新会计准则下资产减值存在的问题及对策 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章新会计准则下资产减值存在的问题及对策更新完毕开始阅读b0d0ce2002d276a201292e81




专业: 财务管理


班级: 2 0 1 1级 1 班

学号: 0 9 1 1 2 3 2 3 1

姓名: 张 岩

答辩日期: 2015 年 6 月 16 日


目 录

摘要 ............................................................. 1 Abstract ......................................................... 2 引 言 ............................................................ 3 1 资产减值会计的概念及新旧会计准则的比较 ......................... 5

1.1 资产减值会计相关概念 ......................................... 5

1.2 资产减值会计的理论基础 ....................................... 5 1.3 新旧会计准则下资产减值会计的比较 ............................... 7

2 资产减值会计的国际比较 ........................................ 10

2.1 美国会计准则中资产减值会计的发展 ........................................ 10 2.2 国际会计准则中资产减值会计的发展 .............................. 11 2.3 我国新会计准则中资产减值会计与美国及国际准则的比较 ............... 12

3 新会计准则下资产减值会计在实际应用中的问题 .................... 16

3.1 资产减值会计中的确认问题 ..................................... 16 3.2 资产减值会计中的计量问题 ..................................... 17 3.3 资产减值会计中的信息披露问题 ................................. 19

4 新会计准则下资产减值会计在上市公司中的应用 ....................... 21

4.1 新会计准则下上市公司通过资产减值进行盈余管理的实证研究 ........... 21 4.2 南风化工集团股份有限公司资产减值案例分析 ....................... 22

5 新会计准则下资产减值存在问题的对策建议 ........................ 25 结论 ............................................................ 27 致谢 ............................................................ 29 参考文献 ........................................................ 30


摘 要



资产减值; 盈余管理; 资产组; 商誉; 信息披露

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The impairment of assets can reflect the financial situation and the operating results of companies, which ensures the accounting information is true and reliable. In 2006, the introduction of the \Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets\produced a series of new concepts and new regulations.

Firstly, this paper compares CAS8 with IAS36 and SFAS144 by a comparative approach, and then discusses the application of new accounting standards by empirical methods and case analysis. The main conclusion is that the new accounting standards improve the efficiency of the measurement; The new accounting standards still have difficulties and problems in recognized, measurement and disclosure; Under these standards, listed companies still have ways to manage earnings by asset impairment. Finally, for the above situation and problems, this paper proposes a series of recommendations, including refining of the criteria for the classification of the asset group, establishing all kinds of markets, optimizing the measurement of asset impairment, improving rules of reverse assets impairment, strengthening the internal control, enhancing the transparency of information disclosed and improving the ability of accounting personnel.


asset impairment;earnings management; asset group;goodwill;information disclos

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