小学六年级英语第五单元同步过关检测题 联系客服

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小学六年级英语第五单元同步过关检测题 (福永中心小学)

一. 选择最佳答案. ( 20分)

( )1. Where are you _____________?

A. from B. come from C. live D. home

( )2. Please give_______ apple __________me.

A. a , to B. an, to C. a, for D. an, for ( )3. Show _________ __________ books.

A. my, your B. me, your C. I, your D. me, you ( )4. How_________can you stay here?

A. often B. many C. much D. long ( )5. Ants and bees ______________.

A. are work the hardest B. work more hardest C. work the hardest D. work the most hardest

( )6.Computer games are very__________. I am___________ in playing them.

A. interesting, interesting B. interesting, interested C . interested, interesting D. interested, interested

( )7. She can sing___________than me.

A. good B. well C. much better D. more better

( ) 8. There is a picture_______ cheetah _______the wall.

A. for, on B. of, in C. of, on D. for, up ( )9. _______pencil is this? It is_________.

A. Who, mine B. Whose, my C. Whose, mine D. Who, my ( )10. Beijing is _______________city in China.

A. one of the most beautiful B. one of the more beautiful C. more beautiful than D. much more beautiful

二. 完形填空. ( 20分)

There are four ________ in my family. Pat, Tim, Candy and I. We study in _______ school. Pat and I are in Class 3 Grade 4. Candy ______ in Class 2 Grade 5 last year. We are all _______ than Tim. He is _________, a little gentleman(绅士). We have ________ hobbies, Pat and Candy are good ________ drawing and painting. Candy is one of the best painter in our school. Tim is a good singer, he can sing very _______. I work ________ of the four. Because I have a dream, I want to be _______ astronaut in the future. I like space very much.

( )1. A child B childs C children D childrens ( )2. A same B the same C some D still ( )3. A is B was C were D are

( )4. A old B oldder C older D the older

( )5. A young B youngest C the younger D the youngest ( )6. A a lots of B a lot C lot of D lots of ( )7. A at B in C on D of

( )8. A good B nice C well D better

( )9. A hard B harder C hardest D the hardest ( )10. A a B an C the D \\

三. 用所给的单词的正确形式填空. (10分)

1. Peacocks are ___________than cocks. (beautiful) 2. I get up _______than Bill. (early)

3. When John ______ a snake, he gets sick. (see)

4. Don’t walk too ______ near the swimming pool. (quick) 5. You should study _____than last year. (hard) 四. 根据中文提示完成句子. (20分)

1. 乌龟走得太慢。麦克也不喜欢它们。

Turtles _____ _____ _____. Mike _____ like them _____. 2. 猎豹跑得比其它动物快。

______run _____ _____than _____ _____ animal. 3. 你不应该在课堂上大声说话。 You shouldn’t _____ ______ in class. 4. 我认为鲨鱼比鲸鱼更危险。

I think sharks are ______ _______than ______. 5. 你能比我游得快吗?

Can you ______ ______ than me? 6. 鹦鹉比黑猩猩重复得好。

______ can _______ ______ than gorillas. 五. 情景选择 (10分)

( )1. 你想知道别人最喜欢的动物应该怎样问?

A. What’s your favourite animal? B. I like the amazing animals. C. Why do you like animals?

( )2. 你想说猎豹跑得比狮子快该怎么说?

A. Cheetahs run the fastest.

B. Cheetahs run quicker than lions.

C. Cheetahs run more quickly than lions. ( )3. 你想知道去诊所怎么走,该怎么问?

A. Can I go to the clinic?

B. How can I get to the clinic? C. This way, please.

( )4. 别人捡到了你的书,你应该怎么说。

A. Thank you.

B. This is my book. C. Here’s your book.

( )5.你叫Tim, 你班里来了一个美国的小朋友,你该怎么介绍自己?

A. Excuse me, are you Tim? B. Hello, my name’s Tim. C. Hello, this is Tim. 六. 连词成句. (10分)

1. oldest, are, animals, the, of, one, on, Earth, the, pandas

2. very, this, diary, is, nice, elephant

3. turtles, than, can, more, climb, snakes, quickly

4. Jane, better, can, much, me, dance, than

5. live, whales, the, can, longest

七. 写作. (10分)

下面是六(4)班学生的关于最喜欢的动物的调查表。 请根据所给的信息用英语写一篇60字的短文。

Name Favourite animal Reason

Kevin tigers run very fast Jack whales get very old Tim parrots repeat well Peter sailfish swim very fast


一. 选择最佳答案. ( 20分)

A B B D C B C C C A 二. 完形填空. ( 20分)


三. 用所给的单词的正确形式填空. (10分)

1. more beautiful 2. earlier 3. sees 4. quickly 5. harder 四. 根据中文提示完成句子. (20分) 1. walk too slowly doesn’t either 2. cheetahs more quickly any other 3. talk loudly

4. more dangerous whales 5. swim faster

6. parrots repeat better 五. 情景选择 (10分)

1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B 六. 连词成句. (10分)

1. Pandas are one of the oldest animals on the Earth. 2. This elephant diary is very nice.

3. Snakes can climb more quickly than cats. 4. Jane can dance much better than me. 5. Whales can live the longest.