牛津英语A第一单元测试卷 联系客服

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牛津英语4A 第一单元测试卷

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听录音,选出你所听到的单词或音标。(7) ( ) 1. A. banana B. pear C. peach ( ) 2. A. red B. brown C. zebra ( ) 3. A. ruler B. rubber C. pen ( ) 4. A. / a: / B. / e / C. / / ( ) 5. A. here B. hair C. how

( )6。A.Mr Li B.Mrs Li C. Miss Li

( )7.A.Come in B. Come here C.Come down

( )8.A.Here’s a card for you B.Here’s a cap for you C.Here’s a cat for you Ⅲ听录音,选择合适的应答句。(10)

( ) 1. A. Thank you. B. OK. C. All right.

( ) 2. A. All right. B. Yes. Come in, please. C. Thanks. ( ) 3. A. Sure. Here you are. B. No. C. Thank you.

( ) 4. A. Fine, thank you. B. Good afternoon. C. Good morning. ( )5.A. Two rubbers B. Sure . C. It’s a ruler Ⅳ听录音,完成下列对话。(10)

Helen: May I come ________ , Miss Li ? Miss Li: Come in , .

Helen: May I have ______ ________ ? Miss Li : Sure . you are .

_______ notebook is ______ Nancy .

Helen: _____ _ .

, Miss Li .


Ⅰ判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,相同的打‘T’,不同的打‘F’。(6) ( ) 1. cap cat ( ) 2. ruler rubber ( ) 3. big boy ( ) 4. pen pencil ( ) 5. book bookmark ( )6. pencil case Ⅱ英汉互译。(10)

1. 早上好 2. 两支圆珠笔 3. 教师节 4. 在你的笔袋里 5. 那块橡皮 6. this copybook 7. 进来 8. all right 9. 看一看 10. Mr Green Ⅲ单项选择。(10)

( ) 1. This pencil is you.

A. to B. for C. of ( ) 2. —Good morning, Mr Wang. — .

A. Good morning. B. Good night. C. Goodye. ( ) 3. May I have orange?

A. a B. that C. an D. B and C ( ) 4. ——This tape is . —All right. A. for you B. for me C. for Helen

( ) 5. —What’s in your pencil case? — . A. All right. B. A school bag. C. A rubber ( ) 6. The cat and the big cap for the boy. A. is B. are C. am

( ) 7. —May I have ? —Sure. A. school bag B. bookmark C. a look ( ) 8. —Here you are. — . A. Thank you. B. Yes. C. All right. ( ) 9. Gao is his mother. A. Mr B. Mrs C. Miss

( ) 10.——Here’s a card for David.—

A. Thank you. B. OK. C. Sure. Here you are. Ⅳ 改错.(5)

( ) 1. May I have a this book? A B C

( ) 2. I’ve got three bookmark. A B C

( ) 3. The ruler red is on the desk. A B C

( ) 4. Here is some books for you. A B C D

( ) 5. It’s in you pencil case. A B C


( ) 1. 当你想要一本故事书时,你说:

A. It’s a new storybook. B. This storybook is for me. C. May I have a storybook?

( ) 2. 你向同桌借一块橡皮,他会说:

A. May I have a rubber? B. Yes. Thank you. C. Sure. Here you are. ( ) 3. 教师节到了,你对老师说:

A. Happy New Year! B. Happy birthday! C. Happy Teachers’ Day! ( ) 4. 你给大卫一本抄写本,对他说:

A. Here’s a copybook for David. B. Here’s a copybook for you, David. C. Thank you.

( ) 5. 你想知道同学的文具盒里有什么,你问:

A. What’s in your pencil box? B. What’s that in your pencil case?

C. A knife and two rubbers Ⅵ连词成句。(10)

1. have, I, a, toy, for, train, may, Liu Tao ( ? )

2. car, a , here’s, you, for (.)

3. bookmark, this, is, for, Helen ( . )

4. school bag, in, what, your, is ( ? )

5. park, to, let’s, go, the, now ( . )

Ⅶ 排序。( 5 )

( ) Here’s a card for you. ( ) Thank you.

( ) Good afternoon, Mum ( ) Good afternoon.

( ) Happy Mother’s Day! Ⅷ阅读理解。(6)

A: May I come in , Miss Li ? B: Come in , please .

A: May I have a copybook ? B: OK .Here you are .

A: May I have an English book for my sister , Su Yang ? B: All right .

( )1. Who wants (想要) a copybook ? A. Miss Li B. Su Yang C. Su Hai ( ) 2. Where is Miss Li ?

A. Perhaps she’s in the bedroom .

B. Perhaps she’s in the office(办公室). C. Perhaps she’s on the playground (操场) . ( ) 3. Su Yang wants ________.

A. a copybook B . an English book C. I don’t know . Ⅸ 翻译句子,没空一词。(8)

1. 我可以拿个笔袋吗?可以,给你。 May I have a ?

.Here are. 2. 这本笔记本是给你的。 谢谢!

This is for you. you! 3. 这儿有一个苹果给你妹妹。好的。

Here’s apple for sister. .