2019年浙江省杭州市西湖区中考一模考试英语试题Word版(无答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2019年浙江省杭州市西湖区中考一模考试英语试题Word版(无答案)更新完毕开始阅读b0a89b12fc0a79563c1ec5da50e2524de418d045

a year now, and we've even won a few competitions! I’ve made loads of friends that way, too. Everyone you meet likes music, so you've already got lots to talk about. -Kitty, Hull

32. Well, why not? Bad weather makes us sad, but this is a way to feel happy again. Yes, you do need to feel confident to try this! Some people have laughed at me, it's true-but many more have joined in! -Ben, Penrith

33. I can’t believe there are people out there who've never seen the sun come up! You don't need to be a poet or an artist to find that beautiful. Oh, and this is an extra idea, but go swimming with dolphins! I did it last summer and now I can’t stop telling everyone how amazing it was. -Lucy Aberdeen

34. Yesterday I helped to look for a man’s dog. The day before that, I stood up when an old lady got on the bus, and I gave her my seat. These people weren’t friends or family. They were simply people who needed help. And helping them made me feel great. Try it! It's quite surprising. -Prash, Nottingham

35. I’ve tried red gothic black-and blue! I did it in the school holidays, so teachers didn’t complain. (Warming: check that your parents are cool with this first! You don't want them to go crazy.) Or experiment with different clothes instead. It's great fun. There's lots of time to look when you' re an adult! -Faith Preston




Jasmine and Beth Thomson are sisters but they’re very different. Pale-skinned Jasmine has got long, white hair and white eyebrows. 36 , her sister, Beth, is dark-haired and her skin is also quite dark. When you're a person with albinism(白化病) like Jasmine, people sometimes


aren’t very nice. But Jasmine is always a 37 and confident person.

When they walk down the street, some people 38 Jasmine strangely, and one or two make comments, but Jasmine doesn't react 39 . \bad things, \says. \ 40 even if they don’t realize it.”

But Jasmine always 41 positively. She wants to help other people with albinism to become stronger and more confident like her. She has 42 her own website which gives advice to young people around the world who have albinism. \are 43 understanding about albinism, but it's different in some other parts of the “there are places where people will move away from you and

world. \44 to talk to you.”

Lots of people visit my 46 45 every month and say that it helps them, \

says proudly. \敌对的) towards you

you're different, and it happens, but you can learn to be strong. The important thing is to be friendly and speak to people. Then they relax and 47 you normally.”

There are people because of the 50 you stronger. 36. A.Also 37. A.strong 39. A happily 41. A.thinks

B.However B.lovely

B.hear from B excitedly B.you B.asks

C.Still C.careful C.stare at C.quietly C.her

C.speaks C.set up C.expect C.school C.until C.call C.shape C.but

D.Again D.successful D.listen to D.angrily D.itself D.answers D.taken up D.terribly D.refuse D.country D.so D.treat D.everywhere D.age D.or

49 48 across the world who are unfriendly to others simply of their skin, their clothes or their appearance in general. It's sad true. If it happens to you, remember to react in a positive way and that will make

38. A.look through 40. A.themselves 42. A.looked up 43. A.suddenly 44. A.leave 45. A.website 47. A.help 49. A.color 50. A.nor

B.given up B.gradually B.wait B.home B.teach B.pattern B.and


46. A.although 48. A.nowhere

B.because B.anywhere


第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分) 第二节:(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)



In 1992, the leaders of more than 100 countries met in Brazil. They discussed problems which affect the environment such 51 pollution and climate change, and talked about possible ways to these 52 (problem). At this meeting, they started a project for social development 53 helps to protect the environment. One of the most important parts of their project 54 (call) \

The idea behind the project is that 55 a lot of people do small things locally, they can have a big influence nationally and an even 56 (big) influence globally. For example, if one person decides 57 (recycle)their rubbish, it only makes a very small difference. However, if millions of people across the world do 58 same, the influence is huge. It's easy for everyone to do something small every day at home, at school or at work.

The project makes everyone work together 59 (possible). Local governments also need to provide good facilities, such as recycling centers and public transport, and people need to use them. If everyone plays 60 (they) part in a small way, they can improve their local area and help to save the global environment.



根据下列句子及所给的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形式(每空限填 一词)。

61.-What's ten and thirty? -It’s .

62. I was born in A , the hottest month of the year. 63. Jennifer believes she will move out on her own when she is able to support h . 64. Mary doesn’t like insects. In fact she is s them.

65. It was cold these days. The temperature remained b freezing all day. 66. She won first prize in the game, t none of us had expected it.

67.-Where is your mom? -It's 5: 30. She must be making dinner in the k now. 68. By visiting these a buildings, you can know what life was like here in the past.


69. -Are you ready? -Not y . Wait a moment please. 70.The prime minister took a plane and f to New York today for a three-day visit.


假定你是负责小区涉外联络的李平,该小区将于4月27日组织“亲近自然,农场踏青 活动,要求参加活动的居民8点在车站集合出发。请结合相关信息,阅读并回复小区美 居民 Michael的来信。开头和结尾要得体,次数80次左右。 Dear Li Ping I'm glad knowing that our community will organize an activ ity for all the community members To prepare well, I want to know more about it. When and where shall we meet that day And I' m really interested in what we are going to do on the farm. Besides, what things do I have to take with me? Hope to hear from you soon. Many thanks Michael

Dear Michael, Dear Michael,

It' s my pleasure to offer the Information you need

To ensure our activity can get along well, all the members are required to get to the station at 8a.m. After gathering together, we will go to the farm by bus, where various interesting and meaningful activities are waiting. Farmers there will teach us how to plant rice in the field and then some of us can try milking the cow if interested. Visiting the modern machines that are used for farming is also one of our activities. Since we will be outdoors for a long time, I suggest you take your sun cream with you.

I promise it will be an unforgettable experience for you. Yours,