《语言教学的流派第二版》自己整理的笔记 联系客服

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教师作为一名专业人士应该受到尊重。Respect for each teacher as a professional. We see it as an approach based on key principles about language (language as a whole) and learnig (writing, reading, listening, and speaking should be interated in learning). 二、Approach

1. Language Theory:

socially international perspectiveThis perapective is most obviously a social one that views language as a vehicle for human communication and in which there is an interactional relationship between readers and writers.

Heavy emphasis in whole language is placed on “authenticity,” on engagement with the authors of written texts, and also on conversation.

psycho-linguistically perspectiveThe Whole Language also views language psycholinguistically as a vehicle for internal “interaction,” for egocentric speech, for thinking.

A founctional model of language is always seen as something that is used for meaningful purposes and to carry out authentic functions. 2. Learning Theory Humanistic school Constructivist school 三、Design

? Objectives: Language should be taught as a whole, integration of reading, writing and other skills

? Syllabus: No specific syllabus

? Learning activities: student-centered learning

? Teacher roles: facilitator, active participant, supporter

? Students roles: collaborator, evaluator, self-director, selector ? The role of instruction materials: real-world materials 四、Procedure

4 classroom features: the use of literature; the use of process writing; encouragement of cooperative learning among students; concern for students’ attitude Approach/Method Teaching Features Whole language learning as a whole; meaning, authentic and real texts, student-center; focus on fluency rather than accuracy


lexis is center; aim to deliver advanced conversational proficiency quickly; students' confidence, relaxing environment, abandon their fear. Community Language Student-center; reduce anxiety; lack of syllabus; real community; Learning focus on fluency rather than accuracy The Silent Way teacher is silent; students create/discover; vocabulary (pronunciation)and grammar teaching language through physical activity; grammar-based; stimulus-response; relaxing environment; action-based drills; for beginners dialogues & drills, stimulus-response, reinforcement, habit formation strong emphasis on oral practice, grammar and sentence pattern Suggestopedia Total Physical Response The Audiolingual Method Situational Language Leaching

第十章 多元智能法

Multiple intelligence refers to a learner-based philosophy that characterizes human intelligence as

having multiple dimensions that must be acknowledged and developed in education.


Howard Gardner霍华德·加德纳 Gardner(1993) proposed a view of natural human talents that is labeled the “Multiple Intelligences Model”.


Theory of language learningThere is more to a language than what is usually subsumed under linguistics.

Language learning and use Linguistic intelligence

Intelligences are separate but equal and each of them share the pinnacle at the top of the hierarchy.



1. Objectives: Making the language learner a better designer of his/her own learning experiences, who will become empowered, more fulfilled, more goal-directed.

2. Syllabus: around intelligence: awaken-amplify-teach-transfer 3. Learning activities:

? ? ? ? ?

Multiple intelligence projects Curriculum-based project Thematic-based projects Resource-based projects Students-based projects

4. Role of teachers:Curriculum developers, lesson designers and analysts, activity finders

or inventors, most critically orchestrators of a rich array of multisensory activities.is not only to improve the second language abilities but also the overall development of students' intelligence.

5. Role of learners: Learners are encouraged to see their goals in broader terms. 6. Procedure


四、Compare and conclusion

第十一章 Neurolinguistic Programming(NLP)神经语言程序法

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is a training philosophy and set of training techniques first developed by Grindler and Richard Bandler in the mid-1970s as an alternative form of therapy.


1. Founder:

Grindler and Richard Bandler are interested in :

? How people influence each other and how the behaviors of very effective people could be


? Discovering how successful communicators achieved their success.

2. Definition: NLP......is a collection of techniques,partterns, and strategies for assisting effective communication, personal growth and chage, and learning. It is based on a series of underlying assumptions about how the mind works and how people act and interact.