take more depreciation in the early years of an asset’s useful life, and less depreciation in the later years. Accelerated depreciation method .

3. The percentage of total assets financed by creditors. Liability Ratio .

4. Amounts invested in a corporation by its stockholders. Owner’s Equity .

Ⅳ. Translate the following statements into Chinese. (10 points)



Ⅴ. Translate the following statements from Chinese into English. (15 points)

1. Shareholders of a company usually have the right of voting for the directorate and taking the dividends declared by the company. At the time of company liquidation, shareholders also have the rights of assigning net assets. The directorate will establish company’s policy, supervise work of high-level managers and protect shareholders’ interest widely differently. Company’s high-level managers are professional managers appointed by the directorate to operate and manage the company.

2. Both gross profit method and retailing price method use cost ratio to estimate cost of goods sold and closing deposits. Cost of goods sold is estimated by cost ratio multiplying net sales. And cost of closing stock is the amount remaining after the cost of goods sold has been deducted from the cost of goods available for sales. In gross profit method, cost ratio equals to 100% reducing company’s previous gross profit margin; while in the retail price method, cost ratio is the ratio between cost of goods available for sales and retailing price of goods. Ⅵ. Computation and analysis

1. Cash flows (5 points) Answer:

(1) Cost of the land sold during 2003=500000-280000=220000 (2) 900000-1580000+(Book value of marketable securities sold during 2003-1580000)=-170000

Book value of marketable securities sold during 2003=2090000 2. Effects of transactions upon ratio analysis (6 points)

Determine the immediate effect of each of the transactions described below on the ratio listed beside each transaction. In the blank space to the left of each statement, you are to indicate the effect by writing the appropriate code letter. The code letters are as follows:

D=decrease the ratio, I=increase the ratio, NE=no effect on this ratio.

(1) D Inventory turnover (4 times): Made large purchases increasing the average size of inventory.

(2) D Return on total assets is 14%: Issued 10% bonds and invested the proceeds to earn12%.

(3) D Earnings per share ($6.25): Sold common stock help in treasury at a price above cost.

3. Bonds payable (8 points)

(1) Debit: bank deposits 2000,000

Credit: bonds payable —face value of bonds 2000,000 (2) Debit: financial expenses—interest expenses 90,000 Credit: bonds payable—interest payable 90,000

(3) The carrying value of the bonds payable at XY December 31, 2003, balance sheet is 2,180,000.



1.会计主体假设: 会计主体又称会计实体,是会计核算服务对象,或者说是会计人员进行核算采取的立场及空间活动的范围的界定。对会计主体的择定,有两个可以依赖的基础。一是根据能控制资源、承担义务并进行经营运作的经济单位来确定;二是根据特定的个人、集团或机构的经济利益的范围来确定。一般情况下,一个经济单位就是一个会计主体,但在特定情况下,也可将特定个人、集团或机构的经济利于范围作为会计主体,如合并会计报表和企业内部的责任中心等,会计主体的选择应遵循实质重于形式的原则。从而,传统的会计主体都是有形而稳定的实体组织。

2.现金流量表: 现金流量表是以现金为基础编制的财务状况变动表,反映企业一定期间内现金的流入和流出,表明企业获得现金和现金等价物的能力。编制现金流量表的目的,是为会计



4.资本市场:金融市场的重要组成部分,着眼于从长期限上对融资活动进行划分,它通常指的是由期限在1年以上的各种融资活动组成的市场。是提供一种有效地将资金从储蓄者(同时又是证券持有者)手中转移到投资者(即企业或政府部门,它们同时又是证券发行者)手中的市场机制。从宏观上来分,资本市场可以分为储蓄市场、证券市场(又可分为发行市场与交易市场)、长期信贷市场、保险市场、融资租赁市场、债券市场、其他金融衍生品种市场等。其中证券市场与债券市场又形成了资本市场的核心。资本市场作为金融市场最重要的组成部分,在现代经济当中发挥着不可替代的作用。资本市场能够有效地行使资源配置功能, 还起到资本资产风险定价的功能,资本市场还为资本资产的流动提供服务。



1.我国近年来准备颁布的征求意见会计专题准则主要有 终止经营 和 每股收益 。 2.坏账处理的备抵法下,其主要核算环节是 按期估计坏账损失 和 实际发生坏账时冲销坏账准备和应收账款金额 。

3.影响折旧计算的主要因素有:原值、净残值、 折旧年限 和 折旧方法。 4.股利率是指 每股股息 和 每股市价 的比率。 5.我国的会计准则――非货币交易准则要求,换 入 资 产 的 价 值 主要 以 换 出 资 产 的 账面 价值进行记录。


1.请说明会计期间假设的基本含义及作用,并简要说明该原则对会计确认及讲师的影响。 答:(1)会计期间假设的基本含义及作用

会计期间是指为了及时提供企业生产经营信息而人为地讲企业正常生产经营活动分割为若干相等的、较短的时间段落。会计分期地目的是将持续经营地生产活动划分成为连续、相等地期间,据以结算盈亏,按期编报报财务报告,从而及时向各方面提供有关企业财务状况、经营成果和现金流量的信息。会计分期假设是持续经营假设的补充,同样是会计核算时间范围的规定。我国《企业会计准则》规定,会计期间分为年度、季度和月份。年度、季度和月份的起迄日期采用公历日期,是核算和报告其主体的财务状况和经营成果、描述其在特定时期的财务状况的一种会计假设,是结算账目和编制财务报告的基础。 会计分期假设的存在与会计管理职能直接相联系。之所以要计算期间损益,定期编制会计报表,主要是通过报表找出存在的问题,以利于下个周期的生产经营。


