外研社七年级英语上册starter-Module1-4知识点总结 联系客服

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11. can

1) 情态动词:“能,能够” I can write in English. She can’t spell “classroom”. 2) 表示许可:“可以” You can go home now. 3) 表示请求:“可以,能” Can I go with you?

Module 4 1. ①What day is it...? 今天星期几;什么节日 What day is it today? It’s Monday. What day is June 1st? It’s Children’s Day.

②What time is it?现在几点?=What's the time? ③What's the date today?今天是几号? —What's the date today?今天几号? —It's November 12th.十一月十二号。 (1)What time is it now?(改为同义句) ________ the _______ now?

(2)It is Wednesday.(对画线部分提问) ________ _________ is it today?

星期的简写Sunday-Sun. Monday-Mon. Tuesday-Tue.

My everyday life

Wednesday-Wed. Thursday-Thur. Friday-Fri. Saturday-Sat. 2. it

1) 指代时间、日期、季节、天气、距离 It’s five o’clock. It’s April 8th. It’s spring.

—What’s the weather like today? —It’s fine.

How far is it from your home to school? It’s about two kilometers. 2) 指代前面提到的事物 3) 指代婴儿或不明身份的人 —Who is the baby? —It’s my son.

Someone is knocking at the door. Who is it?

3.write...in 书上、本子上 write...on 黑板、墙壁等表面

4.(英)favourite (美)favorite 形容词:“最喜欢的”


5.What’s the weather like in Wenzhou? =How’s the weather in Wenzhou? 表示天气:cool, cold, warm, hot, cloudy, sunny

in spring/summer/autumn/winter,若特指某一年的某个季节,要加the,in the autumn of 2016 in the morning in January in 2019

6.on 具体到某一天或某一天的上午、下午、晚上或节日前 on Sunday on June 1st on a cold day on Saturday morning on New Year’s Day

7. What’s one’s favourite sport?

sport指户外运动,作定语修饰名词时,用复数形式,sports shoes运动鞋, sports hall体育馆

8. I like swimming. like作动词时的用法: (1)like sth I like the black bag.

(2)like doing sth,表示习惯性的动作。I like singing.

(3)like to do sth,表示偶尔想做的事情。I like to play computer games this weekend.

9. Let’s do sth. 让我们做某事吧 Let sb do sth Let's do sth! 用于提出建议或征求对方的意见。其答语常用“OK./All right./Good idea!”。

10. play basketball

play tennis play table tennis play chess

11. go+ Ving go swimming


go skating 去滑冰 skate go skiing 去滑雪 ski go boating 去划船 boat go climbing去爬山 climb go cycling 去骑车 cycle go fishing fish


1) What’s one and two? 一加二等于几?

It’s three.

2) What’s your favourite sport?

What’s your telephone number? It’s 212006.

What’s the date today? It’s June 15th. 3) What colour is the car?

It’s red.

4) What size do you wear? 你穿多大号码?

Size 41.

5) What’s your father? 你爸爸是做什么工作?

He is a policeman.