【创新设计】2020高考英语一轮复习提能训练 必修2 Module5(附解析) 外研版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章【创新设计】2020高考英语一轮复习提能训练 必修2 Module5(附解析) 外研版更新完毕开始阅读b05607daa31614791711cc7931b765ce04087a61

【外研版创新设计】2020高考英语一轮复习提能训练Module 5

Newspapers and Magazines 能 力 闯 关


1.The ancient Romans ________(建立)colonies throughout Europe. 2.Tokyo and New York are major ________(金融的)centres.

3.Popular newspapers are also known as tabloids.They have large h________. 4.Quality newspapers have home and international news,and sport and c________ events.

5.Newspapers also carry financial reports,travel news and book and film r________.

6.I haven’t much b________ in his honesty. 7.Is your leader a p________ or a stateman?

8.Practice is the r________ road to success when learning a language. 9.Welcome a________!

10.Zhou Runfa is a very famous a________.

答案:1.founded 2.financial 3.headlines 4.cultural 5.reviews 6.belief 7.politician 8.royal 9.aboard 10.actor Ⅱ.单项填空

1.We can say ________ that their work is on the path of sound development. A.on good evidence B.on good proof C.on a good evidence D.on a good proof of

解析:proof,evidence二者都是不可数名词,都作“证据”讲,词组on(good)evidence表“依据(充分的)证据”,为固定搭配。 答案:A

2.Tom:Mike,our team will play against the Rockets this weekend.I’m sure

we will win. Mike:________!

A.Good luck B.Cheers C.Best wishes D.Congratulations

解析:句意:“Mike,我们的队本周末要和火箭队比赛,我相信我们会赢。”“祝好运。”根据题意,没比赛结果,不可用D。 答案:A

3.It was scary news ________ H1N1 flu continues to spread worldwide. A.what B.that C.while D.but

解析:语意:有一条可怕的消息,那就是H1N1流感继续在全世界蔓延。句中的it是形式主语,that从句作真正的主语。 答案:B

4.As the train was to pull out,her husband came running along and climbed ________.

A.abroad B.broad C.aboard D.board

解析:句意:“当列车要出站时,她丈夫跑过来,爬上车。”aboard上车/登机/上船。 答案:C

5.We all ________ you good luck in the coming examination. A.hope B.expect C.wish D.want

解析:wish sb. sth.表示但愿某人怎么样,带双宾语。 答案:C

6.They ________ us on getting married.

A.congratulated B.celebrated C.praised D.admired

解析:congratulate为及物动词,意为“庆贺,向……祝贺”,常以“congratulate sb. on/upon sth./doing sth.”的结构形式出现,on/upon的宾语可以是名词,也可以是动名词。 答案:A

7.A dozen ideas were considered ________ the chief architect decided on the

design of the building.

A.because B.before C.whether D.unless

解析:before意为“在……之前”,引导时间状语从句。句意为“在总设计师决定这个建筑物的设计之前人们考虑了很多意见”。because引导原因状语从句。whether“是否”,引导名词性从句或让步状语从句。unless“如果不,除非”,引导条件状语从句。 答案:B

8.________ the plan has been made,let’s get down to ________ it out. A.Now that;carry B.Because;carry C.Since;carrying D.Now;putting 解析:该题句意为“既然已经订出计划,咱们就着手执行吧”。now(that),since均可表示“既然,由于”;get down to意为“开始认真做某事”,其中to是介词,后面需接名词或动名词;carry out执行。 答案:C

9.________,he produced 30 books and 300 articles about children education in his life.

A.In a total B.In the total C.In total D.Together 解析:in total用于总结,“总共,总计”。 答案:C

10.It is predicted that some day in the future,the computer will ________ books as the first source of information and knowledge. A.instead B.instead of C.take D.replace

解析:本题依据题意考查动词。“代替”除replace外也可用take the place of。instead或instead of可作“替代”讲,但不可作谓语。 答案:D Ⅲ.翻译句子











答案:1.When Yang landed,Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his congratulations.

2.Now that you’re going,I will go,too. 3.You are welcome to use our swimming-pool. 4.He went to Beijing aboard a train last night.

5.The new city,Brasilia,replaced Rio de Janeiro as the capital of Brazil in 1960. Ⅳ.阅读理解

DUBAI—A shoe-throwing incident at an Iraqi news conference with George W. Bush has inspired a spate(泛滥)of Internet games where the players hurl footwear at moving targets of the US president.

The games,which have mushroomed online and spread by email, range from animations to cutup footage(片段)of the now-infamous news briefing on Sunday when an Iraqi reporter threw his shoes at the president who ordered the 2020 invasion of Iraq.

Pelting(向……投掷)someone with shoes is considered a grave insult in