外研版八年级上册英语期中考试题及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章外研版八年级上册英语期中考试题及答案更新完毕开始阅读b1993970227916888486d7af



( ) 1. Don’t be afraid of _____ mistakes when you speak English.

A. taking B. doing C. making D. offering

( ) 2. My father usually _____ newspaper in English after supper.

A. watches B. sees C. reads D. look at

( ) 3. Look at these new words. Please ________ in your notebook.

A.write it down B.write down it

C.write down them D.write them down

( ) 4. Drinking some water and milk ____ very good for you. A. are B. is C. be D. was ( ) 5.I have ______ homework this weekend.

A. too much B. much too C. too many D.many too ( ) 6.Do you often practice __________?

A. swim B. swimming C. swims D. to swim ( ) 7.I study English as _______as my brother.

A. hard B. harder C. hardest D. hardly ( ) 8. Which one is ________ , football or basketball?

A. more popular B. popular C. popularer D. much popular ( ) 9.The earth is getting ________ .

A. warm and warmer B. warmer and warm C. warmer and warmer D. warm, and warm

( ) 10. He comes to school much____________ than I.

A. early B. earlier C. the earlier D. earliest ( ) 11. The children are laughing ________. They look very ________.

A. happy, happy B. happily, happily C. happily, happy D. happy, happily


( ) 12.The young man drives _____ than he did three months ago. A. much carefully B. much more careful

C. much careful D. much more carefully

( ) 13.Harry Potter is an ___ book for children, but my cousin doesn’t seem at all__ in it. A.interesting;interesting B,interested;interested C.interesting;interested D.interested;interesting ( ) 14. ---Do you like western food?

---No.The food of our country is ____ that of western countries.

A.rather good than B.much better than C.more better than D.not so good as

( ) 15.The population of Shenzhen is than that of many other cities in China. A.larger B.taller C.lower D.more 二、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分 )


What is the best way to study? This is a very important question. Some Chinese students often__1__very hard for long hours. It is a_ 2__habit, but it is not a better way to study. An efficient(讲效率的) student must__3__enough sleep, enough food and enough rest. Every week you __4__to go out for a walk or visit some friends or some nice places. It's good__5__your study. When you return to your studies, you'll find yourself__6__than before and you'll learn more.

Maybe we can__7__that learning English is __8__taking Chinese medicine. We don't mean that it's bitter (苦的). We mean that like Chinese medicine, the efficiency of your study__9__ slowly but surely. _ 10__slowly but surely every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine. ( ) 1. A. play B. study C. sleep ( ) 2. A. best B. better C. good ( ) 3. A. have B. do C. want ( ) 4. A. want B. hope C. need ( ) 5. A. in B. for C. at ( ) 6. A. weaker B. stronger C. fatter


( ) 7. A. say B. guess C. talk ( ) 8. A. about B. on C.. like ( ) 9. A. returns B. comes C. gives ( ) 10. A. Sleep B. Know C. Learn

三、阅读理解。(A.B.C.每小题1分, D.每小题2分,共25分)

A Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 10:30~11:00am 2:00~4:00pm 12:00~6:00pm 10:30~11:30am 12:00~5:00pm 11:00am 10:00~12:00am 5:00~7:00pm visit Uncle Peter in General Hospital swimming class part-time job (业余工作) Appointment (约会) Mr. Green 12:00~5:00pm go to the airport to meet Sam Meet Dave to study for test Birthday party for Kate 阅读John的日程表,选择正确答案。 ( ) 1. __________ is ill in hospital.

A. Kate B. Peter C. John D. Sam ( ) 2. John has a swimming class on __________.

A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Thursday ( ) 3. John does his part-time job for _________ hours a week. A. five B. six C. ten D. eleven ( ) 4. John meets Sam __________.

A. at Dave’s house B. In the hospital C. at the airport D. Kate’s home ( ) 5. Kate’s birthday is from _________ to _________.

A. 2:00, 4:00 B. 12:00, 6:00 C. 12:00, 5:00 D. 5:00, 7:00




Name: Edward Scott School: Revin Grove State High School Grade: 7 Term ending: 6 May Subjects(科目): Mathematics

He is a little weak(弱)in this, but he has tried his best to catch up with others. Science

He can work out many difficulties. Well done! French

He is the best in the class. Keep it up. History

He is not so good at this, but has done better than before. Geography

He is familiar(熟悉的) with the names of many places in the world. Music

He doesn’t like pop songs, though sings very well. Conduct: Fair No. in class: 9 Absences: 8

Remarks(评语): Edward has the ability to do a lot better. More work is needed next term. Class teacher: Ivy

Principal: M. L. Martin

School reopens: 11 September

( ) 6. After reading this, we know this is_____. A. a studying plan of Edward Scott B. a teaching plan of Ivy

C. a school report of Edward Scott D. a working plan of M. L. Martin

( ) 7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到) in the passage? A. PE. B. Music C. Mathematics D. History ( ) 8. Edward’s best subject is______.

A. science B. English C. geography D. French