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C. is not started D. not be started

76. ____________ at the price list, he'd have known what would happen in the end. A. Had Mr. Robinson looked B. For Mr. Robinson looked C. Have Mr. Robinson looked D. Before Mr. Robinson looked

77. If he _______ the policeman honestly, he would not have been arrested. A. would answer B. answer C. should answer D. had answered

78. Is there anything you want from the town? I am going to get _______. A. these letters mail B. these letters mailed C. mailed these letters D. to mail these letters

79. _______, Ray is the most popular writer today. A. Because his books were sold ten millions B. Because of ten millions of his books were sold C. Selling ten millions of his books

D. Having sold ten million copies of his books

80. He appeared __________ what had been said, though he heard just fine. A. to hear B. have not heard C. to be hearing D. not to have heard

81. My parents encouraged me to be a doctor, but I _______ until they changed my mind. A. don't want B. didn't want C. didn't want to D. don't want to be

82. He denied __________ these computers before. A. to see B. saw C. seen D. having seen

83. Jane ran back to the kitchen, eggs ____________ in her hands. A. were held carefully B. were carefully held C. were holding carefully D. held carefully

84. All flights _________ because of the storm, they decided to take the train. A. having canceled B. having been canceled C. were canceled D. have been canceled

85. _________, Henry Lee went on leave from the Army in 1782. A. His health failing B. His health is failing C. His health was failed D. His health is failed

86. After Stephen's sudden ____________ during the meeting, he was rushed to hospital. A. collapse B. stress C. cripple D. bang

87. If you have difficulty ____________ a particular book, please ask one of the librarians for assistance. A. to locate B. locate C. locating D. of locating

88. A fire started in the plane, and the pilot was forced to make an ____________ landing. A. emergence B. merging C. emerging D. emergency

89. I'm sorry ____________ your meeting, but may I speak with Michael for a moment? A. interrupting B. to interrupt C. in interrupting D. have interrupted

90. When someone ____________, they gradually change from being a child into being an adult. A. grows on B. grows out