牛津译林版英语八下Unit2Travelling全单元教案8课时 联系客服

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我叔叔去过澳大利亚两次。 (已从澳大利亚回来。) Where's Xiao Wang? He has gone to the library. 小王在哪儿? have / has been to 表示当事人曾经去过某地。 他去图书馆了。(人不在这儿,在去图书馆的路上或在图书馆。) have / has gone to have / has been in 强调当事人在某地待了一段时间 现场,去了某地。说话时当事人不在 . 三者的常见用法 次数 been (to) + 地点 + 句子+ 段时间 / 地点 been (in) + 地点 gone (to) + eg I have been to Beijing twice. My parents and I have been in Hong Kong for two days. I heard you've gone to Thailand. Step4 Practice Part A1,2 1.书 ) (见课件2.改错 3.填空题。(见课件)Step5 Test 2 T1 ,课课练Homework Step 6 1.回忆本课所学内容。 完成《课课练》2. 教 学 反 思 课 题 教学目标 8B Unit 2 Travelling Grammar 2 课时 1 授课时间 14日月2016 年3 To learn to differentiate short actions and long actions. To learn to use short actions and long actions correctly in it. …/since…'To learn to change short actions into long ones in the sentences with ‘for 教 学 重难点 (importance) To learn to differentiate short actions and long actions. To learn to use short actions and long actions correctly. (importance) in it…'…‘To learn to change short actions into long ones in the sentences with for/since (importance) & (difficulty).

牛津译林版英语八下 Unit 2 Travelling全单元教案(8课时)

预习要求 To search for some short actions and long actions. 教学内容及活动设计 二次复备及教学随感 Step1 Checking Fill in the blanks. 1. Millie isn't here. She ________ to the library. 2. Peter and Simon ______ just ______ to the library.They borrowed some interesting books. 3. My cousin __________ to Xi'an twice. 4. My parents ___________ to Xi'an and they'll stay there for a week. 5. Daniel won't be with us at the party. He _________ to Shanghai. Step2 Lead—in Verbs with for and since 练习过渡。(见课件) Step 3 Learning 现在完成时表示动作或状态在过去已经开始,持续到现在可能还要持续下去,常和for, since引导的表示一段时间的时 间状语连用,谓语动词多用延续性动词。 如:live, teach, learn, work, study, be open, be closed, keep, have, be away, be married, be asleep, be ill等。 I have worked here since 2002. 自从2002年以来我就在这儿工作。 They have learned English for three years. 他们学英语3年了。 注意:1)since + 点时间, for + 段时间, 如:since last week, for two days。 2. 短暂性动词(come, go, leave, buy …)可 以用于现在完成时。但不能用于带有 for或是since的肯定句中。 3. 短暂性动词变为延续性动词的现在完成时构成举例: buy have / has had borrow have / has kept arrive have / has been in / at leave have / has been away open have / has been open join have / has been in have / has been a member of Step4 Practice 1.书P28 2.翻译题。(见课件) 3.选择题。(见课件) Step5 Test T3,4,5 课课练.

牛津译林版英语八下 Unit 2 Travelling全单元教案(8课时)

Step 6 Homework 1.回忆本课所学内容。 完成《课课练》的部分内容。2. 教 学 反 思 课 题 教学目标 8B Unit 2 Travelling Integrated skills 课时 1 授课时间 日3 月152016 年 To understand the text about the place and the time for tour To get useful information by listening and reading in order to finish some exercises.. To talk about the own tour plan. 学教 重难点 (importance) To understand the text about the place and the time for tour (importance)To talk about the own tour plan.exercises. some to finish and reading in order listening To get useful information by (Difficulty) 预习要求 To revise the changes in Sunshine Town. 教学内容及活动设计 Step 1 Checking﹠ Leading 1. 写出下列各句的同义句 。(用现在完成时) 1).Millie left Beijing two days ago . 2).I bought this bag five days ago . 3).She has keep this book for three weeks . 4).The rainy season stopped last week . 2 Having a free discussion A: Do you like traveling? B: Yes, I do. B: I have been to. A: Where have you been? B: Last year A: When did you go there? B: Maybe A: What places will you visit this year? .2.Teaching the new words. Step 2 Learning the check twice and PartA1. the 1.Listen to tape and complete Listen answers with your partners. the check and twice Listen PartA2. complete and tape the to 2.Listen 二次复备及教学随感