2008年3月上海中级口译真题(文本+音频+答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2008年3月上海中级口译真题(文本+音频+答案)更新完毕开始阅读b4ccfb2cb4daa58da0114af7

According to the talk, how can we reopen to the speaker's message? Question 26

To which of the following does the man compare poor listeners? Q27-30

W: Recently artist Samuel Cliff and writer Dan Archer took our readers by surprise with their new comment book entitled Tales Up The Forest. With a diverse cast of characters, and a craze story that reflex upon both reality and unreality, Samuel has once again exposed his unique art to a much larger audience. Here in the studio we are happy to have you with us. Samuel, as an artist where have you been, and where are you going? M: well, I'd like to think that my past as an artist has been an interesting one as far. Stylistically there have been a lot of changes; I started out with a chunky organic brush style, very popular that time. Back then when I did my first book, My Dollar, I had a feeling that comments would just too precious, and I want my work to be bold. I still enjoy working that way. But since then my Interests have changed. Half way through my \on the Little Cat\that's my second series, I move towards a more linear style, which is something I always loved. I've been trying a little variations on things out since then, and now I am trying to push towards a more graphic work. I really loved doing color work.

W: I'd say your works have been fully eclectic in tone and story, do you agree?

M: Yeah, eclectic is a good word for it. I try to take on a project that seems interesting to me, I can't imagine working on just one kind of story for the rest of my life.

W: You are, em, for lack of a better term, all-inclusive artist, meaning you usually ink your own pencils and keep you own style, can you stand to be influenced by someone else?

M: I have been influenced by others in the past, and we've all done an outstanding job. It's the nature of collaboration, isn't it? The thing is now I really enjoying having control over the final look of the art work.

W: what is it about the company you've giving it so much of your time and effort as an artist?

M: It's a very nurturing environment. My editors are all open to new ideas. They've encouraged me to push my abilities and grow. It's a great place to be. And I wonder they keep renewing my contract. Q27: What is the man's job?

Q28: What's the man trying to do now for his works?

Q29: What's the woman's comment about the man's artistic works? Q30: What does the man say about the company with whom he has contracts?

Sentence Translation

1、 Most people are too anxious during tests. Such anxiety makes them less efficient than normal. As a result, their scores are much lower than they expected.


2. The office of Mr. Arthur Tiger, the prominent industrialist, was broken into during the weekend. A small amount of money was taken and the office itself was left in a terrible mess.

著名实业家阿瑟 泰格的办公室周末遭劫,少量现金失窃,办公室内一片狼藉。 3. A job interview works both ways. On the one hand, employers measure shortlisted candidates during the conversation. On the other, prospective employees can decide whether the job in question is right for them. 工作面试是双向选择的过程。一方面,雇主会在交谈中衡量入围名单中的候选人,另一方面,准雇员也在考虑眼前的这份工作是否适合他。

4. The stock exchange index was 998 in June, 2005. Yesterday, it reached 5, 960 which is the highest in history and almost 6 times higher than 2 year ago.

股票指数在2005年6月是998. 昨天,达到5,960. 这是历史最高峰,股指比两年前升了六倍。

5. By far, the most serious economic problem in Britain is that of inflation, now being accelerated by overheated investment in capital and property and threatened further by a possible wage explosion.

英国目前最严重的经济问题是通货膨胀。资本和资产投资过热已经在推波助澜,而如果工资猛增,则令这个问题雪上加霜。 Passage translation

1. Water is great medicine needed to maintain a healthy body and a clear mind. About 60%of your body is water and you must constantly resupply it. The standard recommendation is to drink at least 8 glasses a day. When you are exercising, your need even more water because you are sweating and losing water. Of course, warm temperatures also increase water loss. Just walking for an hour on a warm day may increase your requirement by 2 glasses or more.


2. Some people might think that being a foreign student is an easy task to do. It is not true. We live between two worlds. One, a world of memories, a world of the past where we get our strength to deal with the difficulties of growing up to and adapting to new places, a world that nobody here knows. Two, a world of the present, strange and unfamiliar. A world where only we can take care of ourselves. A world where the rules and values are so different from the ones I was born to.





即使时至今日,\丑如罪恶\这种表达也没有被人遗忘。当然了,对美丽也有类似的说法,比如\情人眼里出西施\就能与之相对。的确,大多数人的审美观都相似,而且现代生物学研究也证明了人在评定异性的美丑时标准都很一致。这并不是绝对真理,也没有其它的深入研究能够辅助证明。但无论如何,这都是种本能,基本上应归结于人类的进化优势。 中译英答案:

With the successful launch of its first lunar probe, China has realized its millennial dream of flying to the moon, ushered in the new era of

entering the space and exploring the mystery of universe, which marks China's access to the ranking of the world's advanced countries capable of probing the moon. It constitutes the milestone of China to promote independence and innovation and to build a country of innovation, the historic advance of China in the conquest of the world's scientific and technological peak, the momentous contribution of China to world peace and human utilization of outer space. All the Chinese people are

overwhelmed with pride in the glorious achievement of our great country!