支持向量机matlab实例及理论 - 20131201 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章支持向量机matlab实例及理论 - 20131201更新完毕开始阅读b2cf018069eae009591bec8e




0.1Linear classification(线性分类)

%Two Dimension Linear-SVM Problem, Two Class and Separable Situation %Method from Christopher J. C. Burges:


%Optimizing ||W|| directly:

% Objective: min \% Subject to: yi*(xi*W+b)-1>=0, function (12); clear all; close all clc;

sp=[3,7; 6,6; 4,6;5,6.5] % positive sample points nsp=size(sp);

sn=[1,2; 3,5;7,3;3,4;6,2.7] % negative sample points nsn=size(sn) sd=[sp;sn]

lsd=[true true true true false false false false false] Y = nominal(lsd)

figure(1); subplot(1,2,1)

plot(sp(1:nsp,1),sp(1:nsp,2),'m+'); hold on

plot(sn(1:nsn,1),sn(1:nsn,2),'c*'); subplot(1,2,2)

svmStruct = svmtrain(sd,Y,'showplot',true);

0.2 NonLinear classification(非线性分类)(平方核函数)

clear all; close all clc;

sp=[3,7; 6,6; 4,6; 5,6.5] % positive sample points nsp=size(sp);

sn=[1,2; 3,5; 7,3; 3,4; 6,2.7; 4,3;2,7] % negative sample points nsn=size(sn) sd=[sp;sn]

lsd=[true true true true false false false false false false false] Y = nominal(lsd)



plot(sp(1:nsp,1),sp(1:nsp,2),'m+'); hold on



% svmStruct = svmtrain(sd,Y,'Kernel_Function','linear', 'showplot',true);

svmStruct = svmtrain(sd,Y,'Kernel_Function','quadratic', 'showplot',true);

% use the trained svm (svmStruct) to classify the data

RD=svmclassify(svmStruct,sd,'showplot',true) % RD is the classification result vector

0.3 Gaussian Kernal Classification(高斯核函数分类)

clear all; close all clc;

sp=[5,4.5;3,7; 6,6; 4,6; 5,6.5] % positive sample points nsp=size(sp);

sn=[1,2; 3,5; 7,3; 3,4; 6,2.7; 4,3;2,7] % negative sample points nsn=size(sn) sd=[sp;sn]

lsd=[true true true true true false false false false false false false] Y = nominal(lsd)

figure(1); subplot(1,2,1)

plot(sp(1:nsp,1),sp(1:nsp,2),'m+'); hold on

plot(sn(1:nsn,1),sn(1:nsn,2),'c*'); subplot(1,2,2) svmStruct =


% svmStruct = svmtrain(sd,Y,'Kernel_Function','quadratic', 'showplot',true);

% use the trained svm (svmStruct) to classify the data RD=svmclassify(svmStruct,sd,'showplot',true) % RD is the classification result vector


0.4 Svmtrain Function

svmtrain Train a support vector machine classifier

SVMSTRUCT = svmtrain(TRAINING, Y) trains a support vector machine (SVM) classifier on data taken from two groups. TRAINING is a numeric matrix of predictor data. Rows of TRAINING correspond to observations; columns correspond to features. Y is a column vector that contains the known