新目标八年级英语下第五单元第三课时导学案 - 图文 联系客服

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班级: ______ 姓名:__________ 1、1b Listen and circle the description words you hear in the box in 1a. 2、1c Listen again. Write down the words John and Mary use to describe the TV showSection B (1a-1d) movies. 3、check the answers in pairs..4、listen and repeat after the tape. 课题 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 单元课时 Period 3 教学内容 学习 5、read the dialogue aloud.. 6、talk about John and Mary use the words to describe the TV shows or movies.(1d) 【达标检测】 I.按要求改写句子。 1.Mary loves her belt very much.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ Mary _____ _____ her belt? 2.Mike is a boy of twelve.(改为同义句)Mike is a __________ boy. 3.Why not have a party?(改为同义句) _____ _____ _____ a party? 教学目标:1.会读背单词和短语:meaningless, action, cartoon, enjoyable, scary 目标 movie 2.会运用句型描述对其喜好程度: (1)----What does your father think of the watch? ----He doesn’t mind it. 导学过程 【自主互助学习】 词性变换: 4.What do you think of the pen?(改为同义句) _____ do you _____ the pen? 5.I think this picture is beautiful.(对划线部分提问) What _____ you _____ _____ this picture? 1.education(形容词) 2.wonder(形容词) II.阅读理解 3.enjoy(形容词) 4.excite(形容词) My name is Gina. I like comedies very much. But my parents don’t like them. They 5.relax(形容词) 6meaning(形容词) documentaries. They don’t think comedies are interesting, and I think comedies are boring. 7serious(比较级) 8.comedy(复数) never go to the movies with my parents. I often go to the movies with my good friends. 9.plan(过去式) 10.discuss(名词) John is my friend. Tom Hanks is his favorite actor. He collects the pictures, reports, and m重点词组 VCDs of him. But I love Harrison Ford best. He’s old but attractive(吸引人的). My cousin 1.talk show 2.game shows also loves Harrison Ford. Ann and I have many things in common. For example, we both 3.肥皂剧,连续剧: 4.体育节目 comedies. And we also like thrillers, though they’re so scary. 5.介意做某事 6.action movie Gina’s parents like _____. 7.talent show 8.scary movie A. comedies B. documentaries C. both A and B 9. comedy shows 10.enjoy doingsth Gina thinks documentaries _____. 【合作探究】 A. boring B .interesting C. fun 小组完成1b、1c 1d John _____ Tom Hanks. 第1页,共 2页

A. doesn’t like B .can’t stand C. likes Ann _____ Harrison Ford. A. loves B. doesn’t mind C. hates The _____ are scary, but Gina likes them. A. comedies B. action movies C .thrillers III.根据汉语意思,完成下列句子。 1. 你妈妈认为访谈节目怎么样? What does your mother ____________ ____________ talk shows? 2. 她从不看体育节目。She ____________ ____________ sports shows. 3. 你计划看体育节目吗?Do you ________ ________ watch sports shows? 4. 妈妈不同意我的想法。My mother doesn’t ____________ __________ me. IV.单选 1. He ________Beijing is very interesting. A. think B. thinks 2. Mark ______a lot about Chinese history. A. learn B. learns C. think D. thinks 3. —_______pictures does Ben like? — He likes the pictures of Beijing Opear. A. What kind B. What kind of C. what kinds 4. _______action movies are very interesting. A. China B. Chinese C. The China 课后作业:选择填空 ( )1.I don’t mind you with your English. A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps ( )2.I can’t stand the terrible TV show. A.watch B.watching C.to watch D.watched ( )3. —What do you the movie? —It is very educational. A.think of B.like C.like of D.think

( )4.we should Lei Feng. A.learn from B.learn with C.learn to D.learn after ( )5.Let’s here,let him there. A.sit,stand B.to sit, to stand C.to sit,stand D.sit,to stand ( )6.She often plans something to help others. A.to do B.does C.do D.doing ( )7.—What happened you yesterday? —I happened meet my old friend,Lucy. A.to,to B.with, to C.to,with D.with,with ( )8.They are trying what is going on around the world. A.look for B.to look for C.to find out D.find out ( )9.Does John want talk show? A.to watch B.watch C.watches D.watchs ( )10. There isn’t in today’s newspaper. A.something new B.new something C.anything new D.new anything D. What kinds of ( )11. Mulan is exciting movie. It comes from old Chinese story. A.an,an B.a,an C.an,a D.a,a D. The Chinese ( )12. Kong Fansen is educational movie,most people felt . A.an, exciting B.an,excited C.a,exciting D.a excited I、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.I can’t s the music. Please turn off the player. 2.Did you hear the n —three boys died in a river this summer? 3.Jenny is very funny. He often tells j . 4.Chen Jingrun is very f scientist on China. 5.He often d up like a girl. 6.He is very r but his brother is very poor. 第2页,共 2页

C. like