牛津译林版八年级英语下册8BUnit5 Good manners 教案(表格式) 联系客服

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8B Unit 5 Good manners 课时 1 授课日期 课 题 Welcome to the unit & comic strip To know about the good manners in public. 教学目标 To talk about how to behave politely in public. To get students to develop the habit of good manners. 教 学 重难点 预习要求 To know about the good manners in public. (Importance) To talk about how to behave politely in public. (Importance) To talk about how to behave politely in public. (Difficulty) To think about how to behave politely in public. 教学内容及活动设计 Step 1 Checking Let the students try to read the new words Step 2 Lead –in 1.Free talk Do you want to be good citizens(公民)? How can you be good citizens? 2. Show some pictures and ask if they are doing the right things Step 3 Learning Let the Ss look at the pictures in Part A on Page 65 and teach some phrases Step 4 Practising 1. Finish Part A on Page 65 2. Let the students answer some questions about the pictures Step 5 Lead-in Ask: What should we do and shouldn’t we do in the library? Step 6 Learning Listen to the conversation on Page 65 and fill in the form In the library ______ ______ We should _____ the library ______ _____ _____ the books after reading chat or _____ in the library We shouldn’t _____ _____ everywhere _____ in the books


二次复备及教学随感 Step 7 Practice Discussion: What should we do in a public place? We should…. What shouldn’t we do in a public place? We shouldn’t…. Step 8 Lead-in Ask: Do you think Hobo will share his things with others? What about Eddie? Step 9 Learning 1.Read and answer the following questions. (1). Do you think Eddie really wants to teach Hobo? (2). What does Eddie teach Hobo? (3). What does Eddie really want from Hobo? 2.Language points Step 10 Practice Read the conversation aloud Step 11 Testing Translate some phrases Step 12 Homework 1. 记忆词汇、词组和句型。 2. 背诵Comic strip 和B部分的对话。 3. 预习Reading 板书 设计 教 后 记 2

课 题 8B Unit 5 Good manners Reading 1 To know about some good manners in the UK. 教学目标 To grasp the main idea of the conversation. To lead students to behave politely in public. 课时 1 授课日期 教 学 重难点 预习要求 To know about some good manners in the UK. (importance) To finish some exercises according the conversation. (importance) To grasp the main idea of the conversation. (difficulty) To search the Internet for the good manners in the UK. 教学内容及活动设计 Step1 Checking Translate them into English: 1. 随处扔垃圾 2. 打断他人 3. 在图书馆保持安静 4. 在公园摘花 5. 遵守交通规则 6. 排队等候你的顺序 7.(你)活到老学到老。 8. 你现在年龄已大到学习有关礼仪方面的知识了。 9. 你不应该任水龙头流水。 10. 恐怕不是。 Step2 Lead—in Have a free talk:What do you usually do when you greet people ?Do you start a conversation with weather when you talk with others ? What will you do if someone is in your way ? Step3 Learning 1. Learn some new words and complete Part B1. 2.Skimming Read the article quickly and answer the questions. What is the conversation about? Who is Daniel talking to?


二次复备及教学随感 3. Scanning Read the dialogue carefully and answer some more questions. 1). What is the proper way to greet people in the UK? 2).Who do they greet with a kiss? 3).How do British people start a conversation? 4).Do they talk about age? 5).How do they behave in public? 6). Are British people polite at home? 7).What else should we pay attention to in public? Step4 Practice Find the detailed information and finish the table. Read the passage again and complete PartsB2.3 Talk about the questions in Part C. Step5Test 完成课课练47页T一、二。 Step6 Homework Finish off the exercises in the Exercise Book . Try to remember the manners in the UK. 板书 设计 教 后 记